Koop I cant believe you forgot about some of wisconsons best under rated bass spots. The sturgeon bay shipping channel in door county is a great one. Just be careful fishing it. They have a 2 man 200 boat bass turny in the spring and fall. Also hayward is a great place. Way under rated because people that go there only fish for muskies. The same gos for the minocqua eagle river area lakes.
George for them to remove the wheel bearing they would have to remove the steering knuckle in my car. So thats why the balljoint came off the lower control arm. Iam sure they just wrenched down the pinch bolt with a impact gun. I have every thing right now. I have pictures on a camera. I have copys of every thing I have had to buy. Iam ready for them.
Well I havent called the place yet. I will not intill I get it fixed. Becasue if I call them before its fixed there will be a lot of swearing. I will never take my care to the place every agian. Iam 100 miles from home so it has to be fixed before I leave for home. I know my english is not that great. But for 18 years of my 24 years on life I talked to people to there faces. Its harder for me to get my fingers moving to what I want my brain to say.
so last week I had a new set or tires put on my car. and I was going to do a aliment also. They got the tires on and called me out and said I needed a new wheel bearing. I was going to do it myself. Then my grandma said she owuld pay for it to get done. So far I would have been better doing it my self.
I was heading out to door county to see family and was goiing to stop at my grandmothers place for the night. I get ready to turn off the main highway and turn on a side road. Then all of a sudden It feels like I lost a wheel then it felt like I lost the other wheel.
So I get out my right front wheel is pointing north and south. Call a family member and a tow to get it to his house intill we can fix it. After we got it to his house to tow driver asked if I had any work done to it latley. Iam like yea last week I had to get a new wheel bearing. He like there at fault. Now I dont pound my car a lot And I have never seen what happend to me ever in my life. What caused this was the lower pinch bolt came out from the ball joint and the control arm.
Right now I have pictures of ever thing that was wrecked. So far it seems the cv boot is torn so bad I have to replace that before I head home. I also had to buy a ball joint just to get the bolt. So a little 200 doller job is going to be like a grand plus. IAm sure there will be more when I drive it and get ever thing fixed.
But Iam going after the company that did for at least every penny I have spent to get this fixed. I might go after more because Iam that mad at them. If the refuse to accept fault i have the tow truck comanys number on it. I will also not be scared to go to the big wigs and send them a nice letter with all the pictures and bills.
I guess iam lucky this happened when I was going like 5 mph and 5 miles from a familys members place. SO I had a merry christmas. It will still be at the shop initll after new years.
I think its the greed, times were in, family's wanting there boys to go to school instead of playing football, and the work load these kids have at them schools. Iam sure the work load at them schools are not easy. Then you throw in football it just might be hard to get all the work done. So maybe the school's have seen a low interest in young men trying out for football. The men would rather work on there study's. You also have to think the schools up there are more about education then sports.
Don't play this game if you get motion sickness. I don't get motion sickness at all, but this did it. I only got it from driving the evo x that is right side drive. The whole time I am driving it the car looks like its driving sideways. After a few races in it I felt like I was going to throw up. I still feel a little sick as I sit here and type this.
I drive from inside the car at all times. I have driven other right side drive cars in the game. I felt fine driving other right side drive cars in the game.
By the way I play a lot of racing sims on the pc and the old ps2. I have spun out and rolled many times before in other games and felt fine. I have no clue if its the graphics or what but I am taking a break from this game for a while.
Iam guessing your a Jimmy fan. I think he might win a few more but not sure about 5 more. I fell like with out the chase and re setting the points he would have one only two championships.
Iam sorry what dose this whole chase thing prove. You race hard for 26 races to get the number one place in the points. Then nascar steps in and resets the point so every one is within the 400 points of the leader. Would Jimmy have won all them championships the old way who knows.
I think they should put a * by every championship from the time it started to if it ever gos back to the old way. Iam sorry but nascar is going down the wrong way road very fast. They are the reason why I am now a avid f1 fan among other forums of road racing.
I don't think i watched a total of 200 laps of nascar this year. I watch every f1 race, Qualifying and almost every practice. Most f1 races are 50-70 laps long. Qualifying and practice are about a hour to a hour and a half.
So in till nascar dose some thing better for the sport I will only tune in for a few laps at a time. F1 looks like it might be getting as dumb as nascar in the future. So pretty soon I will be watching more indy racing.
