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About swilly78

  • Birthday 07/17/1978

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  • Location
    Dupage Co, Il

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  1. Bulleit Burbon.
  2. For my money, a glass of Bulleit Burbon on the rocks is the way to go. Or Stella Artois if its a beer night.
  3. I like beer. The end.
  4. Yup!
  5. Tomorrow is my Superbowl! I love this stuff!
  6. That looks an awful lot like my old sears/craftsman 3.5 hp.
  7. A-Jay, that thing looks like a Dewalt torture machine!
  8. There is alot of federal and BP dollars flowing into Louisiana right now, might be worth a look.
  9. http://www.sailinganarchy.com/general/2002/cool_test.htm
  10. Poking holes in paper targets from 12yds or more.(depends on the hole poker im using)
  11. Ya know, I wanna like it, but its just not all that impressive looking to me. you could do all that same stuff on a dirtbike or atv, and probably more comfortably too. I think "coolest Segway ever" is a pretty accurate description. Well said Warmouth..... Maybe a case of crappy commercial????
  12. Listen, I love the Bears. But I gotta say, it was a game of sucky team vs. sucky team. The historically less sucky team got the call. At the end of the day, all a Bears fan and a Lions fan can argue about is who sucks worse. I dont even want to watch this season....
  13. Dont feel to bad, I think my Bears and your Lions will be trading places in the standings this season. However, you are right, its crap, but I gotta take what I can get..... :-[ :'(
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