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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. You know, this is an awesome place to gain knowledge be it for the advanced or novice fisher person. Overwhelming, yes. Addicting, yes. Expensive, if you want it to be! I guess the best advice I could offer you would first, be happy with the decisions you make on what kind of angler you want to be. By that I mean, if this is for relaxation/ fun, make it fun and don't get discouraged when you don't catch fish. It's a learning process we have all been thru. As you progress as an angler, you will probably feel the need to up the ante ie: more and better equipment. This is where the money part comes in!! You can go extreme, like redline Robert and start your arsenal of JDM exotics! Or you can do like everyone else and drool and spend your money on what your budget will allow!
  2. I'm going to have to read up on the O2 deal. I thought I was helping the water absorb more O2 with the treatment chems as well as a bubbler. Why then do they have them in aquariums? Seems counter productive but makes me feel better and have had better results with them than without them. Can't hurt and they aren't that expensive.
  3. Wow J, you must have spidy senses to feel stuff like that!!
  4. The bigger the better! Don't do what I did and have to find out the hard way! 30lbs in a livewell too small amounts to suffering fish and lost weight at weigh-in! Also look into a bubbler as I call it to help oxigenate the water as well as your recirc pump, this made a huge difference in lost fish for me in the past.
  5. I use both the round and pencil style. I have better luck with the pencil style when finess dropy and better luck with the round when bubba dropy. I tie a small overhand knot at the bottom of my drop line and have better results of my weight not slipping thru the line pinch! Granted when it snags it takes a little more to get unstuck but more often than not, if I have to break it it just happens at my overhand knot and I lose the weight unless I'm hook snagged then, I loose it all!
  6. None of those places have fish! Don't waste your time, especially huntsman!
  7. Diggy, I have only caught one snakehead and it was a nice fight. I have heard that some do just kinda roll their way back to the boat while others are very acrobatic! This is the one I caught a couple of years ago. Beautiful fish, I'm going to try for a few more this year!!
  8. Pretty sure it was close to 20#. I've seen 3 pictures of fish that size from the Potomac. Specifically from pohick.
  9. The bulls eye's are quite a bit smaller than the northern. I think this one would eat that lil fella!!
  10. Diggy, first of all, your avitar freaks me out! Secondly, that is very cool and nice you were able to "de-couple" the fish and get them to swim away, thirdly, your avitar freaks me out!
  11. I once marked a great school of fish with a marker, caught them up real good and decided to let it cool off and recharge. Came back 30 minutes later and my bouy was gone! Needless to say, I was a bit irate. Small trolling motored only lake, bouy was out of sight for about 5 minutes. Only other guy around denied he took it! I explained that I didn't care if he happened to think is was abandoned, I just wanted my marker back!
  12. Looks like fun! Can't beat the price. If I had a spare 2 bills I'd grab it!
  13. J, congrats on the lunker and the ability to pull off the "schmedium" tee! LOL!!
  14. Usually this time of year you can catch them up pretty good on jerkbaits but three big rains in three weeks have put the kaibash on anything like that! The res right now is cold and muddy top to bottom. My last two trips have resulted in absolutely nada, not even a bite! The time frame you are planning to fish the res should be good. Depending on water temps, you should probably find these fish in full prespawn. Spinnerbaits, creature baits, jigs and jerkbaits should all get you some quality fish! Check this section before you go or PM me and I will let you know how things are progressing on the res!
  15. Keeper: baby brush hog 3/16 pegged, get shallow, hit everything I can paying close attention to spots that previously productive. Kicker: deep, 1/2 or larger football jig and look at some ledges or 1/2 scrounger with disco green fluke chartreuse dipped tail way off points targeting suspended fish.
  16. Looks nice. I'd be interested myself
  17. It's funny, my father in law wants me to pick up trout fishing, I told him I'm not a fairy wand kind of guy!!
  18. You should be fine in lakes and reservoirs. The river however, like Sam said is not your best option for either one of those!
  19. I think your temp sensor is broken! I couldn't find anything better than about 42.5!
  20. Ahhhh............ "Mob ball" when I started at that age we actually played 11v11. It's still funny to watch lil fellas all rush the ball ad kick madly! It's all a learning process by both players and parents and coaches! Have fun with it while you can, as the advance in age and skill level, parents tend to think they all know how to coach better and their child will be the next Messi! One of the big reasons I stopped!
  21. Ahhhhhhh..........
  22. What is a slime rocket if I might ask?
  23. You guys go lite on blade line!? Do you get the bait just around the juice or do you really get it in there??
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