I had one that had a lexan scraper the best one i ever had. Never got dull or any thing. I really cant help you munch. But there are a few things out there that can help. http://www.prestone.com/products/iceFighters.php ice and frost shield and de-icer both work great. I had to get the de-icer after a ice storm last year. I suggest you keep both in your car. Also keep de icer every were you park your car.
It sounds like a Asian Lady Beetles. They swarm and die in your house. We had them in Iowa and were just starting to get them here in WI. http://www.ca.uky.edu/ENTOMOLOGY/entfacts/ef416.asp
I have never lifted a truck. But I would rather pay a little more for some thing from a company that has a proven history. Also If you go with skyjacker they will make sure all the parts are there so the install is complete. Are you going to spend a weekend installing it in the drive way? Or are you going to take it to a shop? The reason I ask is that If a shop dose it you have two things. The warranty from the company, and a peace of mind driving down the road. Also late model trucks are a lot harder to lift the right way. Its not like changing a few leaf springs any more. So what ever you chose do it right.
I think i found a site that sells them. I just googled the name that came up half way in video. The bad part its in japnese. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cizzi.jp/onlineshop/frog/patapata_gundeeni200908_coler.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cizzi.jp/onlineshop/frog/frog.htm&usg=__rSl9pH3P_LpZ2527Usf3o8cqYEU=&h=276&w=500&sz=46&hl=en&start=14&um=1&tbnid=9GVabh1tZpLU9M:&tbnh=72&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwere%2Bto%2Bget%2Ba%2Bpatapata%2Bgun-deeni%2Bfrog%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
most of my favs have been listed but you guys left out some good ones.
Redwings vs Blackhawks
lakers vs Celtics
Cheifs vs Broncos vs Raiders
Pats vs Colts
Browns vs Steelers
Jeff Gordon vs Dale Sr.
Irish vs MI, MI state, USC, Navy
AL Bundy vs Peg Bundy
The world vs The new york Yankees
the world vs The red sox
Thanks guys. I have I will replace the split ring but not from a other aruku shad. I will also replace the split rings on the other ones I have. The hooks I have no problem with. Most of the time I only have one of the treble hooks in the fish. I have only lost one fish due to the hooks.
I hope this was a fluke. I hooked in to a 4 pound plus small mouth tonight and had to cut the hook to get it out. So I replaced the hook and hooked in to a 3 pound small mouth and lost it. When I looked at the bait the split ring was stretched out and there was no hook left. I checked before I made the cast to see if the hook was on right. It was. So could this have been a bad split ring? Or from the large fish before screw it up? I need your guy's help. I love this bait.
I cant help you with this. But they seem like vending machines and what not don't like them for some reason. And were do you guys bank were you get fresh bills. My bank I get bills that look like they have been to war and back.
I didn't see it. But I saw it this morning on the news. I think it was faked. I think many things on mtv are faked. Has any one seen that channel the last few years. But wasn't he the one that attacked bush after the hurricane?
To me its always been liped crank baits and soft plastics. Water is not deep enough to throw a crank bait. If it is I lose them in a cast to logs or rocks. Plastic because water is to dark. Spinners, jigs, spooks, lipless crank baits, and jerk baits work great.
Jeff H gander has sales like that here all the time. At least the one down the road. But they never have any thing good. In a few weeks head to the local gander mt. They will start bringing out the ice fishing gear. You might be able to get better deals. I swear they have ice gear out from next month in till may around here.
glen it wasn't that dark. It was lighter then that. I had to beach it because it had one trebble hook in it mouth and the rear one 3 inches away. I have come close to getting hooks in my hands liping bass. so due to it being dirty, bad lighting, and a camera phone it looks darker. but it was a typical colored small mouth. Heres a dark one. My buddy caught this in the same river system about 10 miles down stream.
So I hit the same spot last night and hooked in to a 2.5 and a 3.6. Sorry no pictures it was almost dark. They had more girth then this one did. They looked like footballs compared to the other nights one.
Fixed the size. By the way for some reason in the same spot I has been giving me 3-4 4 lbers. When I hooked in to that one I thought it might have been a pike or a muskie the way it was striping line. I would rather chase small mouth over large mouths. I was shaking so bad after this one. It was close to being my pb. The pb was just a tad under 5 lbs. Skillet I want to head down to the Tenn river for some Smallie's some day over going after a 10 lb + large mouth.
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