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Everything posted by Pinoy_Basser

  1. To add to the Chaos... left or right handed spinning reels ? or Both sides
  2. Hmmm dont see the T-WING on these
  3. Yes Around here we fish for snakehead in vegetation and sometimes exposed branches. I replace Braid (30-50lbs) usually twice a year depending on the condition of the braid after the 2nd turn over. Inspect for fraying regularly.
  4. check out the reel test channel on youtube he already did a comparison vs the 70 and a 50
  5. curado 70 XG. Mine is a 71XG and its my frogging, flipping/pitching reel. Install 4 bearings on the knobs (2 ea) and if you like 1 on the levelwind worm gear.
  6. I got them from a local RC car shop or a local bearing supplier depending on the size.
  7. Most of guys here use them for inshore fishing for Groupers
  8. you can also swap the bushing with a 4x7x2.5 bearing Part#5334 http://fish.shimano.com/media/fishing/shimano/sac/images/schematics/Low_Profile_Baitcasting/Current_Models/Curado_70/16CU70HG_v1_m56577569831025900.pdf
  9. correct also same for the bushing on the worm gear
  10. Thanx MickD, I aligned it to the rest of the guides but It aint pretty :P. there are a few flat spots and a rough feeling where i applied pressure to align it. I like to totally replace it to avoid any possible issues on the field (Line knicks etc). OD is around 6-7mm based from a small ruler and poor eye sight (cant find my calipers grrr). Will try to get a clear picture tonight but its similar to the guide on my GLX rods just a darker frame
  11. Need help from the Rod Builders. I like to confirm the model and size for a shimano casting rod. One of the guides got bent (not sure how it happened) I can replace it myself but need the right guide model/size. My rod is a 2pc model Shimano Deportivo casting rod (JDM). According to the specs it uses SIC with stainless frame. The guide is the 3rd guide from the bottom if the 2 pcs are connected. The inner diameter (hole) is about 5-6mm. TIA
  12. If you like to add bearings... Based on ST-2500HGS Under the spool #16122 - replace with 7x11x3mm bearing Worm Gear # 13324 - replace with 3x6x2.5mm bearing Handle - #13844 - replace with 4x7x2.5mm bearing Pawl Mechanism #16053 - replace with 2x5x2.5mm bearing
  13. Thanx DVT 6-7" was also my initial estimate for my build. felt right on my stencil of the rod using masking tape to anchor the parts.
  14. Hi DVt how short ? im currently building a similar rod for my home made beetlespins
  15. Gloomis 783-2c MH 6'6"
  16. Hi guys ive been seeing this on my ipad. The topics text titles are arranged from top to bottom Not sure if my kid fiddled with my ipad settings need help if this is an account issue. TIA
  17. Check your screws if you over tighten them. before closing up the reel check if everything is moving smoothly
  18. Yup. I was adjusting the reel brakes and making test casts before starting my morning. Had a birdnest on the second test cast using a DIY beetlespin. I was just starting to untangle it when i noticed the line was moving to the right, did not finished the birdnest and i just reeled in the fish. Got a 7lbs snakehead.
  19. I use a dry shammy cloth cleaner to wipe the reel then I wipe it with a shammy sprayed with 2 -3 sprays of shimano oil.
  20. I got the chance to handle these reels at the shop near my apartment and fished with one of my buddy's reel. I STRONGLY suggest to stick to the major reel manufacturers. (Shimano, Daiwa, Abu, Lews, Quantum etc.)
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