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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. I have only used the Aruku Shad the last few years. It seems the more beat up the bait gets. The more fish it catches. I will say that if it didn't catch fish with almost all of the finish missing. I would skip over them. The finishes just doesn't last long.
  2. Chris you know woman love cute things. They flock to them like pigs to slop. My car never gets the its cute thing. Funny that it is based on a chicks car. After dodge took the female charm out of it woman hate it. Any way I do know how you feel. I don't like to leave my car out of my site when I fish. Its not the the areas I fish are in a bad part of town. Its just a lot of teenagers hang out the spots I fish.
  3. I saw that this morning on the news. I don't know about the people in the video. If it was me I would need a new change of pants.
  4. I really think that we will see 4-6 super conferences in the next 10 years. I wonder if the economy didn't go down the toilet. Would all this be happening? If they go they way of super conferences. I think each conference will have to have there own playoff system. A simple 4 or 6 team playoff in each would be nice. Then after that if the bcs and bowl games are still around work out the games from the playoffs.
  5. I was watching some thing on Discovery a few weeks about car theft. You guys are worried about a tail gate being stolen. They showed how fast your car can be stolen. They open the hood swap the computer and there off. Mind you a good aftermarket alarm will prevent this. It took them a total of 30 seconds to do that. After seeing that I would rather them take the tailgate. At lest I can go to a junk yard and get a new one.
  6. I had to find out what they were. There are pretty cool looking spiders. Almost looks like who ever came up with there colors was on a acid trip. Also I am sorry for your loss.
  7. If it is real it is cool. I just have a feeling that it is fake. There is to munch physics and odds involved to be real.
  8. My buddy once paid 50 dollars for a Curado d series deep spool combo. The combo should have cost him over 300 dollars.
  9. That crash is the reason why I don't watch Indy on oval's. I will be thinking about him and his family.
  10. After seeing this I might have to go get my engine ported now. I might be able to hit the 40mpg plus. I get about 30-35 mpg if I stay off the boost. Plus as munch as I go to the track it would be worth it. It dose make sense since you are letting the motor breath easier. You are also getting the air to flow smoother getting in and getting out. You know as well as I do. Engines like the air to be as smooth as possible.
  11. I don't know fire fox is getting bad now days. Fire fox is getting to were it just installs updates with out you telling them ok. A few times I have left my computer on over night. When I woke up in the morning fire fox decided to update by its self when I was sleeping.
  12. I was looking at a zune also. Like your wife's car I have a radio that has iPod plugin. That is also the main reason I decided to get it. But I can control every thing on a aftermarket alpine head unit.
  13. I don't get why people buy a new 300 dollar phone every year. What is so great about the iPhone? What I am I missing? As long as my phone makes calls that's all I care about. I have a 100 dollar lg whine that has more features then what I need. I have a computer for internet. I can get on my phone for internet if I wanted to. I will not pay another 60 dollars a month for internet. I also don't text. I guess call me a cheap ***. I do own a old 30gig classic iPod though. The main reason I bought it is to save my cd's from getting screwed up in my car. I have a few problems with the iPod. The main one is the dumb iTunes. If apple dose decided to kill the iPod classic. I hope they replace it with a touch screen 160 gig one. I am looking at getting a classic 160 gig now.
  14. Because all the other bands that suck all ready did it. I know there has been bands that I like have done it in the past. It's just not the same. They usually play 1-3 songs. That is if there the only ones booked. For the most part they are not. If they are not the only ones booked. You hear the chorus and that's its. I really don't get why people watch half time shows.
  15. If it hurts like you know what after you shave. You are doing some thing wrong.
  16. Bassn Blvd I cant believe you have never seen a fat cop. I see them all the time. Were I use to live in Iowa. The sheriff was the fattest one on the force in the whole county. Now living in WI I see them more. A few winters ago I broke down and a woman about 5x5 ran my drivers License. I think the only non fat cops I see are State patrol.
  17. I don't think any one ever grows up. That even gos for woman. Just as we get older our toys cost more. Little boys 1 dollar hot wheels turn in to 30,000 dollar real cars. That some spends as munch time with as they did there hot wheels. Barbies dream house for little girls becomes a real house. That they spend the rest of there life making it there dream house.
  18. I use both electric and normal razors. I use the electric if a buddy calls and says were going out in 20 minutes. I also use it because it has a trimmer in it. Since I go weeks with out shaving Its nice. After I get the bread cut down. I just use hot water and a normal razor.
  19. soccer was on my FSN here. I don't know how many late games fox was covering. But usually I get the cowboys up here if there the late game. Other wise I get the whole NFC east if there late. Other then them games. I get Bears, vikings, Lions, bengals, colts, cheifs. if they are late games. If CBS is covering a game I never see a local team. It has to to a packer game to see a local team. Other wise I am stuck with games that are over 1000 miles away.
  20. You have to remember Colin that fox is world wide. They showed soccer because it would get more viewers then football. I am sure people in the Dallas and bay area saw it. Shoot even I think I could have seen it. Can't remember I switched from fox after the packer game.
  21. It has to be Al. The raiders don't have a 1st through 3rd round pick next year because of him. I really feel sorry for you raider fans. I swear the older he gets. The crazier his actions become. He has the money to get good players. He could have a great team year after year. Just he dose what ever he wants and don't listen to any one. I also feel sorry for the browns and lions fans. Both of them teams have a long history. Some of it good. Most of it bad though.
  22. So them dancing gangster hamsters have you sold? I am just kidding. I have a dodge neon and have no problem with putting 7ft rods and a large bag in it. Yea a lose the passenger front seat to the rods. I don't think you will have that problem with the KIA. I m guessing the rear back seats also fold down. As for off road. I cant speak for the KIA. I have got the neon with low pro tires, ground effects, and a lower ride in places people say it cant go. As long as your not trying to go through 2ft of mud you should be fine.
  23. I was expecting a huge pike taking on mom. That is still cool though.
  24. I had to google it. Its like I tunes except it looks better. I bet it even works better. From what I saw it stores you music in the cloud network. You can then access it from any pc or smart phone. If i had a smart phone I would be all over this.
  25. I don't know that those 6x6s have for electronics in them. But its far better then what we have on modern cars. If you tried that with a newer vehicle even with a snorkel it would die. The on board electronics would not last more then a few minutes. Modern cars suck don't they.
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