As stated earlier, only you are going to be able to decide what is right for you. My first marriage ended in disaster, no children involved and no house to divy up and that was a blessing. I am now married to the absolute love of my life and have been insanely happy for the last 15 years! We have no children and find that fits our lifestyle. Perhaps if we had met earlier in our lives, we would have had kids! We rescue dogs and cats and enjoy doing so. It sounds like you just have not found the right woman. If and when you meet her, believe me, you will know it and it will feel absolutely right. I can't give an opinion on having kids but I'm sure if it is in the cards for the future, that will sort itself out!! Good luck, second guessing your life choices is always introspective but rarely productive. Do yourself a favor, be happy, do what makes you happy and the rest should fall in place!