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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. If I had to choose I would take my reels. But in a split second choose I would make sure my family and dog get out. Insurance will cover every thing if lost. I would make sure to gab my computer hard drive. A lot of personal and family things on that.
  2. This would have been some thing my dad would have done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wcyh3S08d9Y
  3. Chris I need to show this to my buddys. They all say by the time I am 30 I will out grow systems. I just turned 26 last month and I don't see that happening any time soon. They also say I will out grow sports cars. What do they know?
  4. I only play in the woods. Paintball was never really that costly to me. Other then in marker and what not to get started. In all I think I have over 300 dollars in a tippmann 98. I will post a picture later. The cost of paintball as always been cheap for me. I have only ever paid about 5 times to play at a park. My friends all own acres out in the country. I buy 40 dollar cases of paint. I usually shoot about 500-1000 rounds a day. So a case can last me a long time. My dad bought a co2 tank. I have always filled my own co2 tanks. The bait money and paintball monkey have nothing on the tool and car part monkey. Fishing and paintball are the cheapest hobbies I have.
  5. ok bassn I dont drink munch any more. I have only had like 3 beers since new years. AS for woman there fun to play with don't get me wrong. It just that if the world was ending. That would be the only time I would be able to drive them cars. Plus think of all the woman I could get with them cars for a day.
  6. You mean this one. Since he works in a office I would suggest this one.
  7. I would not be on a lake fishing some were. I also wont be going crazy with booze and woman. I would drive down the Chicago and hit up a Ferrari or Porsche dealer. If that is my last day on earth I am going to have fun.
  8. I agree with ohio on the dodge. That truck is on its last legs. That gen of chevy truck is known for having gauge cluster problems. GM knows about this and you have to pay 300 dollars for a new one from GM. To get one you have to go to a certified GM shop and let them repair it also. Two of my buddy's had this happen to them this winter. As for the millage. All newer cars and trucks with a digital odometer are controlled with the cars computer. So you really can't roll back miles any more. If you ever want to buy a newer car or tuck with out a working odometer. Take it in before you buy and let them hook it up to a computer. If them were your only choice I would buy the chevy. If not I would wait around.
  9. I also play a lot of racing sims. give me intill tomorrow when i can get on a real computer so i can help you. I wll also point you to some of the best sim sites for any racing games.
  10. Well I guess that sucks. My only other choice is take it to a body shop. If you want to you could spend a hour and pop off the door panel. All you should need in a Philips head screw driver to remove some screws. Unless it has rear crank windows. Then lift up and the door panel should come off. There will also be a plastic barrier that is just epoxied on. That will come off. Just go slow and and will be able to press it back on when done. With every thing off you should be able to see the rods for the handles. Look at the rod for the inside door handle. Its come off there or a the door catch. If thats the case you might have to remove one of them, or both of them to get them reattached. All you would have to do is there should be colored plastic next to the hole for the rods. Spin them back in till they snap on the rods. I hope this helps. This is all I got for you. I know this because I use to do auto body for a living.
  11. Ok now iam really going to make you feel dumb. Check the child lock on the door frame. If you can open it from the outside. That might be the problem. I had the same problem when I got my car a few years ago.
  12. I would be scared to drive the 1200hp mustang. If they put it in a truck there would be no way I would drive it. The tuck could even have posi, ladder bars, traction control, and wrinkle walls. I think it would be cool to see the code red engine in a old crown vic.
  13. I think that mustang would be a waste. Mustangs have a hard enough problem hooking up with just normal hp. I heard a rumor that by 2012 or 2013 ford will ditch the live axle. I really hope that is true.
  14. http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/hennessey-twin-turbo-ford-gt-texas-mile-2011-06-02
  15. I can tell you this. I may have been born just down the road. But I would rather live some were else. I would be gone if I didn't have family I need to take care of. The main reason I would be gone. Its the dumb snow.
  16. I come from tornado ally. I can tell you I am not laughing. If you really think people are laughing your a idiot. I may not live in Kansas but I use to live in Iowa. That state is just as bad. I once had two twisters developing on both sides of the hwy. While I was driving on it. Mind you there was no tornado watch or even a serve thunderstorm warning issued. I was listing to Metallica's for whom the bell tolls. It was to the part about look up into the sky. So I did and saw a dark green sky with funnel clouds on both sides of the HWY. I really thought that was my last few moments on earth.
  17. I think I jinxed Tampa. I stopped shaving when they were down three in the last series. I stopped and they came back to win. I shaved some time last week then to go on losing. If they make it back next year. I will not shave from April to mid June. The best part in that I will only still have like what most people call a few days growth. My facial hair grows slow.
  18. Well it seems like any time I turned on ESPN. I heard ESPN kissing butt. I am sorry If I didn't hear ESPN saying they would lose. Like I said I don't watch munch of ESPN munch any more. Why I hate ESPN belongs in a other post.
  19. I could care less who wins. I don't follow any level of basketball. But I would love to see miami lose. All year espn has been kissing there butt. If the heat win I see ESPN non watchable for at lest a month. Its not like ESPN is that watchable munch any more.
  20. I had three jobs and school when I was 18. Working almost 40 hours a week and school. I still found a lot of time to hang out with friends. I don't know how you cant find time to hang with them. Now that I am 25 I would rather work 40+ hours a week then hang out with friends. Friends don't pay my bills.
  21. You know what really makes me mad. I cant remember who made the bait. I think I might have to go to gander and see if they have any of them left.
  22. They all ready make them. They are common in Japan were space is limited. My grandpa that use to repair appliances said they use to be in the states. They stopped making them in the states for a lot of reasons. The main reason is clothes would never come out dry. If they did they would have rust stains on them.
  23. Sorry this is nothing bass related. I just figure you guys would like the story. A friend and I decided to hit to the river today. He was catching a bunch of walleyes that I would call bait. I threw every thing trying to get a bass. So I tied some type of hard swim bait. It is about 3 ft from me and stop after a twitch. The bait by this time is in less the 3ft of water. All of a sudden I see a white mouth inhale my bait out of no were. As I set the hook I see the blue/green hue of a muskie. Talk about a fight. I am using 12lb suffix, a curado, and a mh Kislter rod. I knew my drag wound not handle it. So I had to use my thumb to control the fish. It broke the surface a few time. Its taking drag like its no other. It doubles over and my rod gos limp. Me and my buddy both agree that it was a mid 40 muskie. It could have been bigger just didn't see that munch of it. It also looked like it spawned out. It was very skinny for a muskie of that size. This was me second ever muskie. Last one was caught on the same gear. I was just using a lip less bait. It got off at the boat. So right now Mr Muskie is up 2-0 with a 15 dollar bait. There will be payback now.
  24. I can watch any horror movie and laugh. According to Rob Zombie and the guy that dose my tattoos horror movies are really comedy's. What gets me are the graphic movies with a lot of blood and guts. I don't get sick or any of that. It just makes me turn away.
  25. Ok I guess I must have missed that. From what I get the train company don't like people talking on there phone. Then why would they put chargers on the trains. Maybe I guess I don't understand that. Its that or its one of them oxymoron things.
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