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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. Senko pegged with a 1/16 or 1/8 tungsten, won me some money last weekend!!
  2. Plucked a couple off beds today, this was the biggest. Female made this fish look small!
  3. Cat crap. Look on amazon for it
  4. Water temps were crazy out there. Started out down lake a bit with AM temps around 60* and didn't see any spawning going on. Did find some areas where it appeared some fanning going on. Up lake, the water temps were 5-6* warmer. Lots of fish have moved up, lots of smaller bass shallow. First wave is probably really close to locking on.
  5. A little stain around the marina. Cleaner down lake.
  6. Finally, a day on the res worth commenting on! Took second place in the tx today!! 21.68 lbs! Had two over 5!! Thank goodness for stable weather!!
  7. Once the fish have comitted to the deal, they are in close proximity to bedding areas. Like Sam said, may be a little more difficult to get them to bite at times but its doable! This is when a jerkbait is a jewel. Male might be up and preparing, the female is close by. Get it in, and just watch your line!
  8. Found some yesterday on beds!
  9. More appendages = more water movement. Look at some creature baits, dip the tails in some chartreuse and take your time shaking the bait around cover.
  10. Filet, olive oil, salt and pepper, grill untill done!
  11. I still know where you caught them!!! Good job guys, the res has been very stingy to me lately, gives me hope!!
  12. Pics or it didn't happen!
  13. If you are getting rid of the 12/24, PM me, I'll compensate you for it!!
  14. Crusher bite, take a hooked bait in an enclosed fist, try to set the hook...... Bet you can't!!
  15. You can only run and operate an outboard of 10hp or less. You may fish from a larger platform, just not use the ob.
  16. AJay........... Loose lips sir!!
  17. Ha!! Well Mr. Lee, was your neighbor found to be at fault? If so, like Ajay said, only deal with your own insurance company and make sure you get exactly what your policy will provide!!
  18. Was a police report filed??
  19. I love how everyone still "lips" those lil fellas!!
  20. I thought there used to be a shad cam?!
  21. Same lure, tiny torepedo, two different occasions, both past the barb. First time, tying the lure on, tightening the knot with the tag end in my teeth, main line snaps and I pull the bait right into my upper lip! Not all the way thru into my mouth but just in between all the way to the bend. Ended up just yanking it out. No blood, no swelling, went fishing! Second time, dusk, cast ended up with the lure stuck on a weed. Couple flagarant, temper tantrum pulls later, weed lets go and the sound of that bait is true to its name, prop spinning, whirring, not sure how its going to hit me so I try to cover my face and bam, feel it hi me in the fore arm but not hit the deck. Sure enough, impailed to the bend of the trebby! Thought I had the point and barb pushed thru, cut it and loose the cut piece of the hook lost in my arm! Finally got it out about 45 mins later. Needless to say I'm a bit phobic about torpedoes now!!
  22. You bet!
  23. Just because its cold, don't be fooled into thinking that the fish will be all that deep. Take it from me as I have been learning the hard way the last two Sundays' tx's on the res! Fish can be had in shallowish water. It may take repeated casts but look for cover near deeper water. It's not always about water temperature but the length of the day that gets these fish looking to get shallow! Some of the bigger fish are probably a little further along than you think.
  24. I'm with BrettD on this, the 6th sense stops have worked really well for me the past year or so. Slo, I think you will find that the eagle claw ones will start to loose grip after a while especially if you are using a heavier weight.
  25. I know on my jonny trailer it's common for me to have spillage after I pump in new grease. I usually have a buddy that has done his hubs on his tandem big boat trailer as well as his jonny trailer help me with mine. We usually pull the entire assembly down to the axel and inspect everything. Not sure if you have done that to its entirety but my seals seem fine and have no damage or visible wear to the bearings or axel. Repack the bearings, slap the wheel back on and I'm good to go. I may just be delaying the inevitabl or just masking the problem, not sure. Maybe someone with a big boat can more adequately answer this!
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