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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. I was taught different then you Raider. I was taught max weight fewer reps to start. Then decrease the weigh with more reps.
  2. You know Sir Alex has a ring to it also.
  3. See Raider, It was the baby's destiny to be named Manchester.
  4. Just so you know. They are not brats. Any local meat market makes better ones. As for the 50 gallon drum of PBR. What is that like 20 bucks? I think along with the cheese. I can deal with that.
  5. Ok I will also throw in a pack of 24 WI brats, and a 50 gallon barrel of sour kraut. Dose that sound like a deal. You know I have heard bigfoot stinks. Maybe my stank drawers could attract it.
  6. She did escape from the game ranch up here a few weeks ago. The only way I could tell. The feed bucket was still full the next day. Plus there was a 5x5 hole in the fence. If it is Raiders sister in law. If you must approach her. You must like you would a sacred dog. Talk in a very soothing manner, and bring a 5 gallon pale of briskets and gravy. What ever you do. Do not scare her off. She wont run but more then 1ft, But here self defense will kick in. Now I bet your wondering what is. She will sit on you in till you stop breathing. To confirm it is raiders sister, and not big foot. Look for a cow bell around her neck. Plus a ear tag that reads. Tipptrucks exotic big girl game ranch. Her tag number is 666. If you bring her back alive. I will give you a case of beer.
  7. You just proved what I all ready knew. That woman lie about how we look. As munch as we lie to them about their looks.
  8. Well she could be blind. Then you would figure the stank would at least scare her off. I just think she loves him for his money. I have a strong gut feeling. That Raider is a secret millionaire. He is just pulling all of our chains.
  9. Dose the wife know shes sleeping with a DRW?
  10. What you said is the main reason why I don't hunt. when I lived in Iowa. All I had to do was ask if I could hunt it. The people never said no. As long as I cleaned up and didn't shoot towards livestock or buildings. Now up here in WI it is a different story. The value there land and animals. Many still feed deer. Which is illegal here by the way. I got sick of hearing no. To the point were I no longer hunt. I think the main thing though. I don't think land owners care if you explore or hunt there land. They are just more worried about law suits. I can tell you one thing. In today's world. I would not allow any one on my property. I don't care if I had only a few acres, or several hundred. I would not want to lose what I worked hard for. To some one that tripped over a stump and broke their wrist.
  11. I cam see him doing that. I can also see him doing this to the poor kid. Some time when the old lady steps out for a hour.
  12. Do not encourage the man.
  13. This is how the night would go down. When we start the night. Raider after about 6 beers. Raider after 12 beers Raider after 15 beers. Raider after 20 beers. Raider before bar close. Raider after bar close. Raider am I missing any thing.
  14. We might want to have animal control on hands first. Have you ever see a drunk gorilla?
  15. I like this idea. Then when the crawdad is dead. What dose he use for to get rid of the bass?
  16. If you want to find Bigfoot. You guys are looking in the wrong area. Hit any NASCAR race or a game at Wrigley in late summer. You will see plenty of Hairy men. That could pass as a trimmed Bigfoot.
  17. Well they filled it up over night. As a shore fishermen. I knew about both of them rock piles years ago. I can reach both of them with a heavy lip less crank and a 7ft rod. Lost many cranks on both of them. I also know that is about the only structure. That is not covered under the thick weeds. As I have been out in a boat many times on the lake. The west end is really clear, and only about 2-4 feet deep. You can see the bottom from thirty yards away on most days.
  18. Raider I will send you a few pairs of my stank underwear. Just hang them around the house out side. The stank alone will scare them off.
  19. That is what I was also thinking. Were I could walk. I did not see a single left over bed. Also my mistake. The lake is 184 acres. According to lake link. The mean depth is 4ft. While at its deepest is 10ft. When I was there today. I did see some cranes and eagles fishing. So maybe there is a chance. I would hate to lose this great lake. This is Wi after all. It will take any were from 10-20 years to become what it use to be. If it ever comes back.
  20. I can suggest some thing. Just not sure if I can say them.
  21. I don't know. I walked as munch of the shore as I could. I did not see, or smell dead fish. I am hoping they headed west. I am facing east in the pictures. The lake go one for about a mile or two to the west. Here is a pic of me facing west.
  22. I would say any thing Raider, SLonezp, or I say.
  23. This weened as I drove by the local honey hole. I noticed the water was way down, and no water was flowing over the dam. My first thought was the DNR. The honey hole gets over run with algae and weeds. Before I hear perfect flipping cover. It was so thick you could not even punch it with a 2oz weight. Since it drains in to a major lake up here. I figured the DNR was trying to control the growth in the main lake. Well I found out from some old timers. That they were doing a dam inspection. Not sure how long it has been this low. But I could walk on what would be under 4-5 feet of water. With out stepping in any mud. I am just kind of bummed out. This is a small lake. Some thing like 80acres. I always had a blast fishing it. I never caught a SM less then 2lbs. Many were 3-4lbs. A hand full over 4lbs. Plus one over 5lbs. Most pike I caught were over 20ins. The pan fish guys loved it in the winter.
  24. Was that a slipknot member camo at 1:15? Here are my favorites. I think Metallica did a better job then Bob. A few other covers I like. Knocking' on heavens door. A cover By guns and roses. I also like Metallica's cover of whiskey in a jar.
  25. Raider I don't know if its becasue your a father again. But your soft side scares me. I want you to return to your normal egotistic self. Any way back to the main topic. If you can do it with all the stuff you went through. I can also lose more weight with my little bum knee.
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