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Everything posted by Tsuprum

  1. Build a rod tube out of PVC from home depot or the like. A tube with end caps will cost around $11 Carry a lighter to mend plastics Reverse fluorocarbon. Yes it can be done. When respooling the fluoro, spray a rag with reel magic and reel the line through the rag. After spooling is complete, spray spool with more reel magic and let it soak over night Sell unused tackle for whatever you can get for it. It just collecting dust anyway
  2. Tsuprum

    Panic Box

    a 1 inch white mister twister with a 1/32 or 1/64th oz live bait jig head. You will be surprised at what you can catch on this lure. Also if you don't catch a bass you will most certainly catch bluebills, crappie's and other pan fish, at least it's a fish. I have had several instances were I had a bluegill on and a bass would try to eat the bluegill. You might get the bass fired up.
  3. Jerk, jerk, pause Lift and let it die. Think of a dieing bait fish
  4. White finger nail polish would work in a pinch. I have painted hooks red with fingernail polish. It doesn't last a long time but it's cheap, dries hard and quick. Fingernail polish is great for jig heads also. I also use it as touch up paint for cranks and spinnerbait heads.
  5. 12lb line is not bad but heavier won't hurt. I like 15 to 17 mono for topwater type fishing. On most spinnerbaits, buzzbaits and topwater lures, unless there small lures, heavier line won't affect action. Mono tends to float so it won't pull your bait down. As far as the bass missing your bait. I would have thrown right back but burned it across were it was and then killed (pause the lure) it from time to time
  6. I really like the rat one. Looks like it would be great even without the tail. Are those made from wooden dowl's?
  7. http://www.marcdavidcustoms.com/ The absolute best pumpkinseed I have ever seen. Check him out. www.hiddenvalleytackle.com
  8. Man these are all great teachers. I had to vote for Hank Parker. I have caught more Bass on his Mann's classic spinnerbait or as Hank refers to them, spinnerbugs then any other lure. It cracks me up when he call them spinnerbugs. I guess I'm just simple.
  9. A little Buzzbait trick when fishing from shore. If you bend the wire you can get the Buzzbait to run parralle to the shoreline. Bend the wire about half way up were it comes out from the head. I always like to FAN or HALF CIRCLE cast an area. Example would be start off casting to the right about a few feet from shore. Then keep making casts until you have made a fan/half circle Hope this helps
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