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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. I just knew if they could find a way to score after killing off the 5 on 3 at the start of the 3rd it was game over. Caps are extreamly fun to watch. Keeps me sane during the winter. Tough to get tix anymore for home games. Wish I could have been there to watch little crybaby get 1 up'd on national tv....... Priceless!!!!!
  2. Holy crap Josh, that it soooo funny!!! No way could I hang. Those rules are begging for you to be trashed about 5 mins in!!!!
  3. Such a pain in the tucas snow as well. Very heavy, sticks to the shovel. I think I'm done for the day shovel wise. Flexerall, bourbon, advil, sleep, repeat....Do we have to look forward to this again on Tuesday / Wednesday ? I guarantee I've got a cubic ton of snow to remove from behind my two vehicles. A great deal of my Sunday is gonna suck!!
  4. It's awsome. I've shoveled twice now as well, not gonna do it again till the am. I just have to keep it off my wifes jeep top!! Now all it's doing is snowing at about 2" per hour and blowing. My last outing to clear snow was a bout with futility. Shovel a bit, look behind you and wonder what you just shoveled!!!! Bourbon, tequila, beer...... Not necessarily in that order
  5. Wife has confirmed case of flu. Very cool considering she got the flu shot!! I had to go to the neighborhood Giant not once but twice yesterday. Still trying to get over the shock of it all. Every checkout 5 deep fully packed cart and 20 deep in the pharmacy line. It was great!!
  6. Looked like he was releasing a greling(sp) or something. In the slowmo it looked as if the fish had a very tall dorsal. Very cool video and the scream was perfect for a fly fishing sissy boy!!!
  7. Ohhhhhhhh........ forgot about Clint flicks. Any spagetti western or kirasowa(sp) adaptation. Good, bad, and the ugly. Unforgiven, pale rider. Comedy, overboard with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn is very underrated. I always thought the original robocop was a gem. Most people thought it was a futuristic drama, but I really think it is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen...... so over the top. The scene when they just unload on Peter Weller. So many bullets, towards the end he just starts saying " ow, ow, ow" and then they just stop and complain they have no more amo!! Too funny!!
  8. Thanks. Shawshank is right there as well. My wife does not understand why I will sit down and watch these movies start to finish or even if I catch them already in progress. I would also have to put Braveheart in as well. Got a strong bit of Scottish hearitage.
  9. To kill a mockingbird. They just don't make movies like that anymore. I don't know why I like it so much. Just such a pure storyline. That was Robert Duvall's big screen debut.
  10. Looks like he's got a happly little cloud workin' in that picture!!
  11. Winning a little jack and the admiration of other anglers is very addicting!!
  12. plus a new car payment????
  13. I understand the national pasttime and all, and Aaron, yes, European fans have the right idea. I guess the problem I have with the original, first closing of the schools in Indy goes back to the work ethic post. How can anyone have that kind of attitude in the workplace? Josh, you and others who have the foresite to actually schedule the day off, kudos. Those who take the attitude of " I called in sick, not my problem" that's when I take issue.
  14. Josh, I would expect nothing less from you.....
  15. Because the Colts are in the Superbowl, the schools in the area will be opening late on Monday. The reason is that last time the Colts were in the big game the school system had to cancel school that day 'cause all the bus drivers called in sick!! Wish I could get away with that kind of irresponsible behavior. It's a game people, you really got to party it up to the point of not being able to do your job the next day?? I guess it's better than the alternative, they show up at work to drive the bus still drunk from the night before!!
  16. I must be too thick to get that one.
  17. Largemouth, maybe 5. Smallmouth, maybe 2 3/4. The eyes don't lie!!
  18. Wow, dominion is almost accross the street from me, I wonder if he accepts drop off/pick up? I've got a couple I wouldn't mind fixin' up. I'm gonna give him a call.
  19. Never could get a taste for scotch. I've tried some beauties too!! For some reason it all ens up tasting like dirt water :-? Something about being a southern boy has always made me more partial to bourbon!!
  20. Done it twice. Same lure, two different places. Tiny torpedo...... First time, tying on the lure, pulling lime tight with tag end in my teeth. Line broke pulling back treb in my lip past the barb, that was fun!! Second time, fishing around dusk, caught on the end of weed. Pulled a bit to hard to free it and it came back at me " just like a torpedo". All I herd was the prop on that bad boy ripping back at me at warp speed!! Put my arm up to protect my face and it hit me right in the forearm. Waited for it to hit the deck of the boat and realized that wasn't happening 'cause it was hurried in my arm past the barb. Both times was able to remove hooks from flesh with a bit of flesh and blood. Nothing worth going to ER for but I don't fish with torpedo's anymore!!!
  21. Low tide tomorrow is at about 3:30 pm. I would be down to fish either in the pm.
  22. Wow Chris, be nice. Thai was nice enough to show me this magic spot as it is quite a sight to see!! Some very nice fish in the mix. Thai, don't put up with any of the nonsense XL throws out here, he loves to stir the pot!!(that was funny) Chris is a big bass freak, he does not enjoy the 'lil ones. He's more likley to go fish somewhere that has the possibility of double digit fish. Chris, if you want to get into the big snakeheads it would be in your best interest to get ahold of these guys come summertime!!
  23. Dan#, Aaron, I had no idea you were big smokers. I use to dabble about 10 years ago. Had a friend who ran a wine shop and he would turn me on to some awsome cigars!! Then I started getting into nice tequilas and bourbons. Those two things go together well, just tough to do both fiscally!!! Tell ya what, we need to get together. I'll bring some nice high end tequilla if you guys bring the sticks!!
  24. Root, check out masala chai, aruvedic(sp), toasted nut brule. Those are big in my rotation right now.
  25. Wonder if anyone has had any success with that. It looks very interesting!
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