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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. As for info. Hit lake-link.com. There will be more info there. Then any other places on the web.
  2. Like Raider and Jig. I never went 50% in practice. I don't think any one did. Well other then the QB. We only had one QB we could not touch. His dad and his employer. Were the biggest booster club supporters. So know you know why we could not touch him. He was a good guy and every thing. Just needed to be knocked down a peg or two. Every once and a while.
  3. Well here are a few of the projects that helped me get the good grades. They were also the hardest up to this point. http:// http:// http:// Also look at my big nuts. No it was not a hard project. http://
  4. We had a old cub cadet lawn mower. It was from the 70s. Not sure on the Hp though. I could lift the front wheels with the deck on. I even once even got a huge power slide out of it. Granted it was pouring rain. But to get a lawnmower fast enough to do that. That is crazy.
  5. I agree with this 100%. My old man was a welder/machinist. Granted he was more of a welder. Then a machinist. His lathes and mills still had wide leather drive belts. If I recall right they were from the late 1800s. No displays, carbide tools, or any thing modern. They worked for what he needed them. I also remember a high school shop project I had to make. It was a simple hammer with a tapered end. Every one was taking a hack saw and cutting the angle. Of course that was taking all day. So I took mine home to ask dad what we could do. So he set me up on a mill and showed me how to run it. The next day I took it back to school and tuned it in. All my classmates were like how did I get it done so fast. So I told them how. Of course they were mad that I "cheated' as they put it. The teacher looks like he was going to pee his pants. He was laughing that hard. When he heard how I did it. So even then I guess it was my destiny. To become a machinists.
  6. I wish I could cheat. But since I am in school to learn how to be a machinist. In reality I sit far away from people. Well when I have to take a test. As for the shop work. No one can fake that. Every person dose it different. They leave tiny little tells of who did what. I was the same way. But there is horse play with us. Last spring we stuck a bunch of magnets on his locker. Along with that We taped his whole locker. To top it off. I had a 5lb chunk of welded metal in my locker. So we also taped that to it. The best part is a teacher saw it. All he said was do not break the floor tiles. About a hour later. The teacher that saw us do it. Came in to the shop carrying the stuff. The kid we did that to just threw every thing down the hall. So he got in trouble for that.
  7. No she talks old. So I get confused a lot when she talks. I also don't think they cared what GPA was when she was in high school. Let alone knew what it meant.
  8. Thanks guys for the kind words. I do say I have to love my grandma. I told her what I was getting. Of course I had to translate it to her. About what it meant for grade wise. These were her exact words. Yea that is easier said then done. After 12 years of school. I had no interest in ever going back. But that changed like I said a few post up. I also lost my dad in Jan of my Sr. Year. That affected me more then what I thought it would have. In the end do I wish I would have gone sooner. Not at all. I was still being a kid. I was working making what was ok money. Plus no way would I have cared as munch as I do now. Compared to 10 years ago.
  9. Yea that was Raiders Idea. You also got this sweet gem.
  10. Thanks, I had to look up what perturbed meant. You were there. You just drank some of Raiders moonshine. So you have no memory of the event.
  11. Nope that was Raider. The skinned fox on the hat should have given that away. I had family members that played in polka bands. I never liked that stuff and still don't.
  12. I figured that would blow. Like every thing else with a banjo, upright bass, and a tiny guitar. Yeah that proved me wrong.
  13. I had the same thoughts in High school, but I did get my diploma. After many years of busting my butt. Working jobs that barely paid better then min wage. I got sick and tired of being poor. Being poor when your a adult is not fun, or cool. Your friends will not want to hang out with a mooch. Your family will get sick of your bs. The list gos on and on. Also good luck keeping a woman around. You might not have dreams now. As I did when I was your age. I grew up a bit and now have them. I would like to own my own house. With a few acres out in the sticks. Do to me changing my life around. That ir is possible in a few years. I will be able to own my own house. I would also like a nice car plus a nice bass boat. They are also a reality now. The house come first though.
  14. As munch as I would love to go to a major college. There is two things that are holding me back. I could never afford the 20k plus a year tuition. Plus I do enjoy being a machinist. It can challenging some days. That is what I love about it. plus I have metal working in my blood. The pay might not be the best at times. But better then many other types of jobs. I really thought about going back for mechanical design. That plus being a machinist would open a lot of doors for me. The pay would be a lot more then what I am making now. As munch as I love money. I could not sit at a computer. Playing with cad and solidworkds all day. I would rather be getting dirty and making stuff with my hands.
