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  • Birthday 05/22/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    bradenton florida
  • My PB
    Between 13-14 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Walk-n-Water,Orange Lake,Big O,Toho,Cypress,Darnon,Harris Chain,Tenorak,Arbuckle,Blue Cypress,and Marion
  • Other Interests
    Tinkering with my Lure's.

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  1. Are whole world is made from copy'n every little thing we have.Car's,Truck's,Boat's,you name it.The luxury is from those whom maid it Far Better than the Next Person.Tammy,need's to check herself for she could be introuble for making Threat's,to people whom are doin what this Nation has been doin for Year's.
  2. At least it isn't banded for the season,just the Classic.
  3. For those who doen't want the A-Rigg around,are nutt's for you still have to apply your knowledge to catch fish,meaning right place and time for you to apply the rigg.But for those who have IDEA's that are storming the market's,please take note,that their are some people whom do not appreciate what you have on the table for those to draul over.But myself ,n All the rest who are truely Grateful for the exsperiance to enjoy a spectaculor day upon the water,Thank You,for apply'n your knowledge,n sharring your Love to catch fish. Now their is 10,Ten Swimbait's.
  4. Finnished Sample of n A-Rigg.Triing to POST a Pic,of this A-Rigg,with my FIRST CATCH,n the d**n sight will not allow me to.
  5. I LUV taking NEW Rigg's n tearring them apart for a Newer Look to my personnal preferance's.The UnBrella Rigg is a versital bait that can be made even smaller to intise Crappie,BlueGill's,who know's.Just your imangination can tell what's upon are mind's as Fisherman.
  6. If it is used in an ileagal manner to harvest fish,then Ban it,but all us Fisherman are doin ,is nothing but catch n release.So how can you say,Bann it,for,unless you are jealous on what it can produce.Their is alway's gonna be a better this or that,for the market is growing with Idea's. This rigg is H-Maid,n hold's 9 swimbait's.
  7. This homemaid A-Rigg hold's 9 swimbait's.Can you say Umbrella.PLEASE,tell me I'm Crazy????
  8. Try dropshotting a swim bait on Bed's.
  9. Glad you enjoy'd them.I hope every body take's a new look uppon their Frog's,or Lure's.Anything is possiable.
  10. I just wanted to know how many of YOU, TOSS out your old worn out frog's.Stop, for their are other thing's you could do with that body.For example your legg's have been torn apart so put Blade's or anouther skirt into the body.Or you can add feature's like a prop blade onto it.Jitter frog Buzz Frog Devilhorse type frog,n so on.Add BB's to you frog for sound{2 only} for more will sink it.Galss rattle's single double or Magnum Rattle's it doesn't matter as long as it's 1 only for the frog will sink from over kill of your rattle placement's.Doen't glue rattle's for when it break's the fish will feel the Glass.And as for adding weight do it a little at a time for the acttion will be HIGHLY different. Just a few IDEA's.
  11. Apac is getting a overhall from the fish n game.They'r supposed to be shoking the lake to see what,n how big the fish are.Pretty soon the public will not be allowed to fish their.
  12. The Lateral perch work's well around cover,n in the bed's.Also it work's well on top.
  13. I've used small gulp bait's, tore worm's in half to down size,even put just a skirt on a hook for bass,n had success.But I like Huge Bait's for tick'n these girl's of. So how many of you ever try'd any of these bait's,n if so,how'd you do.I might add this bait can be cranked or dropshotted,both effective how ever you use them.
  14. The NEW Mouse from Koppers is awsome,n I can't wait to add it to my bag of tricks.
  15. Add the Dahlberg replacement legg's on a few of your frog's,they work out pretty good.
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