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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. How did her phone not go dead? Most phones today have like a 10 hour talk time.
  2. I don't have the temper for golf at all. I can drive it a mile but that's about it. I would rather be fishing or at the track on a nice day though.
  3. Heres my dog 90-100lbs rot lab mix named nipper. He also gos by puppy, nip nip, dumb mut, and get your butt over here. He is also head of security and can hear you opening a candy bar 100 ft away. He is kind of goofy looking also. He has the rot body. Then he has the lab head.
  4. Ok I set it so lose that I have to use my thumb to set the hook. I even battle fish that way. If I have to I will adjust the main drag. Muskies and and pike are the only ones were I use drag.
  5. I can say white is the only color I will buy for walking and popers. I have never caught a fish on top water in any other color. I even did a test one day. The fish were killing a white spook. I mean they were killing it. I could barely get a few twitches in before a blow up. I changed colors and didn't even get one blow up. So I went back to white and started getting fish again.
  6. I only use the palomar, imimproved clinch, and uni to uni knot. I have never had a knot fail me. If I get a snag the line will break or I will bend the hook. I guess I don't see the need to know more a few basic knots.
  7. I finally got it to work. I will have to add you later. I don't play black ops though. I do play mw2 online. My psn is tipptruck1 or tipptruck.
  8. Did you have any problems with resetting you password? I got the page to load up once. But I couldn't see the numbers to protect from bots. So I hit refresh and it won't load up at all.
  9. I don't know about you guys but my arm hurts just watching that. Throwing some thing that light and that hard can not be good for the arm.
  10. Rhino I can say if I don't want to be reached you wont reach me. I might have my phone with me. That doesn't mean I am going to answer it. My view is that If its important leave a message. 99% of the time its buddy's wondering what I am doing. If work calls I know not to answer unless I need the money.
  11. Rhino my buddy dose that all the time. We well be hanging out and his phone will ring. There is many times were I would just like to take his phone and throw it against the wall. As for being attached to my phone. I don't think I am. I will let it die and not charge it for days. There are many times were I have gone to work or a buddy's place and left it at home. The only time I make sure I have my phone is when I am going more then 30 miles from home. I have only used it once for a emergency. I broke down less then 5 miles from my grandmas place. That was the one time I was glad I had it. Even if I didn't I could have walked across the road and given her a call. Yes I know her land line number off the top of my head. Sfritr I know how to do more then basic maintenance on my car. I might not be able to do every thing. All I know is that I take a lot pride in being able to fix it my self. While my buddy's are paying to get it fixed. I can tell you this if its some thing I cant fix. My mechanic will fix it. 99% of the time it is what I think it is. So I am sure her hates me. As for the dewey decimal system I haven't used it since I was like 8. I am sure I could remember how to use it if I had to. As for the letter I am not sure if I could do that.
  12. Yea I think your right now that I watch it again. If that was the case what was with the water or fuel coming out of the engine?
  13. Was this dyno pull to see what could happen? Or was it just a normal hp and boost test that went wrong? It looks like a turbo or head gasket fail. All though I cant tell from that angle.
  14. Well if I ever caught a state record its going to die. The Wi dnr takes the fish and makes sure its legal and what not. I also heard that cabelas pays really good to have a state record fish or animal on the walls. I
  15. To me I think because its cheap. You can go for your first time for under 100 dollars. All you would need a rod and reel combo, line, hooks, live bait, and a fishing licenses. Compare fishing to a lot of other hoobys of mine. Fishing is by far the the cheapest.
  16. On Saturday my grandma and I went looking at some landscaping edging for her. We stopped at Burger King for lunch. As I am sitting there eating and see a kid about three or four looking at me. Mind you being over 6ft and a big guy I scare a lot of kids. So it not uncommon for kids to just stare at me. The kid gos and runs to his mom. After the kid leaves my grandma says is that yours.
  17. I have told my grandma that. As the person that has to take care of her lawn its a waste of money and time. Last year she put in a in ground sprinkler system. That means I have to mow her lawn 3-4 times a week now. At a hour of mowing and a hour of trimming it sucks.
  18. I found some thing that my grandma says will work. My grandma and I are going this weekend to check them out in person. Looking at pictures of the ones my grandma wants looks like I will be able to do it in a day. Now all that's left is take measurements and order the stuff. So thanks for the help guys.
  19. Sorry I guess I should have been more clear. Can I find bricks like that in say 12-16x what ever deep. Then I could do it my self.
  20. I ask this here because some one must have info on what I need. My grandma is set on installing some new edging around her islands and shrubs around her house. Here is a link of what she showed me she would like. http://www.bordermagic.com/ So today I went to all the big box home stores. Not a single store had them. The only one I didn't go to was lowes. To far to drive just to see of they have any thing like what I am looking for. I still have to stop in to a place tomorrow to see if they have them. So any one know were I can get stone like that? If you notice some are at a angle. While others are like a street curb. I have no problem spending a weekend installing it for her. Guys I could really use your help.
  21. Well it sounds like a place I fish. If there is not alge on the surface there is thick weeds under water. I fish that spot mostly with 12 lb suffix and a MH 6'9 Kistler rod match with a Curado. There are Many times were they go in to the grass. There is a few things I do when I hook up. First I keep the rod tip up. Second I don't tighten my drag it is lose to were I control it with my thumb. I am not worried about a fish breaking my line. Third If the fish gos left to the weeds rod tip up to the right. For me if the fish gos in to the weeds I will force it out. No matter what I will get it out. I have pulled many fish covered with 5 lbs of weeds from my spot.
  22. Well welcome back mike. I was wondering if you feel off the face of the earth. I cruise a lot of forums on the web. I think this one is really the only one that uses a different lay out. Most of the forums all have the basic layout. I liked the old layout better. Now that I am use to this one I really cant tell a difference other then looks. As for the price to run this site. I think it might cost more then a few hundred dollars a year to run this site. I go to a few dozen forums and a few have donations links. You click on the link and they will have monthly goals. Most of the forums I go to have a 500-1000 dollar a month server bills. If glen needs to sell adds to make this site free. I am fine with that.
  23. I feel like sony was asking for this. First they remove linux for people that used it. I got the ps3 after that was removed. Then they re brick all Play Stations after congress said it was ok to jail break stuff we buy. After people figure out a way to jail break them sony bans them form the PSN. Then sony gos after that hackers in law suits. I am will to bet the hackers really have no interest in any thing personal. I have a feeling the hackers did it just to tick off sony.
  24. The people that use the PSN network have known it has been down for weeks. I for one could care less. I only play online with family members or friends. I just heard some things that made me happy I never gave sony my credit card info. Sony is saying 77 million accounts have been comprised. Every thing personal has also been comprised. So that means Email, secret question, and credit card. I really feel sorry for people that paid for ps plus and all the other stuff they have downloaded. From the sounds of it its all gone. This is the reason why I would rather buy hard copy's of games. I will not pay for DLC. I will not pay for stuff that should have been in the game. Before I hear about the xbox people saying that's why xbox is better. It could happen to you also. I am not a fan boy but I will not pay to play. If I had the money I would own a xbox. There are some games out there for it that look good.
  25. Ok I laughed when I read this. I don't know how you can be a anti-christ for serving rabbit. Rabbit really has nothing to do with the day other then to kids. If your in laws don't like it tell them next year there hosting the dinner.
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