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Everything posted by bassmajor

  1. One of the best bands around these days.
  2. Thanks, that helps a lot. It was the 93.
  3. I was hoping someone out there could help me out. I was talking to a guy about some baits he liked for a local lake in our area. He said he like the brush hog in "color 93 or 97". So I made a mental note of it and just figured I could look it up on the internet. Well, I can't find anything with "color numbers" associated with plastics. The thing is, I'm not sure if he was talking about the Zoom brush hog or similar shaped bait from a different company. I have no way of getting ahold of him. Can anyone give me an idea of what he may be talking about? Thanks!
  4. I fish alone almost all the time. I take my camera because I occasionally I catch a nice fish or a unique fish and I want to snap a photo. I need a camera with a small view screen in front because it usually takes me multiple photos (and multiple minutes having the fish out of water) to get it even close to being in frame because I can't see the view screen in the back when its on my tripod. I have seen a few online but not in person. Does anyone own one of these? Any suggestions or reviews?
  5. If you're going to get a digital scale I say spend a few extra bucks, get a nice one, and take care of it. Mine (can't remember the brand name) has lasted me a long time and is working fine. If you're going to get a spring scale make sure you get one that covers the weight range of the fish you're catching (probably 1-25#). You don't need one that goes up to 40 or 50#. I had one of those once and it was pointless, not very accurate for weighing smaller fish. dulouz: With the hooks on the scales: I usually try to gently hook it on the inside of the mouth (lower jaw works for me) without piercing the skin. I haven't caught anything over 7# but that method has worked for me without hurting the fish at all.
  6. I think its late prespawn here in SD. Males are building nests but dont seem to be guarding yet, water temp is at 60 degrees. I had been getting some nice females (4-7 lbs)2 wks ago in deeper water. Now I can't find anything over 2 lbs. I'm fishing shallow, deep and in between. On cover, on breaks, points and on flats. Even my honey hole dried up. I'm using plastics (my old stand-by lures), spinnerbaits, and some crankbaits. Any suggestions on what/where I should try next? (Don't get me wrong, catching any fish is good. I'm just looking to increase my knowledge of this time of year through this forum.)
  7. Nice fish everyone!!! Finally got something worth posting. Got this prespawn girl last weekend on a t-rigged flappin hog. I was a little late for work that morning but it was worth it She weighed in at 6.9# on my scale. It was in Iowa where the record is 10.75 (don't laugh southern boys! haha). 6.9/10.75 X 100 = 64.19.
  8. Very nice! I'm pretty jealous of you just for being able to get out this year. My lakes are just thawing out and I'm hoping this weekend there'll be enough open water to cast.
  9. I've had luck around deep structure or on deeper portions of mainlake points with a plastic craw bait on slow moving c-rig. This year I am also going to try some hair jigs with a small pork or plastic trailer worked very slowly. Hopefully soon, about 12 inches of ice left up here....but temps will be in the 30s all week. >
  10. Looking at pictures of these online kinda got me excited. They look just like some of the crawfish in the lake I fish. The water is very clear and these look pretty realistic. Has anyone tried these? What do you think of them? Any comments on durability? I was planning on C-rigging or pegged T-rigging them.
  11. All great actors listed above but I gotta go with Bill Murray. No one funnier when he was in his prime and he really impressed me in Lost in Translation.
  12. Pretty good here in SD. Set a new PB this spring and caught few others that were very nice. Bugs are starting to come out now and the days are getting hot. I miss the days when the weather was crappy, I was the only one on the lake, and fish were really hungry. Also, got a new boat so that's been nice.
  13. Ok, this question is in relation to female's level of agression. When does their post spawn "mood" set in? Right after they lay their first set of eggs, after their last set of eggs, or some amount of time after all of that? I am right in the middle of this on my lake and having a difficult time catching anything that has spawned out and is not a bedded male. Been fishing deeper water off of beds with a variety of baits. Just wondering if I'm fighting a losing battle until they recover from spawning. I'm sure there are some other factors but just wondering what the general consensus is.
  14. I fish near southern Mn and the bass in my home lake are just starting to spawn, some have and some haven't. So you're probably looking at the same situation depending on how far north you are. I have been targeting prespawn bass this week and have been getting them on Trig craws and worms.
  15. I fish for fun. And losing a PB at the boat for some reason cuz I didn't grab my net = NOT FUN!
  16. Almost as bad as the day before (Star Wars day)......"May" the "Fourth" Be With You.
  17. I'm glad to hear this "addiction" doesnt' go away. I just started a couple of years ago and am totally hooked. I look forward to many years of "barely doing enough at my job to keep it because I can't stop thinking about bass fishing!" hahaha......don't tell my boss! ;D
  18. I was also searching for a place to get a replica when I read this thread a couple of weeks ago. I did some checking with Lake Fork Taxidermy and decided to go with them. They actually had a finished replica mount in their shop that was the same size as my personal best (7.5 northern strain). I felt like it was a good deal so I ordered it after some email communication with them and viewing several photos of their work. I was out fishing last saturday when my wife texted me that the package had arrived. When I got home I tried not to have high expectations. Most of the replicas I have seen in my day haven't really compared to a skin mount. Well when I opened it I was totally shocked. It looks awesome! Way better than I had expected. I am really glad I went with them. If anyone is debating on getting a replica and wants to see some pics, send me a PM. I'd be glad to snap a few for ya or forward some the pics that Lake Fork sent to me.
  19. just had this happen today (no foolin'!). got hung up in a brushpile so I gave it a hard yank to get out and here this little jig must have been in the right place at the right time. my line hit the eyelet perfectly and slid through the seam. I've lost lures through that seam but never have I gained one! haha! ;D
  20. Like mentioned before, key on warm water if you can. Fish on warm, sunny afternoons. Look for places where the water will warm faster, rocky bottoms, weed beds, points. Also look for areas where the wind is blowing directly into shore, that will help hold the heat instead of a crosswind which will keep the water from warming. I just got rid of the ice on my lake. Yesterday the only places I could catch fish was a point with the wind hitting it head on and next to it in 4 fow that had grass on it. I got bites on a jig/craw and a crappie pattern lipless crank. Good luck.
  21. Thanks, gonna try it again tomorrow. Its been a long and cold winter. I figured it would be awhile before things got going.
  22. Ok, lake is still 90% froze over. They turned on some aerators the last few weeks and has opened up a football field sized corner of the lake. This end has been pretty good for early season fishing in the past. I have fished it 3 times without so much as a bump. I haven't checked the water temp but I am guessing mid 30s since the area around it still froze. What kind of temp range should I expect to see some activity within casting distance (up to 15 fow)?
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