  15. So I needed to print of my college transcript for a student discount at the gym. As I scroll down to see my number credits for the fall. I saw my GPA below that. I am not going to lie. I figured I would have the typical 1.5-2.0 GPA. Just enough to get my degree. Well It is a 3.3. I know its only a tech school. So I am not bragging. I am just very happy with that. Also with one more semester left. I am the happiest I have been in years. If you compare that to high school. I didn't even have a 1 in front of my GPA. I was 25th out of 26 students at graduation. I only did enough to get my diploma. All though I had 12 more credits then I needed. That one still confuses me. So yes I was a total slacker. I was bored every day. The only classes that held my interest were science and any thing to do with history. Not even shop or gym held my interest. Coming from that ten years ago. To a functioning college student. I am very happy. I also wish my dad was still around to hear this news. He was the only reason why I finished high school. He saw my struggle for years in school. The worst part of it all. He never even got to see me finish high school. As he is was a welder/machinist. I think he would even be happier on my choice of career. I am following in his foot steps. Well sort of. I am not a welder or pretend to be. Now I can weld not problem. I just hate welding. Any way that is the end of this happy story for now.
  16. After the winter we had. I am not ready for fall. It has been nice not freezing to death. As we had 52 days of below zero this winter. So winter can kiss me were the sun don't shine.
  17. The guy in front is killing it for me. He has that look. Like I cant believe the new guy it believed me. When I said we crawl in them to clean them.
  18. My dog had a few. Let me tell you about nipper. He was a 90lb lab rot mix. A very brave and loyal dog. He never got scared by loud noises. I think I got him use to them when he was a pup. Since I was using a panic table as a shooting bench. The seat was to far down for him to get down. So then he could not run away from me while I was shooting. So he would either sit there and watch me, or sleep. Before any one ask. He was never in danger of walking in front of the muzzle. He had a few things he did not like. Rain or water from the sprinklers. If they were on, or it was raining. He would not go out side. But I could spray him with the hose no problem. Explain that one to me. We also had a 1/4 size lab statue. For some reason he didn't like that. He never had a problem with real dogs that size.
  19. I do not know what that stuff is or cost. As cool as it is. Casting sand might be cheaper. It will also be quicker to set up a casting mold. I bet that stuff has a 4-8 hour cure time. Any way here is a link I found for prices of sand. This was with a simple google search. http://www.budgetcastingsupply.com/category-s/1824.htm
  20. So you have 12 fingers instead of ten?
  21. He said he can afford me. So according to a court of law. He would also be found guilty. Then he could get all the attention he needs. As long as its Guinness or some other good dark beer. I could be there. Just don't think Mrs. Raider will be to happy the next day. At the site she might see the in the morning. I might or might not sleep in the nude. So I might or might not be passed out nude on your couch. I also might or might not be spooning a pillow. Also according to people that know me. I snore very loud.
  22. I would come and play with you. I just have a few problems. One you are a days drive away. Two I would more then likely get arrested. If I came down there. Three You are male. So you are lacking in some areas. Four even if you were female. Unless you were 6 ft red head. That was a 10/10. Chances are I would not drive down there. No you putting on a red wig will not lure me down. Five it is mid summer in the south. I am not that dumb. Six you could not afford me.
  23. Here is my problem with this stuff. Not a single thing came up in till he was a house hold name. This happens all the time in Hollywood and sports. People either hold a grunge against the person, or just want money. As for the rest of it. I can not answer with a honest answer. I only heard a few things about the rape stuff last winter. I can't even comment on that. As I only don't even know a 1/4 of that story.
  24. Hey that is the cleanest they have been in months. Plus woman never complain about my hands bazinga. Well in reality they do. They are usually covered in oil, grease, or metal chunks. For some reason they don't like that stuff. I just do not get why. The shop oil and grease would make killer hair gel though. If it doesn't manage to come off skin for a few days. Just imagine how long it would stay in hair. You would think I woman would love that that. They would save hours a day dealing with their hair.
  25. I know your busting my balls. I would post a pic to prove I am not bigfoot. I think I would get a insta ban for life though. Plus who ever saw it would go blind. I do have one pic that proves I am not big foot. That will not blind people. See no hairy arms or hands. http://
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