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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. Well I found some projectors on ebay. I just googled protjector head lights for 04 neon. I came up with like 20-30 sets. So I think I will be getting a pair of ture hids this summer or sooner.
  2. I got some slyvanias for both the fog and head lights. The head lights are like 40 dollers a pair. The fog lights are like under 20 a pair. I really want to find projector lights for them in the future. I just need to do more digging. I didn't find halos. But I found some of these. Scroll down intill you see 03-05 neon. http://www.anzousa.com/pages/products/headlights/head_dodge.html#121030
  3. It just a set of blubs. I cant afford the kit.
  4. Well I got HIDs for it and put them in today. Man talk about a differnce. I would sugest them for any one that drives a lot in the dark country. I found out they drown out my fog lights. No I don't drive with my fog lights on. I just use them for snow, rain, and of course fog. I don't under stand why people drive with them on all the time. So I had to pick up a pair of holgens for the fog lights. Look for many more mods coming this summer.
  5. Hey I was like you back in high school. I had friends I hung with at home or there place. Then theres friends that you just hang out with at school. Iam the same way now with work and college. I have work friends that I see enough at work. Then I have friends I would go to the bar with and have a few drinks with. But when you get older you relise that you have mabye a couple of close friends. I have one and hes like a brother to me. Sure he dose dumb stuff and I get mad at him from time to time. As for making close friends don't worry about it. The more friends you have in this world it seems like the more trouble you get into. So just stick to one close friend and a few other friends. By the way a close friend will bend over backwards to help you. They will also be there for you no matter what happens. Belive me on the last part of that one. My buddy forgave me for my crime. My family still hasn't.
  6. If the rockies play like they did last night its only going to last four.
  7. Of course growing up in Wisconsin Iam a badger fan. Both the mens and womans teams look real great this year. Iam just surprised that hockey dosen't get more air time here. It seems like all the high school have a hockey team. So I know theres hockey fans in Wisconsin. Its sad when high school swimming get more air time then high school hockey. But then theres the Badgers, Golden Eagles, and the Panthers mens basketball games. So it seem like they like basketball better. :'(
  8. You forgot to mention your little hocky team. I know the bruins never do that great. But you have the bc hockey team.
  9. Texting is nice when you need say some thing quick to some one. It works real good for saying some thing to the woman with out talking to her for 5 minnutes. But thing agian it took me that much time just to type it in the phone.
  10. Yea those are the idiots that are driving hondas with like 200hp. They think its so cool that have a loud blow off valve. I don't even get postive boost under normal driving in the city. The only way I can get postive boost is by gunning it all the time. To me that makes no sense to gun it for a few blocks then slow down to stop. Its nice to have boost on the highway though. By the way those kids are running about 6-10psi of boost after market. Iam able to run 14.70 from the factory. I have never gotten it past like 12.
  11. Not on the street. I have never street raced or never will. I just never under stood the whole point of it. Theres plenty of tracks out there. Yesterday all the kids wanted to race me. I told them on the track only. I heard of five differnt strips within driving distance from Wausau WI. But iam more of a road track racer and none of them wanted to do that. What I cant under stand is that the stage 2 and 3 don't remove any thing. They just add bigger fuel injectors, a blow off valve, a few plug in things for the turbo, and a switch so you can run 101 octane racing fuel. But you can also switch back to 91 octane if your not at the track.
  12. Iam not sure if Iam getting a bigger turbo or not. But mopar has three turbo upgrades. Stage two and three are not street legal. The stage one has bigger fuel injectors and a plug in Module that improves the turbo. I cn fins a blitz intercooler online for under 1,000 dollers and it will fit the car. But iam still not giving up n ford. A mustang is in the future.
  13. That sounds nice. Sounds like my car when he is just driving. I wish we had a tunnel around here so I could hear how loud my car is.
  14. I just can't wait intill this summer. Mopar has a few up grades for it. Iam looking at keeping it around 300 hp. I think Iam just going to add a cold air intake good for 20 hp. Stage one turbo up grade good for 10 hp. A differnt exaust maybe 10+ hp. Then a bigger intercooler 5-10+ hp. I will also be doing a lot of other things for handling and the looks of the car.
  15. Well I didn't get a mustang. But I did get a mustang killer. It is a 04 dodge srt-4. I did a little digging and dodge under rated them at like 230 hp at the crank. But other people say it has 265-275 at the crank and 230 at the wheels. Here is a picture of the color my car is. Thats not my car by the way.
  16. Iam in the need for a new car. Iam looking at two ars right now. One is a Mustang with a v-8 ranging from 94-00. The other car is a 06 Grand Prix with under 10,000 miles on it. I know nothing about gm cars past the mid 90s. But I bleed ford blue. So I really know a lot about mustangs. The main reason Iam looking at the Mustang is the after market parts you can find for it. The Grand Prix is no longer made and I can't find after market parts for it. So I need some more info from you gm guys about it. Thanks alot Erik
  17. Now thats great. It just sucked that the packers lost to them a few weeks ago.
  18. Man the hard water dosn't mean a thing up here. The river never frezzes over so I can fish all year. But the lakes freeze over. I don't have a big enought set to go out on the ice with a car. I have seen enough cars and turcks go through ice that was over a foot thick. In a way iam glad the winter comes.
  19. I also use the booyah ones with a clicker. They have out fished my budy useing one with out one. Even going as slow as I can with this lure its louder then his.
  20. Jeff Gorden that name dosn't ring a bell. He will win the chase this year for sure. I belive he will also beat Pettys and Earnharts 7 championships. Look at what he has done in the short time compared to Earnhart. It took him over 20 years to get to 76 wins. It didn't take Gorden that long to win that munch. As munch as I hate him hes a good driver. Did you hear that the bush and nextel cup are going to have new names next year. The bush will be called the nation wide series and nextel will be called the sprit cup.
  21. Yea I will say muddy nots right but thats muddy. Iam starting to feel the pain. Right now its a head ach. It was so bad a few hours ago I couldn't even see stright. If iam in any pain tomorrow which iam sure I will be. I will head to a doctors tomorrow. If I do decide to sue will my insurance pay all the bills. Iam a little low on cash right now. To make it better it was a Direct tv van that hit me. So iam sure If I decide to sue I can get some money from them. Iam all ready looking at a mustang or a truck. I will let you guys know whats going on.
  22. Yea this car was a few years before side curtin air bags. I was looking at the damage and you know theres frame damage when the tire is leaning in and forward.
  23. I was about ready to turn in to my drive way and was waiting for a car to pass. Then I look up and see a van coming at me. Iam thinking this is going to hurt. Well he ended up hitting my rear quater panel. Theres no rear quarter panel. the frame is bent so bad I cant even open my passangers front door. my car is sitting 4 inches higher in the back right. The car is totaled its only worth like 1,000 dollers. They guy that hit me was looking at his computer and now has to go to traffic school. What surprised me is that my air bags didn't go off. But every one made it out ok.
  24. 1. Beavis and Butt-head. 2. Home Improvement. 3. Honeymooners. 4. Andy Griffith.
  25. All I can say is good luck. But I have seen 40 plus in pike chase a zoom frog to the boat. Now thats fun catching 40in pike on 15lb yo zuri.
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