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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. Limits shore opportunities and a pier. Boat and canoe rentals are available.
  2. Despite all the debris and muddy water, the res was on fire! Yesterdays tournament was awesome, 23+ first place 21+ second and third, big fish was 7.2! Partner and I easily had 5 limits and caught close to 50 fish. Everyone caught fish on just about everything! Partner and I ended up with 18.95 and had a limit of fish by about 6:30! One of the most fun tx days I can remember in a long time. Weather and moon phase just lined up to make it a great day of fishing!
  3. Nice to see a smaller niche company thrive and grow! Maybe larger space will provide for an even more diverse selection of baits!! Kudos Green Top, nothing but happy thoughts for the move!!
  4. Mike W, you can still catch fish shallow with a senko. Be aware of what the fish are doing and locating the fish can be easy. Water temp in the low *80 range, fish in the middle of pre spawn, spawn, post spawn?? Look at some of the deeper edges of flats on main lake and some of the secondary points in the bigger creeks. If they have any wood or grass, all that much better.
  5. As stated earlier, only you are going to be able to decide what is right for you. My first marriage ended in disaster, no children involved and no house to divy up and that was a blessing. I am now married to the absolute love of my life and have been insanely happy for the last 15 years! We have no children and find that fits our lifestyle. Perhaps if we had met earlier in our lives, we would have had kids! We rescue dogs and cats and enjoy doing so. It sounds like you just have not found the right woman. If and when you meet her, believe me, you will know it and it will feel absolutely right. I can't give an opinion on having kids but I'm sure if it is in the cards for the future, that will sort itself out!! Good luck, second guessing your life choices is always introspective but rarely productive. Do yourself a favor, be happy, do what makes you happy and the rest should fall in place!
  6. Vanish floro jumped up and bit me in the arse! I've been defending this line every time the argument has come up here. Last two outings I've broken off 4 fish with 14 lb test, not a happy boy! Could have taken a check but no. It's time to move on and find another solution. Possibly a bad spool but I can't take the chance anymore! I cannot in good concience, recommend this line now the I have experienced the "vanish" syndrome!
  7. Nice job! Not sure I would have done the jump in after it deal! She does look like she needs a meal, a bit on the thin side! Big eyes and big head, might have been a 7 and three quarters before the spawn. Good fish, congrats!
  8. Nice win for the blues, stuck with it till the end! Got all the breaks, should have been over in the extra time with Robbins spot kick!!
  9. Great bait on a c-rig!
  10. Physical security specialist aka locksmith
  11. If you weighed it, then I believe you. Picture doesn't do it justice!!
  12. Kistler magnesium dropshot rod
  13. Nice fish and that is some weird scaring around the middle. I think we should all just start saying "I caught a nice fish today" and not put an actual weight guesstimate with it! Fish On that is a beauty and I would love to catch that size fish any day but lets be honest, It's not 5 pounds.
  14. The new generation SX (blk/rd) is soooo much better than the previous generation SX. Get it, it's a nice reel especially with the price reduction at TW!
  15. Party pooper........... been there, classic!
  16. Those are nice fish and I'm sure it was fun on a frog! First priority, get a scale!!
  17. Does the kit contain a Lamont or do I have to purchase that separately??
  18. Either one of those women can't possibly think that look is appealing to anyone!! If I was walking along that beach and saw that woman, I'd make like a cat and try to cover that terd!!
  19. Bigbass, don't get the wrong idea, Troy and I are only elbowing you a bit! All of the guys here are more than willing to help a fellow angler out. Common courtesy and etiquette here usually dictate you have to give a little to get a little. You did the right thing in offering a little info about the Chick and North Anna to let everyone know you are willing to share info. It's all about having fun and we just like to give the young guns a little hard time every once in a while!! Welcome to the forums and have fun fishing!!
  20. LOL! That's better!
  21. Be nice Troy! We have all been there!!
  22. I would find a new mechanic if they put the screws to you twice like that!! That is not the way to get repeat business in my book!
  23. Could not believe how the last 90+ seconds of actual play happened. I almost puked! If the Caps can get a game 6 win, should make for an interesting game 7 in NY!!
  24. Every pet I've ever owned was a rescue. I'm sure the the love in return will be ten fold! Congrats and well done, she is beautiful!
  25. Basil, Woodford, Knob, Bookers,Makers, in that order!
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