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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. Well then the person that told me that. Must have been confused,
  2. Way up north also got hit with a snow storm last week also. Hurley WI got hit with 18 plus inches. Granted there right on the lake shore. But still 18 inches this late.
  3. from what I heard ice just got out a few weeks ago. Around my neck of the woods. Ice has been gone for about a month. Last week I went out and the water was i am guessing around 50-60 degrees still.
  4. Yea I was totally missed placed when I moved to Iowa. I was the only WI sports fan in the my neck of the woods. Every one else was cubs, Cardinals, twins, Vikings, bears, Cyclones, or Hawk fans. So yea there always was trash talk when they played. If you every head a few hours west this summer. Hit me up. I will try to work some time out were we can fish. I don't have a boat. But shore fishing is not that bad.
  5. Lake link is hit or miss for me. This far up north its muskies or walleyes. I don't mind the muskie reports. I don't fish for walleyes. So I could less care about them reports. Once and a while I do see some local bass reports. Dwtaylor tell me your not a hawk fan. I moved to butler county for 6 or so years. At that time I didn't even know Iowa had more then one football team. Let alone three. As a badger fan in Iowa could not see the Badgers. So I was stuck watching cyclones or Hawkeyes football. I could not pull for the Hawks. So I started pulling for the Cyclones. To this day. I still pull for the cyclones.
  6. I know same here. But I just look a head. So I can get a idea of what to expect. But if its that way. It would not surprise me. A few years ago me and a buddy were fishing opening weekend. In our winter gear in the middle of the lake. It never falls it always gets cold for opening weekend. Living this far up north sucks.
  7. I just looked at the forecast. There saying 45-50 with rain/snow. That don't surprise me. It always turns cold during opening weekend.
  8. There is a reason why most NFL teams haven't changed there uniforms. It is based in tradition. In the early 90s the packers wanted to change the uniform. That went over as good as a fart in church. Colleges are doing that. Because kids have told these schools they want to wear the coolest jerseys. To me that makes no sense. If I am going to school to play football. I would be more worried about playing time, and other factors. Then what the hell I am wearing.
  9. Well ALMS has been going down hill for many years. Many factors play in to to why. The biggest to me has to be American motor sports fans. Followed by the market crash in 08. You all ready know my view on hard core NASCAR fans. So I will save that for a other day. ALMS though are not the only ones fighting to get cars to show up. There are plenty of series all over Europe that have folded or joined. So its just not Americans that are killing motorsports. Motorsports tends to go through these little spells though. In the late 70's to the late 90's. It went though some thing like this around the world. What did we get out of it. We got some of the most exciting motor racing ever. The group b Rally cars and the group c LeMans cars. In the end I think ALMS/Grand AM will be just fine. All the races are there for next year. So Sebring and Petite will have at lest one more year.
  10. Yea this winters keeps on dragging on. Most of the water is still frozen over. If it is its not safe to be out on. Last week about 8 people had to be rescued off the cost of door county. When the chunks of ice they were on broke free. Do I feel sorry for them. Not one bit. One guy was more ticked his ice fishing season is over. Then having to owe the cost guard thousands of dollars. This week I will have to take a drive to check out the WI river. If its at a normal water level I will try to fish it. Other wise during the winter its way to shallow to fish. Could could almost walk across the whole river during the winter.
  11. Take it to a place like advance auto. They will scan your car for free. The dealer will charge a minium of 60 bucks. Chances are it stuff you can fix your self in a few hours. Plugs and plug cables, air filter, fuel filter is all that might be wrong. You dont need any special tool for them. Just a spark plug socket. If you don't have one. A deep well socket 1/2, 5/8 or 3/4 will work. More then likely its 3/4. Breaks can also be dont with basic hand tools. The only other tool then wrenchs I need is a BFH. You will understand if you do them your self. Shocks might be a little harder. But those to can be dont at home. Since you have the wheels and rotors off when you do the breaks. It wont be that bad. The itnternet is your friend for diy stuff like this. If you do the work your self. You will only be paying for parts. Every thing should be less then 500 bucks. think of all the money you just saved for other stuff. And if you fix it. You dont have to worry about your insurance going up on a new car.
  12. Rhino the FIA the ruler of a lot of things. Here is a list of series that follow there rules. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FIA_events If a driver screws up or cheats. They have to answer to the FIA. A lot of rule books around the world are based on the FIA rule book. Including NASA, SCCA, Grand am, and ALMS.
  13. Yep they have mandated since Dales death. The FIA, ACO, SCCA, NHRA, NASA, NACAR and Indy have all mandated it since. Those are all the big names in racing. They all pretty munch follow the FIA in some way for safety.
