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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. Jack, in certain parts of the country, you can do exactly what way does and has done for years, that is find the bait, catch the bass!!
  2. Cool image of the fish in the middle of the ditch/channel! I need me some side imaging!!
  3. Not sure you are going to have a viable place to launch along the shore line there as it's all private property along there. The only place to launch is actually at the park ramp.
  4. You need to go to fountainhead and there are a couple options on passes, I'm not sure of the cost.
  5. I look at it this way, the money is going toward keeping the park operational. I purchase a pass for the entire season as well as purchasing the key for Bull Run. The pass is valid for 1 calendar year. I can't see the spot from the link but know public launches on the res require a fee. Unless you have permission from a private launch site, you may be considered a trespasser. Be careful, an inflatable around all of the shore line timber might be short lived!! Bull Run requires a season pass and a key.
  6. It's not enough to just graph the baitfish and bass. The biggest suggestion I can give you is to look for the schools of bait that are broken up on the graph, that tells me that they are nervous and may be getting eaten!! Get a bait in there!! If you find schools of bait with what looks like bass below them, you may be able to get a bite and excite the others into feeding as well. If I find big schools of bait, I usually revisit them they the day to see if the get to the mood I'm looking for!
  7. Pointer 100 and 100DD, ghost minnow when I fish the res! In December and January, like bass candy! Smaller bodies of water or bank fishing, I'm all about the pointer 78. When you get into them good, when you give it to them just the way they like it, it is my favorite way to fish. Nothing like that giant thump and the steady head shake of a giant that's got both trebs in her face, steady pulling drag!!
  8. J, you are starting to sound like the Liberace of fishing!!
  9. I always ask PETA members about their shoes, 9 times out of 10, leather shoes, go figure!
  10. Not sure, I bet Chuck Norris could kill it
  11. Wow! All of this for a little pinch on the playground! Believe me, always being the little guy, you take your licks. I guess you really have to teach kids that some things deserve retaliation, some require you to just walk away, while others still, need a warning "do that again, you won't be able to use those fingers for a while!" Escalation of violence should only be a last resort. You might get over on me once, don't be stupid and think it will be as easy or happen a second time!
  12. Joe Jackson. Follow the bait. The bass follow the bait.
  13. Those crazy French people!!
  14. Jerk bait
  15. He had a case of this didn't he?
  16. To qualify for the 2 day, end of the year classic, you either have to finish in the top 15 in weight, or if you have finshed evey event, we have 2 provisional spots for the next highest weight after the 15th spot. You can fish as many or as few as you like. Check out the website for all the rules
  17. Full size, green pumpkin green, green pumpkin blue
  18. Absolutely, great bait for suspended fish crashing thru bait balls. Watch the graph and if you happen upon a school of shad that is somewhat broken up by feeding bass, back off and get that thing in there!!
  19. Where is redline Robert?
  20. Those ponds have been over fished and you are lucky to have not been run off by security! Used to have some much bigger fish in there, unfortunately, the I'm going to keep everything g I catch crowd found out about those ponds.
  21. Felix, it's a buddy team tournament. If you have a boat and a friend that wants to fish, you are more than welcome to fish! We do a 6 fish limit, 14" min. Last tournament took almost 27 lbs to win!
  22. WRB, for the most part, you are correct, flow may not be obvious or noticeable, but its there. Being a water supply reservoir, it's more like a constant draw so the fish are not really keying in on the current like they would on a body of water that has a dam for electricity. The best times to take advantage of flow and current are the couple of days following a heavy rain that raises the level and pulls water over the dam. The occoquan fishes like 3 bodies of water. The upper stretches are more like rivers that do have some slow moving current. The middle fishes more like a lake and the bottom section fishes like a deep water reservoir. Lots of shore cover in all three sections as well as ledges and creek channels. SHW, I've fished both the Potomac and the Occoquan for 25+ years! For the most part, I'll take the res! I do enjoy catching striper and snakehead but ask the guys that have really unlocked the res and have really done some damage on the river and you might be surprised. Our last 3 tournaments have produced a 7lb fish with plenty of 5's and 6's!
  23. This month Fountainhead park will be selling some of their older boats. I posted a thread in the southeast section with details. As far as joining FHBC, only 1 tournament left this season. Check out the website for the club and watch for the season schedule for next year to be posted sometime in January or February. Lots of useful info in the southeast section on the res. you are probably going to find that most of the "old heads" out there are tight lipped about spots and techniques. Read,re-read and apply what you see here on BR to the res and your catches will increase. I've been fishing the res for 25 years and believe me, I'm still learning how to be a better angler out there!!
  24. Looks like you are enjoying the upper stretches of the res!!
  25. Try to make sure you are back in there when the tide is moving. My best luck has been in an outgoing tide. Try smaller finess worms on a small weight
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