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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. Well I might have one more Idea for the temp then. I don't know about the range of them. I also don't know if it will go through water. We had one at a body shop I worked at. One time we were playing with it getting temps from all around the shop 100ft away. You can find cheaper ones. http://www.jegs.com/i/Micro-Temp/919/MTTQ1/10002/-1
  2. I have never seen a hand held ones. I think they kind of have gone out of style for one reason. Every fish finder can read temp and depth now. You could do it like the pirates did for depth. Grab some robe and tie knots every so feet. Drop it over board and count the knots as they go through your hands. Then just get a temp prob from a pool store. That is the only answers I have for you.
  3. I saw that last night on g4. I thought it was just a joke kind of like the old snl adds. Man I spend about 15 dollars every 2 years for blades. I know I still have some left over blades from when I was in high school. That was 8 years ago. If I have to shave I can go about a week or two. I have blond facial hair. After it gets to a cretin length for some reason it turns red.
  4. Its that way because they can get a whole .09 a litter better a km. No I do not believe in that hype. I have been around a lot of cars in my life. I will never believe a automatic can get better overall distance then a Manuel. In reality if they they made there Sticks better they could get better mpgs out of them. You also have to remember that almost 75% of euro cars made for export end up here. I guess Other Americans want a heavy, slow, boring, family carrier car. In my world that equals a car I will not buy. I drive a 04 neon srt-4. Its not the best car in the world. But you know what its ones of the funnest cars I have ever driven. Only the two front windows are power. The rear is roll down. It rides ruff with the stiffer shocks. But I love that. If I tap the breaks I stop. I don't stop 50ft after I hit the breaks. The steering is very agile. As soon as I turn the wheel I am going that way. IT has nothing fancy in it. The only option that you could buy at the time was a sun roof or a different seat. People tell me the ride sucks. The exhaust is loud. My back seat is useless. I just look at them. I don't care if you think the ride sucks. Next time we will take your gas guzzling truck. That usually shuts them up. They complain about the exhaust. I just turn up the system. As for the back seat the only thing that gos back there is my tackle bag.
  5. MY dad told me about some inner city Chicago kids once. I am guessing he heard this from a friend. But these kids game to a meat packing plant to learn about what ever. I think some one asked the kids if they knew were there meat comes from. None of the kids could say were it came from. To me that is worst then a 21 year old not seeing a cricket or a coyote.
  6. Rob if your going to do it right go for plum crazy purple. I am not a muscle car fan. I cant stand cars that go fast in the 1/4 mile only. I so wish you luck though in what ever color you choose.
  7. They both have there place. But you can not compare the two. The only vette that could scare Farrari is the zr1. But iam sure that still dosn't scare them. Like the 599 the f12 is a gt car. It is ment for long easy drives. It is not ment for the track. The same gos for the vette. Now you can campare the zr1 to the 458 italia. Both cars were made for the track. The Farrari is about 100k more. But they are closer in hp and weight. If I never had to worry about money again. There would be no vette in my name. I know I would have a Porsche gt3 rs, Zonda r, BMW M3, a well tuned mustang, tuned wrx, a tuned 370z, And a 458 italia. And a few others.
  8. That f12 sure is sexy. I don't think it looks any thing like a vette. The vette is butt ugly and the body needs to be re done. There is one thing I don't like about the styling of the f12. It's the dumb smiling front end. It reminds me of the stupid cat from Alice in wonderland. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_dS9o2xQUbsU/TUbyomU9ppI/AAAAAAAAFB0/Mbe5OTNOzHU/s1600/Cheshire_Cat.jpg
  9. First there was a second lap crash. A few engine blowing up. Now monyta breaks some thing and hits the jet blower. Of course the jet blower gos up in flames. I am sitting here watching jet fuel run down the banking while its on fire. By this time I am laughing at the safety officials trying to put out a jet fire with fire extinguisher's and water. So I call my firefighter buddy and told him to turn on the race. All I hear is him laughing. You would figure with all the jet blowers NASCAR uses they would have a truck full of foam for some thing like this. Any way the have the fire out and every one involved is OK. NASCAR is just making sure the track is ok to race. The track was on fire for about 5 minutes. So they want to make sure they don't have a other 2010 race.
  10. So are the cell phones most people now carry. I heard a few years ago lining your wallet or purse with tin foil will take care of people stealing you cc info. I don't know if it works or not. I don't know about you but tin foil is cheap and wont harm you.
