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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. Why is there no cake shaped like a naked woman a option? Never mind you like men. You mean like this?
  2. Is this the bike. http://www.topspeed.com/motorcycles/motorcycle-reviews/harley-davidson/2014-harley-davidson-cvo-breakout-ar160262.html If not this should make the bike move. http://www.sscycle.com/product/Evolution-Big-Twin/Engines/V124-Engines-p25717.html
  3. My buddy also said I should buy you bubble wrap. I say screw the Michelin man. We get a all white suit and over stuff it. So you can look like the stay puff marshmallow man. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d8/Stay-puft-marshmallow-man.jpg
  4. I was telling a friend about you today Raider. I told him I have a southern friend that wants to Ice race on a bike. He laughed as soon as I told him. The more we talked about it. The more we want to see it. We picture three things happening. 1. As soon as the race starts. You will drop the clutch and just spin. 2. Because you are now ticked. You will carry to munch speed in to the first turn. Then crash on the first turn. 3. You will be more ticked, and crash in the next turn. Then will repeat crashing in till the race is over. You now need to come up. Becasue I think I could win 10k with that. I will split it with you 75-25. If we win. Also take a look at this. Make sure to watch the whole video.
  5. I want that bike to be my wife. Yea It sucks. As for the falling through ice. It is basic physics. The bigger the foot print. The more the weight is distributed
  6. I do get were your coming from. Even I don't trust the ice. Funny thing though. More 4 wheelers, and snowmobiles fall through the ice around me. Then big 6000lb trucks. A few more things about ice. It hurts when you fall on it. I bruised my tailbone on ice a few years ago. You can also get ice burn. Just like road rash it kills.
  7. Number 2 fits about 99.9% of Raiders post.
  8. You must walk before you run. Learn to drive on the ice with 4 wheels first. Once you can master that. Then it is time for a bike. Might I suggest a 1000 dollar dirt bike vs a 15000 bike.
  9. I knew they made heated snowmobile suits. Never thought of bike riders using some thing like that. With a heated suit. You could ride in till the snow fell. Not bad since most people put away the bike in October. You could get another month to two months of ridding. I am sure this would be a fun ride. Turn up the heat turn down the heat. I am to hot. Turn up the heat I am to cold.
  10. You need to show me the Rally. The only pics if found of it. Was some sort of moped. As for a ducati. They are made for little Italian people. I would think you would look like this ridding it.
  11. 5 stars my butt. You're ex sister in law is far from a 5 star escort. I give her a star because she's as big as a star.
  12. If any cops are reading this. It is not what you think I swear. I like woman. Not so sure about raider, but I am not paying for any services from him of any kind.
  13. I hope I am still up here by then. Right now I am not sure were I will be.
  14. Out of the handful of pics I have seen of you. I would have never said you were even close to black. You look more middle eastern then any thing. What happened to getting to WI. Pretty soon the lakes will be iced over. No I wont take you Ice fishing. I don't go out on the ice.
  15. Now imagine she is spending your money, she took the dog, the Harley, and she was sleeping with your best friend. Now you know why bear and packer fans cant get along. Well no one has poisoned any oak trees over it, But I think a few people have been shot over the rivalry. I do find the Bama-Aubrun Rivalry funny. Correct me if I am wrong here, But the whole state is some how related. Why can't you and your kin get along?
  16. What pic are you talking about?
  17. II know you guys each hate each other. But this is on a different level. It is more of a Yankees Red Sox hatred.
  18. Only during the Bears Packer games. If I have to tell you why. Then you don't know the hatred fans have towards each other.
  19. That is a new one. Even I will admit that is funny.
  20. Didn't you turn over a new leaf or some thing?
  21. This was him after the savior throw a big INT. Even well after the game. He was still up set about it. As you can see. Even a Binky cant make him happy. Since you said you wont be drinking for the rest off the year. It will be a long season for you.
  22. Sure you were. We all know it was Raider and his 1985 Yugo. As for Music. I have to listen to the Radio at work. Becasue they don't swear, and say other things. I cant get in trouble with pg-13 radio station vs my untied cds. The only problem I have with one of the three rock stations I get. It went from playing a mix of songs from the 70-today.To a more of a top 40 station, but with rock. When I was going to school. I would hear the same 3-4 songs. On both to and from school. Over a eight hour shift I bet I hear the same 5 finger death punch song 5-6 times a day.
  23. Give it 5-10 years. The packers will be in the same boat.
  24. Any one that makes money off the game wants 18 games. The Fans want 18 games. The only people that don't want 18 games is the players. Since the players control that that. I do not see that changing for a long time. That is if it ever changes. The only way I see them dropping the first two preseason games. Is if a major star like Rodgers, Brady, luck, etc. Get a season long injury, or a career ending injury. As Dan Patrick said yesterday. He said the preseason is to long, but Nelson could have torn his acl at practice, at home walking, or in a regular season game.
  25. Let me guess. You poop then shower.
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