Wow, awsome way to teach your child to to be a competitor. I think I would have my kids play up to the next level. If he's trouncing kids his own age, jump up an age group or weight class and let him go!
I think this thread got off to a different direction. Adults are one thing, being unmotivated or thinking you are entitled to something is one thing. Kids that are talented or more developed at a young age is a whole other issue. Either way, things need to change in terms of the way we approach the generations of young people growing up in the United States. I don't have any kids, and I'm sure it's not an easy thing to do raising them in today's world. I have friends that do things the right way as well as what I think is questionable at best! If it was easy, everyone would have 10+ kids! I just think we can all do a better job of making things right for all generations.