  14. I can see NASCAR if the cost would not kill them. Mandating some sort of monocock. That is what makes sports cars so safe. I don't care if its some sort of steel, or carbon fiber like DTM, open wheels, and prototypes use. I think NASCAR is the only ones that don't require that.
  15. Mcs lasts year Toyota cash was also bad. Were the Audi drivers were able to walk away. The Toyota driver got a fractured back like Hamlin has. Here is a video for people that haven't seen the crash. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8jJB6viADM According to Dr. Jerry Punch on ESPN today. Denny Hamlin will be out for a few months. If not more. He said it will be many weeks before he can even go to rehab. Then months before he can even be in a car. People on a racing forum I hit a lot. Are like he will be back in a few weeks. I am like this guy just broke his back. I do not see him being back this year. When a person usually breaks there back. they sit at home for about four months to a year. I do agree NASCAR is way behind on the safety. I fell like there about 15-20 years behind in safety compared to other racing series around the world. I think that's because they don't want to tick off there fans. I would say a good percentage of NASCAR fans. Still believe the win on Sunday sell on Monday BS. These cars are nothing like what you and me can by at a dealer. So NASCAR wants to cars to seem "stock".
  16. Well I have said that before in a neon. Yea a neon. I drive a srt4 neon. It has a 2.4 with a turbo. Mine is making almost 300 hp at the wheels. Fun little car. I have had more fun in that car then any small block v8 car I have ever driven or owned. Rhino I know were your coming form. I was part of the 90's boom. As soon as NASCAR went corporate that is when I stopped really caring. Before I hear well F1 and sports car racing is corporate. They always has been. And about NASCAR listing to the fans. They should in some parts. They should not listen to the fans that know squat about how aero and physics effect a car. That would be like some one coming in to my shop. And telling me how to make some thing on a lathe or mill. Let alone how to program a cnc mill or lathe.
  17. F1, sport car racing, and rally are the only racing I watch any more. F1 is getting pretty bad though. Just Google Bernie Elccstone's ideas for f1. He wants to make cirrus out of it. And with a guy that's 25 has won almost 30 races in 4 years. A three peat drivers champion. The only thing that makes f1 great any more. Is hoping some one else will win it. In my eye's NASCAR went down the hill a long time ago. Its not the safety that's making it boring. In fact the cars are getting faster. NASCAR listens to the fans way more then they should. You should have seen what I saw on a racing forum after the Daytona 500. Every one is all of a sudden a areo and physics experts. Telling NASCAR what they should do to cars to make them better. NASCAR should be listing to the people that know that the hell there talking about. Not the blue collar fans.
  18. They will catch more monster walleyes and muskie then Monster bass. The farther north you get of HWY 29. The worst the bass fishing gets. To me its not worth my time going up north. I have over 20,000 surface acres of lakes I can fish. Most with in a 40 mile radius of my house. These body's of waters have very healthy bass and muskie populations. I have also caught many 4lb plus samllies and 45in plus muskies. My pb bass caome from just up the road. It was just a bit over 5lbs. Here is my pb. Wausau is just to the north west. I am in city limits. Once and a while I will drive out to sturgeon bay. That is the only place in the state that I like fishing other then my home waters, and since I have family all up and down the lake shore. I don't have to get a hotel in Green Bay or Sturgeon Bay.
  19. Both of them. I have never fished them. I just know of a few people that have gone up there.
  20. Saving Private Ryan. Apocalypse now. Full metal jacket. Band of brothers. The pacific.
  21. I am still following this thread. Its just winter. As I do not ice fish. I don't have any thing to post.
  22. d**n I have to send that to my blue print teacher. He is a millwright by trade. Just teaching for a bit.
  23. Guinness, Gunness stout, Becks, or Becks dark. I tend to stick to imports when it comes to beer. Sorry 99% of American beer sucks. I have had a few good ones. When I do find domestic beer I like. I can never find it again. If I do find it again. It cost as munch as Guinness or Becks.
  24. I totally agree with what your saying. Don't get me wrong I like ko's as munch as the next guy. Like I said it gets old when every fight its a ko. That is what I like about the LH divison. They can stand, or they can take it to the ground. Like I said a few months ago. I don't need blood to make it a good fight. To me what makes a good fight is action. We had that for the one round on Sat night. We cant even get three rounds of action any more. I remember watching the fights when I first got in to UCF. Those fights were some thing. They would usually go the distance. Speaking of Silva and Jones. Its looks like we finally might get them to fight. Dana said he will have silva fight GSP and Jones both before he retires. http://www.5thround.com/136970/dana-white-anderson-silva-will-fight-georges-st-pierre-and-jon-jones/ http://www.mmamania.com/2013/2/26/4031518/ufc-anderson-silva-jon-jones-catchweight-non-title-bout-mma-new-york
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