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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. Yep, guys that won had their second 27lb bag! They found a trick that happens out there from time to time and took full advantage of it!! My partner and I struggled and only weighed in 1 fish, at least it was 4lbs!
  2. A very minuscule number of fish on beds at the res. Fish caught in the tx on the res, people were catching staging fish, not bedders. Maybe next week you can find a better concentration of fish bedding but as of now, the fish out there are confused and not willing to do much unless you cover a lot of water and keep your bait in the water!
  3. A sharp stick in the eye! And baseball!!
  4. Sounds like you better listen to the boy and get you a boat when you get back!! LOL!!
  5. the satusaki (sp) craws are a nice flipping bait. Pretty bulky for a trailer, believe me I tried!
  6. If you are fishing with a rod that is not specifically designed for cranking, switch to mono. The added stretch will help you keep the fish hooked up! If you purchase a cranking rod, I would stick with the floro! Some more info would be helpful, deep cranking, shallow, size bait.
  7. Considering you had no manual Bird Dog, it could have been worse! Slo.......... I bet they just dropped their heads and slowly walked away!
  8. Thanks freebie, I appreciate the response!
  9. I have a tohatsu18 2 stroke and was wondering if anyone has purchased or used turning point aluminum props. You purchase the hub and prop individually. Looks like a strong, light weight prop but a chinsy hub assembly. Not overly expensive, but am I looking at a you get what you pay for type of thing??!!
  10. Learned about that last week from a co-worker, didn't know he had a lot to do with Sammy Hagars success and was also thought to be the next Jimmi!
  11. I have a joint account with my wife and use it to purchase all of my fishing equipment. She knows I work hard and if I need something I get it. I don't need to hide behind another account!! (just pokin' fun blvd!)
  12. Thanks Troy. We did ok in the tx today, 16.09. Winners just slayed them! Two bags over 26 and 4 others over 20. Still impressive for our 6 fish limit for buddy tx's! 3 fish over 6lbs with the biggest at 6.66 lbs. Partner and I each missed big fish that would have put us over 20lbs. Overall it was a fun day for the first tx of the year!
  13. 5-12 on the res yesterday!
  14. Man rule, yes, I apply it when ever possible. When I gotta go pizzle and the only open urinal is smack dab in between, ima make water!
  15. First tx on Sunday, I have tomorrow off, I have soooo much stuff to do to be ready!! Might fish half day and use the other half to go thru tackle and such. I have a pretty good idea about what I want to do based on my last outing and reports from friends that have also been out during the week. Huntsman on the other hand has been a little disappointing! Only one fish from there this year. I did meet vaparrothead today and we exchanged stories about local spots! I'll let you all know how it goes if I get out tomorrow!
  16. Nice fish endless, looks like you had a very nice day!!
  17. Brick, yes, they could be more respectful. Bottom line is, they don't care! Most of the rowers that are in the private clubs that go out of Sandy Run are very courteous. The high school and college teams are another matter entirely. They have had run of the land for so long, they don't think they have to answer to anyone. Giving them use of bullhorns only makes them overly obnoxious!! I had a guy so close to me I could see the bottom of his boat yelling at me on one!! I told him to put that *** thing down, I can hear you plenty well from here! The members of Fountainhead Bass Club are all to familiar with the crew teams and at the start of each season and each tx, we tell everyone to expect the unexpected from them and that in all the years we have been fishing there, they have never lodged a complaint against the club. Kill them with kindness!
  18. Nice work! Some nice fish in the pics! Sounds like you had them pegged In that cut.
  19. That looked to be a nice pickerel at that!!
  20. Brick, yes the crew boats are annoying but it's something you have to deal with. Having fished the res for 20 years now, I realize they are not going anywhere and it's best to just deal with them in the best possible way and move on. My boat when going slow puts out more of a wake than on plane and they always yell when you go past them on plane, so I give them what they want, nose of the boat as high as possible with the biggest rollers I can throw!! I have been asked to go to the bank to settle matters before with overzealous crew royalty! They think they own the place yes, but I think the county knows where most of the money comes from when it comes down to it!! Nice fish and glad to see you got on a nice chew at the end of the day. Bet you forgot all about the rowers after that!!
  21. 5 3/4" kuttails in all your favorite colors!
  22. I think a lot of people have done that, myself included. Lesson learned!!
  23. Man, those are bruiser's!
  24. Congrats EJ! Always fun to say you won!! Caught 9 today on the res. 6 were about like this one!
  25. Thanks everyone, bigbarge, next week Huntsman will be on fire and and the scrounger will catch you some good fish! I missed a couple of other bites so its just about ready to break loose there. A little bit cleaner water and a little less wind and its game on!!
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