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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. I have faith in you Raider. I know you can save Gotham.
  2. Since you asked so nicely.
  3. Just make sure you fall asleep next to the toilet.
  4. Black+cream= a good night To many black+ creams= a yellowish color in the morning.
  5. What has this turned in to? The bassresoruce dating game.
  6. Thanks Sam. The family should be ok for know. It was just one hell of a month. As for the 8 pound green lady. That won't happen. Most places still have several inches of ice in early April. And once it melts its at flood levels. Plus most of the sate has a bass season. Since I no longer have a dog. Some thing has to keep me warm at night. Why do you think we like beer? A buddy told me about that site. I am not that disparate.
  7. As long as shes worth millions. With one foot in the grave, and I have happy pills. I think I could handle that.
  8. I am alive. Just with it being winter, few family problems, and my mom threatening to move back to WI. am fine. Doing 60hrs a week in till the end of February. If every thing go's all right. I will make close to 7k in that time. I wont say what else I am working on, but it involves buying a house. If every thing else goes the way I am planing it. I am also trying to find a old lady. Just got to figure out if she is attached. If not I am going to try. No I am not looking to get married yet. Just I get really bored this time of year. It happens almost every year around this time. All though when April hits. The need for a old lady gos away. Don't know why, or do I care why.
  9. Are you Angry? After I just told some one to go screw them self.
  10. If they start talking I am done. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/say-hello-gorilla-wowing-spectators-all-over-world-video
  11. I bet the school was wondering why the windows were always clean.
  12. How about a short bus.
  13. As it is only my Grandma and I. We usually eat what ever we find in her Freezer. I have not had a turkey for thanksgiving in almost 20 years. Last year we went to a Chinese buffet.
  14. I am sure if we did it our self's. That is what we would have done. My dad knew a butcher, and I think owed us a favor.
  15. We had a pig when I was a teenager. The butcher said it was 345lbs when we killed it. I also learned some thing when trying to load it up. That pigs are faster then what I thought.
  16. The "bust" of speed is only good for about one stride. Then she needs the oxygen tank.
  17. You could only get Nessy. I got the Easter bunny, Santa Clause, a leprechaun, and a Alien. They all say Bigfoot is not real.
  18. I don't see why not. I am really 6'6" 250 lbs of muscle. With the looks and money that drive woman crazy.
  19. Give it a few weeks. Raider will have one for a pet.
  20. Well I hope so. If not I am joining the woman's 135 class. Joke is on you. I don't date. I don't have the money for that bs.
  21. I think because only the sport media, UFC, and UFC fanboys. Are the only ones making a big deal of this. As a UFC fan It was just another title change. I lost interest in her after a year. Becasue she was fighting people that were no were near her skill level. Although I did enjoy watching her fall like a tree.
  22. I didn't think this over. Chicago has a large Italian population. Every Marco will come out. Must be hard to find a skirt in Size Baby hippo.
  23. Very true, but do you really want Raider giving you a sponge bath.
  24. I could be in Chicago in less then 5 hours. Raider could hop on a red eye. We both could be there by midnight. Since we don't know were you live. We will play the worlds biggest game of marco polo.
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