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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. Radier and I can come bug you in till you have the op.
  2. It looks like I am going to be screwed down the road. Slone get well soon. Even though you are a Bears fan. I wish you luck.
  3. This should work.
  4. When did Raider get his sex change? I must have missed that saga some were.
  5. This is what always gets me. We all have heard story's from hunters. That have claimed to have seen a "Bigfoot" that it was in range, or so they say. I can tell you this. If I was ever in the woods, and saw some thing that was 7ft tall and in range. That thing would have at least one .308 round going through its lungs, or heart.
  6. Good thing we didn't go near red lines house. Other then his fetish for body hair. I heard he dressed like this.
  7. This is his every day wear.
  8. That is what I am doing wrong. Dose this partner also have to be human? If so Raiders sister in law wont work.
  9. I call my friends kids birth control for a reason.
  10. All I remember if that movie is this.
  11. You could say the same thing about my trade. All I do is load another part in the machine. Then hit a green button. Not a whole lot of skill there.
  12. Glorified button pusher. AKA CNC machinist. My dad had a welding/machine shop when I was a kid. Of course me being a teenager. I wanted nothing to do with his trade. I would work for him time to time, but I wanted nothing to do with his trade. No they are not bad trades. I just wanted to do some thing else. 12 years later I am back in the trade. Why am I back in it? I needed a job that pays well.
  13. It was snowing up here this morning.
  14. According to Google. There is a band named littlefoot.
  15. That also works.
  16. Next time you head to WI. Go to a Indian res, and ask for little foot. I bet they will be able find one for you.
  17. I thought I woke up next to Bigfoot this morning, but it was only Raiders ex sister in law. I am never drinking again.
  18. If you left you my computer in a room full of monkeys, Their grammar would still be better then mine. I did spend 6 years of my life in Iowa.
  19. What is with you and body hair?
  20. Reminds me of the cup test from super troopers.
  21. I was sick about 8 years ago. I woke up puking and figured it was the 6pack or tacos. That I had the night before. Was the reason why I was puking. It turned out later it was not them. I was washing up after puking, and I look like a zombie. I am thinking great I have to work tonight. I tried calling in to work, and got no were. I had to go in and tell my boss. As soon as they saw me. They sent me home. In the end I don't know what got in to me, but it took a month to kill. On a Friday when I didn't have to work. I went to sleep some time Friday afternoon, and woke up 18 hours later.
  22. I bet he was to busy to watch the game. You know with picking out a grooms cake, and fixing the oil leak in the Harley.
  23. I am to good for Radier.
  24. Just be glad you guys didn't getting a weeding invite yet. A oiled up muscle man wearing a thong delivers every one by hand. I almost shot the poor guy in till he told me Raider sent him. He then hands me a rainbow colored box. That I am guessing has is around 5lbs. Since it came from Raider. I am not dumb enough to take it in my house, or open it my self. I just leave it on my front yard, and call bomb control. Now this is were I feel sorry for the guys. They come and blow it up, and get covered in glitter. The whole box was filled with glitter. Along with a weeding invite. Now my lawn looks like a lady gaga concert was held on it. My dog has been pooping glitter for days now. As he eats the stupid stuff. Moral of the story. If you see a naked oiled up muscle man coming up your drive way. Just shoot him.
  25. I can imagine after a night of drinking. That is what it would pretty munch look like.
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