Hanging out with friends, work, trying to find the meaning of life, side projects, thinking about going back to school again, making the old lady happy, dealing with family and friends drama, and deaths, driving the Subaru like I stole it, annoying the old lady with my driving, dealing with depression, Look at car parts, play video games from time to time, Finally feel asleep in my computer chair more then a few times.
I am not kidding about all that stuff. Alot of stuff has been going on. Mainly I wasn't really happy in my chosen career. I grew up in the metal fab world. My dad was a welder/machinist. I knew that those trades were dying, and I chose to go in to them. I liked it, but when you making 500 parts a day. It gets old fast, and that is modern machining. Because of that I am finally listing Father about a career. In high school he said I should be a engineer. The local tech school has a design engineer program. I have talked to a few instructors about it, and when they found out I have a machine tool background. They were saying when I need a internship, and or a job. That company's will be fighting over me. We will see in a couple of years I guess.
As for my personal life. I have been trying to hang out with friends more then I use to. I only have a core group of like 5 friends. I know I don't have many friends, but these are people I trust and are more of a family then my family. So I have been trying to be a friend again. I tend to disappear in real life a lot also. Its not them or my job. I just tend to get in a mood were I just want to vegout after work.
On top off all this. The old lady got a concussion in September. At work off all places. She some how hit her head on file cabinet, and that's all I know. The first month or so was bad. Her vocabulary was limited, and so was her speech. Plus she had major headaches in till almost the new year if not past it. I mean she was my main concern the last 6 months.
Other then that. I have been having fun with the Subaru in the snow.