The only one I have seen. I would not even pay half of what they want for it. I am old school, and grew up in carhartts or army surplus winter gear. I can go out for long periods of time. Wearing just a carhartt jacket, over alls, jeans, a t shirt, normal work boots, and thin gloves. I have never been cold, or gotten wet wearing carhartts. The same gos for army surplus winter gear. Depending on what you are looking at. You can buy a carhartt jacket, and overalls. For around 200-300. The bibs are way warm also. Most of the time. I can get away with just them, and a hoodie. I have been in snow up to my waist for hours. The carhartt's never got cold. After I took them off when I got home. My base layer was still dry to the touch.
They might be expensive at first. But totally worth it. I bet there are plenty of people. On this site that will back me. On the worth factor. They also last a long time. My dad had a set for like 10 years.