CP, try the deeper water areas of the pond. See if you can determine where the drop off occurs from the shallows to the deeper parts of the pond. Like Shimmy said, try a pointer 78 along the drops with longer pauses. My go to this time of year in the small lakes and ponds is a bitsy jig with a small finess worm as a trailer! 3/16 black and a small RI flirt worm.
I've fished the small ponds in NOVA the last couple weeks and have been skunked each and every te so far in 2013, but I'm still trying! You can't let it get you down, each outing is a learning g process, when you start to get discouraged, deep breath, relax, enjoy the day, slow your presentation, and concentrate on your presentation. Try to envision what your bait is doing down there and know you have fish looking at your bait. It's cold water fishing, they are not going to exert a lot of energy to chase down a meal. Give them something they can't pass up!!