  11. I never had a problem with putting my rods in the back of my buddys trucks. Since most of them have the useless 6ft beds Here is what I do. Put the tips over the tail gate. I then grab a small piece of mono or rope and tie then together. I do that at about 6 inches from the top. Then in the middle. I also tie them to the bed at the anchor point at the bed rail. They don't go any were. I then take my big heavy tackle bag use it to brace the butt ends and reels against the inside of the bed. I did that also in high school when I had a full size normal cab truck also. But now with a little car. I stick my rods on the passenger seat. I guess you could even do that with a extend or crew cab truck. I do agree with sac2 also. As long as you are careful you will be fine. I use to have a full size 35in tire and rim. A few log chains and a few other things back in my bed. I never snapped a rod.
  12. I have a buddy that is going though this with his kid. The only difference is that his girl is 16 and they were never married. It is also not the courts saying he cant see her. It is the ex. I just keep telling him that his girl will come around. Guess what his girl came around and wants to be with dad. I also was used as a pawn like that as a kid. I didn't know my real dad for 12 years. MY dad never got up dates and wanted to see me. I was just my mother that was well a %#$@, When she took of running from the law when I was about 11. My two brothers all went with there dads. I remember being on the stand in court at 12 years old asking were I wanted to go. MY mom didn't even have the guts to show up. To this day my brothers and me want nothing to do with her. I talk to her from time to time. But I can not forgive her. Because of her I only knew my dad for 6 short years. It is also kind of hard to forgive a person you have only seen twice in 14 years. What every one said about about a lawyer get one. Also when you go to court. Have family, friends, co workers, and other people that know you go to the stand and speak for you. That will look so munch better then just up you there.
  13. thanks nick I think that cleared it up.
  14. Most oil comapanys any more are going away with the every 3k change. They say you can get about 5-6k out of a oil change any more. You have to weight cost vs change's. Yea you might get 10k out of synthetic oil. But at twice the price. Lets say you drive 50,000 miles a year. That is at 5 oil changes at about 150 dollars plus. Minus the the shop labor if you do it your self. With some one doing it at 150 a pop it adds up. Now normal oil is usually half the price. I think my local shops charge about 40-75 dollars a change. I can change my oil for less 30 dollars. Even with synthetic I can do it for less then 50. That is using royal purple and a fram filter. There are both pros and cons to both oils. Like I said cost is one. Brand new motors in cars need to use normal oil for a few oil changes. The reason is just what Ohio said about seals and what not. With synthetic parts move more free and cause less friction. That equals better mpgs. Once you go synthetic you can go back. You can also run lighter synthetic oil then normal oil. Synthetic oil is also good for winter. The down fall of it. If you have a super charger or turbo car save your money. Normal oil is better since you would still have to change it every 5k. You just have to read this stuff online. MY knowledge comes from real world experience and friends.
  15. Marty I know I need to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound. But I still cant figure out say I am eating 2500 calories a day. That means I would have to burn almost 6000 calories just to lose one lb. That's is what I am not getting. Math was never my never my strong point. Nick thanks for the site. Here is what I was using http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc I do not know hoe accurte it is. But it seemed like it was about 100 off on the high side compared to the site you gave me.
  16. This week I started my work out routine. I walk a little over 2.5 miles at 2 or 3 mph. Thanks to the treadmill being stuck at a 10% incline. I fell it I do plan on start jogging a little at a time. I hope to get up at lest 30 mintues be middle of next month. I ride the Stationary bicycle for about 60 minutes at about 12-15 mph. Then for about 30 minutes at 15-20mph. I do some crunches, push ups, take the dog for about a mile walk. According to a Calorie calculator with sleep and various other stuff. I am burning the what it takes to maintain my weight. Mind you I am eating smaller meals. I eat at lest 4 meals a day. I am sure its over 2000 calories. Also with that calculator I found I would have to burn at lest 3500 more calories then I take in. I don't know about you but that seems like a lot. I really dont want to kill my self. All ready with smaller meals and working out. I have a lot more energy. I feel like I am bouncing off the walls with all this energy. Last time I went on a work out diet. I was eating at lest 4-5 meals a day. I can tell you what I ate. Mind you I was working a not so tuff job and going to school. I went from a 50 in waist to a 44 in a few months. Here is what I ate. I would wake up around 9 pm for work. Eat a small home cooked meal for first break. Second break I would eat maybe a some thing small like a candy bar. Third break I would usually not eat any thing. I would just drink some water. After work at 7am I would grab any thing from the fridge or drive through at bk. The large drink I would sip all morning. I might throw in a candy bar if I was hungry. At 11 or 12 when class was over. I would go home and have a home cooked small meal. I was drinking a lot of water also during the time. Put it this way I was drinking and eating any thing and losing weight. That is were I learned As long as I was working out I could pretty munch eat any thing. Any way I am just confused about the whole calorie thing. Mind you I am not looking to build muscle. I have plenty of that from doing farm and hard labor. Just wasn't burning more then I ate. So I just need help with the whole calorie thing.
