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Everything posted by kikstand454

  1. Really its as simple as someone having a passive interest in a hobby/ sport and someone who is an enthusiast. Then you divide that by disposable income. ...and there you go. Its like that in every hobby/sport.
  2. My bps yesterday didn't have the old carbonlites OR A SINGLE CRANKING STICK. Not the old ones. ...and definitely not the new ones. I complained. The guy shrugged. I said. ..hey. ...this is one of your best selling rods and and complete relaunch of the brand with a new design abd features, and you don't have them? ! He shrugged. I did too. And I walked out. To academy I went ...... More on topic- the new carbonlites felt amazing. I loved everything about it.
  3. Get a PQ if you can. Otherwise .... the mettle is an amazing reel for the price. It will outcast almost everything else I own. Amazing at the 25-30$ sale price. .... really good at the normal price.
  4. Yeah. ..the generics work just as well, but I find they don't last as long. So its give and take. Great comparison pics!
  5. Hey ....the man likes throwing frogs. I dont put a tenth of the effort some of you do with jerkbaits- suspend dots and hooks and line sizes. ..etc. its the same with any technique. Cut the guy some slack. Welcome aboard frogtastic- I'd love to see some of your color mods and when/ why you do them. I'm a chunk and wind kind of frog guy- but being that I'm in Florida. ...and specifically that I fish lake Seminole alot. ... I feel the frog is something I could use some polishing on.
  6. Tuesday I got some h2o brand frogs ( which I love) in a sexy shad color for 68¢!!! Yes. 68¢… I got 5. Lol.
  7. Get your favorite spinnerbait and then get an after market skirt? ?
  8. ^ thanks! I am new to the carbonlites and wouldn't mind trying an older one!
  9. ^ ^^^^ with the prolite suddenly dissapearing, I wouldn't be surprised if it was relaunched as the next Gen PQ.
  10. I'm as happy as can be with my 7' m/f veritas. My pa in law feels the same about his 6'6" vendetta. Truthfully, there's a lot of great/fine rods at that price point. And really its up to your personal preference. You will probably do well with ANY name brand offering in the $100 range- so go handle as many as you can, and bring your reel to get a feel for how its all going to balance.
  11. ^^^^^ see, I feel the exact opposite!
  12. I'm happy they don't advertise. All the good stuff would be gone the first day. Honestly I think they're better off the way it is, they get loyal customers like me. ...who will come in any chance I get just to see if I will catch a sale- and then end up buying SOMETHING for my trouble. Its good marketing. .....I don't remember the last time walked out of there empty handed.
  13. Hahha. .. My bass background is why I fish inshore with baitcasters. I think I'm finally going to get out this weekend and chase some reds. .... Im going to a new area and there are rumors of small tarpon and stripers/hybrids. We shall see. ... I will report back for sure.
  14. In all honesty, unless I see a "premium" bait on clearence, all I buy anymore is h2o hardbaits. I have never had a single issue with one, and they're always dirt cheap. I catch ALOT of fish- fresh and salt- on their squarebill cranks.
  15. ^ agreed. Most of my shaky head fishing is around docks in less than 7' of water. The lake I fish it the most in is always stained/murky. Black trick worm.
  16. Keep going back to that dicks that you feel is a "joke". You'll hit them at just the right time and you'll be screaming with joy like the rest of us.
  17. I'm not familiar with the reel trade in. What's that entail? I'd love to get another new carbonlite reel. ..
  18. In all honesty, it makes more sense to have circle hooks on moving lures. Espicially ones that get hit on a pause, or fall. Most people problems with circle hooks is from setting the hook like they've always done. But on those bites where you pick up your slack and they're there. .... you reeling down to them IS setting the hook with a circle. And you're already making that move anyway! I still use trebles 90% of the time. ...but this is something I've been experimenting with, espicially in the salt for seatrout. You know how they can toss a treble lure because of their soft mouths. ....I've never had one toss a circle hook. So after a few times of that, I had a spoon I had converted in my kayak when I was bass fishing and thought hey. ...why not? And I did really well. 7 or 8 trips now I've done it and when I get a bite- they've hooked up. I also noticed alot less hang ups, as I fish freshwater spoons on midlake bars and ledges around stumps and trash. ...so I hang up alot. I've only lost one spoon with a circle hook. Just something to think about. .... probably shouldn't have said anything. Hahhaha.
  19. I'd say you can do three reels if you use backing line.
  20. Many times I have put a 1/0 circle hook on my spoons. Less hang ups, and my bites always seem to happen on the fall. ...when I pick up with a circle hook, that IS setting the hook. Lol. ...I don't miss many bites. You're welcome.
  21. A high strength braid. ... probably #40 ( at least) ...for your flipping/frog rod. A good flouro or hybrid in the 12# range for your cranking rod. I personally choose power pro and yozuri hybrid. Any personal preference will do. Good luck!
  22. No, I'm staff, not faculty. Keaton is an awesome area for trout! Never- EVER discount a topwater in our area. The fish will hit it all day, all year.
  23. Alright! A thread I can contribute to! I live in N.Fla and I kayak fish reds/trout/flounder year around. Fsufish, I assume we live in the same area? I work at fsu. Lol. Are you a BBF member? FCKA?
  24. I load my tarpon 140 on top of my Cherokee by myself all the time. And I'm an out of shape fat guy. The Ride is a beast though!
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