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Everything posted by quanjig

  1. Are you "wetting" the line when you cinch your knots?? How much line to you discard when you tie on a new bait or hook??
  2. Any day in December that does not include temps below freezing is a win in my book!! These days are just a bonus!!
  3. With all of the science and research available today, knowing what the ingredients are in my juice, and knowing these ingredients are GRAS, pretty sure it's magnitudes safer that tobacco!!I'm not going to kid myself and declare it 100% safe, but some research and tests show it's no worse than the air we breath on a daily basis. I find that a little hard to believe unless I'm driving behind a bus all day long! Too much water will kill you......
  4. You guys do know the difference between rectal thermometer and a regular thermometer right!!??
  5. Smoked for about 25 years, stopped for about 7 years and then picked up black and milds while I fished. Worst thing ever!! Started to really smoke them, we're talking all the way to the plastic! Then I started smoking them every day and boy was I starting to feel it. I went thru the ecig progression and am very happily combustion free! I am at 6mg and for me, it's been an easy transition. I'm not a "clouds bro" vapor, it's a "safer to me" alternative to tobacco products and I don't smell like "asstray" . I know smoking will kill me, with everything I have read and researched, vaping is far less harmful!! I will quit, just something about starting up again and trying to quit again was excruciatingly difficult.
  6. Extra V I a g r a
  7. Basil Hayden and Woodford are my go to's. I've tried a bunch that I enjoy but probably would pursue! I've had Jeffersons Ocean, a bit too salty for me, Bookers I enjoy on occasion, Bullit rye was a pleasant surprise! Knob is good, have yet to have any Pappy, one day I'm going to break into Roberts house and partake in his healthy supply of Pappy!!!! I'm a locksmith so don't think I can't!!!
  8. Thanks Matt!! The fishing thing never goes away!! It will be fun to have you guys back out there!! I'm still keeping an eye on the weather for Sunday but it looks like it might be a nice day!! I'll give you a call or text you! Jb, yes there are smallies in the res, they are a bit elusive, I did catch 3 in one day once, and had one hooked up that was easily 6 pounds come off at the boat!!
  9. Well, finally caught a few fish Saturday!! 4 bass and 2 sizable crappie!! Also missed a bunch! Much happier than I was before this last outing, that's for sure. Fish were deep, splits area has some eager fish, just a matter of getting the right bait in front of them long enough for them to eat!! Probably could have filled a bucket of 1lb crappie if I wanted to!! Get out there, still some to be had! Not sure what the rain will do to the area I was catching them in, might be a little muddy for a repeat. Thinking about a trip to Burke on Sunday!!
  10. Well, can't say much for down lake!! Missed a couple and caught a couple smalls!! I wish I could get out there, just one day, that's not the absolute armpit of the entire week, jeez...... Name a Sunday in the last 4 that was not just a PITA to be out there!! Boat sale: everything must go...........
  11. And which tartan would that be? That and I don't see a wedding band???
  12. Riva, as long as it's not frozen, I'm trying!! Chop, I like to share in my success as well as my failures, I'm just not as happy with the latter!!!
  13. A future wife that put the kaibosh on something you enjoy usually does not ensure a bright future!! ; (
  14. Riva, it's been tough out there. Every time I get a chance to get out, it's been after a brutal from has passed. As soon as things stabilize a bit, it should get back to a reasonable bite. Chop, I feel your pain, only boated one fish and it was a really small one. Everybody said the bite was tough. A fish just over 6 won yesterday and the guy that caught it said it was his only quality bite he had all day! He caught it deep, 20+ fow way up in the river! I had some good bites but numerous times I would set the hook only to have it come back minus the bait!! Strange times indeed!!!
  15. We will "not" be having another big fish tournament tomorrow!!! Something gotta give, I haven't caught anything over 3 since September!! I has no luck lately!!!
  16. Meh....... I think you did the right thing. I don't think it's a matter of you needing to ask her first, it's more a matter of respect.
  17. Water temps were hovering right around 60*
  18. Classic was 2 weeks ago, complete disaster in my opinion!! Wind and cold with that insane high pressure made it one of the toughest bites I can remember!! 29lbs for a two day total won it. It's been like every fish out there has taken the month of October off! We had a big fish tournament last Sunday, a 4 pounder won it!! Big rowing event this weekend, probably get out Sunday myself.
  19. Oh yea, had a good year on the quan. Won a little cash and had 4 tournaments over 23lbs!!Wife and I were in lacrosse visiting her folks during Oktoberfest. Should have made some time to try and get together!!
  20. Troy, wow buddy, that's a couple days you dream about!! Nice going!! Where are you in Wisconsin??
  21. In my opinion, depends on what you are searching for! Quality .vs quantity. This time of year, I'm going to target larger fish, so I'm not worried about the number of bites, I want bigger fish so I'm throwing larger baits in areas I know bigger fish tend to be. Drop offs and transition areas with deeper water close by. I'm also looking at big, isolated trees that extend into creek channels. Nurse a big jig or full size brush hog as close to the main part of the tree and hang on! This technique can be risk reward based as the big fish will want to drag you down into the nastiness!!
  22. Prayers sent
  23. I'm a bit surprised you didn't read the ingredients before purchase!! Buyer beware!!
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