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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. Hey Radier, Not all of use Yankees eat scrapple. I have never seen it, or had it in my 28years.
  2. Fell in to a auger hole once. That was the last time I ever went on the ice. No I wasn't drunk, or Ice fishing.
  3. For now. http://youtu.be/JfUM5xHUY4M?t=1s
  4. Sweet! Wait do I have to wear a suit and tie for this job. If not I vote the banana hammock as official work wear.
  5. Raider can I be Director of foreign affairs. I might not know munch about other country's. As a single guy I can offer munch more. I can go out and see which county has the best woman. Which country has the best bars? Which country has the best booze? I would give you 110% on this job.
  6. Surfing bird. I cant think of the band. As it was recorded well before my time.
  7. I like any beer almost. That has the color of a dark tan. To ones that are as dark as midnight. Right now I weapon of choice is Guinness. I have known to drink Becks dark, killiians stout, Guinness stout, and Guinness extra stout. I have tired almost every type of American dark beer. That I can get my hands on. It proves why I hate American beer. Though a few years ago. I did get some Yuengling Lager from a buddy. Wow was that great beer. It is not available here in WI. So it sucks I can not get a hold of it.
  8. A double cheese burger with lots of Bacon. It is very good. I bought two slices of pizza and that was going to be it. But I saw hostess fruit pies were back.
  9. I did not see any rules. Saying that I could not copy and paste I have a few words I know I would have no problem with. I just don't think the mods would like them.
  10. OK Redline I will bite. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  11. I knew it was a joke. I just got done done doing two hours of home work. When I saw your post. So yea it went right over my head.
  12. Ok Redline. I usually get your jokes. This is just going over my head.
  13. You forgot the Brewers, the Bucks, Danica Patrick and Liberace. As for the Packers. I will be like every other annoying Packer fan. At lest we won the NFC north. Yes Packer fans are bragging about winning that. I call it a horrible season. While there bragging about a .500 season.
  14. We have a few things up here. That I think he would be really scared of. Snow and thousands of se Asains. I think I will be fine.
  15. We all know Raider comes off as a 30 some thing. Jacked up man that is scared of people from se Asia. That have ladles. But I think he has finally been caught. As a 50 plus year old man. That has a well fed pet coon. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=711296002249098
  16. I must have been the only one. That knew what the heck he was talking about. I guess that comes from working around colorful people my whole life.
  17. I as a college student. I am offend by that. I work part time. So I can afford the big malt o meal cereal bags, oatmeal, and milk. That is what is keeping me alive. I am just kidding. I try to eat a variety of food on a daily basis.
  18. I really didn't play sports. Lost the drive for many reasons. The main one being kids dads giving to the booster club. So little johnny would start. The other reason. I liked to party. Not drugs, just lots of booze. If and I mean if a party got busted. I never had to worry about getting kicked off a team. I was liked by many people, or many peoples worst enemy. I spoke what I thought for the most part. Small town people hate that. I didn't take you know what from any one. They hated that. A small town to me has the feel of a wolf pack, or they think that way. There is a alpha male and alpha female. I would challenge the Alpha male on a daily basis. They hated that also. By doing that day after day. I slowly earned many peoples respect. Like I said. It also mad many people mad.
  19. gotcha. Out of the whole 23 kids in my class. I was the out cast. I didn't listen to rap, country, or pop. I am more of a rock and metal fan. So we didn't share the same taste in music. I would usually po them on a daily basis. By blasting ad/dc, sabbath, metallica, or slayer. They viewed it as devils music.
  20. Let me guess sweet tarts were also involved in this. At some point or a another.
  21. Robin Hood or the Sword in the Stone are my favorite Disney movies. But it has been years since I watched them. A few years ago I was sick, and under the influence of many things. What do I come across on tv? Alice in wonder land. Now I know why stoners love that movie.
  22. The one day a world. Were being single makes me happy. While all my buddy's are trying to make there old lady's happy. All I had to do today was shower. Go to school for 2 hours. Just to rough some metal to size. Went home around 4pm. Had left overs for super. Then looked at tools online. Not a single dime spent today. So I am happy.
  23. I would love custom shoes. I am just a few years from that. Like I said I will give red wings a shot again.
  24. I use to wear wolverines. But they stopped making the model I was wearing. I tried on a few pairs last year. Yes they fit. But not as good as the old model. I again tired on red wings. I still had the same problem like I said before. The wolverines I had. Never needed to be broke in. I would wear them while wadding in the water to fish. Even with me miss treating them. They would last any were from a year. To about two years. What I loved the most about them the most. The sole was a harder rubber. So metal chips didn't seem to get caught them as munch. I should have just bought the wolverines. But dumb me bought the timberlands. Some time in the Next week. I will more then likely go back to were I buy my boots. I will give red wing a shot again. I will also try on wolverines again. I think I have some interesting info now though.
  25. I know wellco's soles can be replaced. That is one of the reasons why. I was looking at them. I heard a long time ago. Any sole can be replaced. You just have to find the right person.
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