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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. Rob yea I don't know you friends. I just don't think you would need Therapy. After spending a weekend with them.
  2. I think that would be this guy.
  3. I am not being a wuss. Just saving the GP form the horror.
  4. If that is what the limo driver is wearing. I am scared to ask what we would be wearing.
  5. You forgot a marriage. Since ism the only single guy of them all. I bet I wake up married to woman. The kicker she use to be be called john.
  6. Only when I am half a sleep. When I don't want to turn on the light.
  7. Lets see a crippled pipe fitter, a hoped up gorilla electrician, and ADD/ADHD machinist, and a millionaire. What could go wrong with that? I am seeing the hangover just a lot worst. I also see you pulling a Eric Cartman. When we got to crazy.
  8. Plus Raider slipped us some roofies. I am still not sure how we lost slonezp though. Just glad the Russain mob released him. I still cant believe they wanted him as a mail order bride.
  9. And just when I was about to go to bed. I had to read that. I swear if I have dreams about fat men like that tonight. I will hunt you down. Also a little note to Raider. National hug a machinist day came and went. Were was my hug bro? I sat at home all day waiting for you. I even shaved, showered, put on pants, and clean drawers. All for you.
  10. Hey he is working on getting his girly figure back. His just had a kid. Give him a few months. Then he will lose the pregnancy weight.
  11. Just another Raider fan waiting for another superbowl.
  12. I am confused by that. There is no such bike called a H-D Indian Chief. Plus Indian never had a inline motor. They had a vtwin like H-D. It is a cool bike. I just do not think its worth 50k. It has a cheap jap motor. With a cheap aftermarket frame.
  13. You could be right. I just pictured Madden doing the play by play. While it was going on. Then going to replays with his little tv pen. That would be epic.
  14. You never answered the question? Was it Madden or Bo?
  15. A few years ago my local H-D shop was having a open house. So me and a buddy went just to look around. The bike I liked best was the road king. It felt like a lazy boy on wheels. Every thing fit me perfect. From the hwy pegs, handlebars, and the tank wasn't smashing the boys. Doesn't hurt to look. Even my single mind knows the basic rules. Booze, woman, and hormones don't mix. That is why I do not drink around woman. That I am sleeping with, or be around the woman when see is drinking. I wouldn't say its a racing set up. Just stiffer then most. I have ridden in older trucks also. They are no were as soft as modern trucks. Same gos for cars.
  16. The only thing I cant stand about jeeps. Is how soft they feel. Yes I know they are soft for off roading. The softness can be taken care of with aftermarket springs. Give a man credit though. I came from the sports car world. Low profile tires, plus stiffer shocks. I am use to a stiffer ride then most people. Some trucks and cars are so soft. That when I ride in them. I can get motion sickness.
  17. The problem with custom bikes. A lot are built on ridged frames. Good for a few miles of HWY driving, or looking good at a bike show. Not for every day city use. Nothing will beat the ride of any of the H-D crusiers, or a gold wing. Those bikes are meant to sit on for hours. He is also right on the prices. I have seen 40k custom bikes. That are only a few years old. With less then 100 miles on them. Going for less then 20k. That tell you how bad ridged fames are.
  18. I can do that with a 12 pack of MGD. Mexican food doesn't really do any thing to me.
  19. Why not build your own? I guess if you have the time. You could also do what I plan on doing one day. I will buy a h-d Road king. Then I will strip it down to the frame. Every thing H-D will be sold, or scrapped, but the frame. Not dissing H-d at all. Just to many parts and components like s&s motors. Are far better and cheaper. Plus I can get almost every thing unchromed. Yes I hate chrome. Why spend all day polishing it? When you can be out enjoying the bike, car, or truck.
  20. Thats a lot more work. When I did have a dog. I had to take him for a walk every day any way. That was the only time I had. To even try to get a woman. Right now I do not have the time. That would be required to keep a woman happy.
  21. I will debate you on this one. I am a single guy. Not 100% sure on weather I have a kid or not. Long story behind that one. So if some woman sees me walking a kid down the street. If they approach me. They will more then likely ask if I am the father. I would say no. I am just watching a buddies kid. The chance the woman just walks away then. Are very good. I could lie and say its mine. Well that might score me a few dates. You know as well as I do. Soon or a later. She will want to come over to my house. Then the jig will be up. No way could my house pass as a house with a baby living in it. As for a puppy. I have mastered a trick with them. I see a woman coming or out in their yard. I get down and act like I am adjusting the collar. Well in reality I am taking it off. I just leave it hanging aorund the dogs neck. So when I pull the leash. The collar comes off. Of course we all know puppies. It doesn't take the dog long to know its free. We all know how dogs are. If they see another human. They will go running towards them. The said woman will hear me yelling my dogs name. Of course if you see some one chasing a puppy. You will stop to help the person. The dog has broken the ice. PLus I don't have to use a Corney pickup line.
  22. My buddy has a diesel jetta. He can get any were from 50-55mpg. I have been in the car a few times. It is not the typical diesel. That many Americans are use to. It acts just like a gas car. Not sure on the price of them new. But you should be able to get one for around 25-30k American.
  23. Unless they are pink or animal print. They are not mine.
  24. Baby's work well. Puppies work even better.
  25. My underwear will do more then that. They have been known to peel paint. If left in a unventilated room. The FDA has also been in contact with me. They are looking at a new type of anesthesia. That will be cheaper. With out the risk of people dying. Plus many police forces are now using my drawers as crowd control. They launch them from t shirt launchers. Plus they can be reused. Way cheaper then laughing gas.
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