  17. I heard there all ready in the great lake. So its to late for that. I even heard that they have been seen in parts of Minnesota and WI. That among a few other states. All we can do is really over fish them or kill them some how.
  18. Clayton and retiredbosn I cant agree with you more on the cost. I have a buddy that pays nothing for tattoos. One is the Confederate flag. The colors have faded so munch that all you see in the black outline. Hes like I need my cousin to touch it up, I am like go to my guy and have him use real ink. He was like that will cost to munch. He then said his cousin used real ink. Must not have been to good of ink. I have never seen a tattoo parlor tattoo fade in less then 3 years. He also has a eagle on his left arm. Its not bad. But if he would have paid for it. It could have been a thousand times better.
  19. I only have one right now. I am planning on getting about 10 more. Every one I have planned out means some thing to me. My family couldn't say any thing bad about this one. My other ones I am sure they will. I know they will about one I plan on getting for sure. Any way this is a Memorial to my dad. I think I spent like 5 hours in the chair. MY buddy saw this and he said I over paid. Yea I don't think I did. I could have gotten it cheaper. But there is no way it would have looked this good. I am still not sure if I am done with it. I was talking to the guy about a other idea with a pin strip design. He said some pin striping around it would look sweet.
  20. I have a 04 dodge neon srt-4. I think the motor comes from Mexico. But the car was made in Illinois some wear. My buddy was giving me crap because he said my car was made in china. So I had to prove that it was made here. The look on his face was priceless. He was so mad that my little car was made here. While his big American pick up was made north of the border. Any way when It comes to cars I get what I like. I also get what I want. I make sure to read a lot of reviews of a certain car I am looking at. I am sorry I cant go on buying a car because it is made here or over seas.
  21. Is it me but what Grundle said sounds like a ban wagon fan. I live in WI other then the packers and the badgers football and basketball program. The sport teams here suck. There was a time in the late 60s to the early 90s were WI sports teams were a laughing stock of every league. No one in that time other then the Brewers had a winning record. So growing up here I am use to failure. I also learned not to take sports serious. If your getting to the point were your stressing out. You need to find a other hobby. There just a 3 hours of entertainment to me. I don't follow what happens off the field nor do I care. Last year when the packers were in the Superbowl I didn't watch any of it. I have more important things in life to worry about. Then a game that has nothing to do with me. I didn't have a horse in the race this year. But I am glad Brady didn't win. Now we just have to listen to if Eli is better the Payton because he has two rings.
  22. I saw this picture on face book and thought of the Kids say thread. I guess that proves that kids are growing up way to fast any more.
  23. You can do that with a bass boat. Legned boats do that with there boats. I was at a fishing expo a few years ago. That is what caught my eye to the boat. I have never heard of them before the expo. Here is a sample. The hull stripes and top deck can also be faded. http://media.channelblade.com/boat_graphics/dealers/40106/digi38811961.jpg I was talking to the guys at the expo about the boat. They had a full loaded boat with almost all the options. I asked how munch it cost like it was. There like about 15k less then a slightly decked out ranger of the same size. A bone stock 21 ft with a 225 or 250 is like 45-50k. Its also just not a empty boat at that price. It comes with a lot of stuff you have to pay for from ranger. Also good job on the body. It looks very good.
  24. I use to get all this about cars and auto body. I will take a look for free. But I will charge any one for labor. I don't care if your a friend of the family, family, or a friend. The only ones that get free labor is the grandparents. Usally they tell me its to munch or try to buy me a case of beer. I had a buddy that wanted to repaint his truck, pull some dents, and replace rockers. I am like it should take me like 3 days or so. He thought about it and says I will give you a case of beer. I laughed at that. I told him I charge 20 a hour. He thought he was getting riped off. Why would I do 3 days of hard work for cheap beer. I would rather have a few hundard dolllars and buy my own beer.
  25. I can say I have never had a fear of clowns. I even remember seeing Killer clowns from outspace when i was litte. I think I might have been around 5 or so. I havn't seen IT yet. I know its a old movie. Just horror movies bore me.
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