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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. I might be younger then all of you. But even with be being only 29. I will admit I have sat on mine once.
  2. I buddy was talking about getting a Caymen a few years ago. I was like those are the chick cars right? In till I started doing some research. 260-300 plus hp. For some thing around the price of a new vette. They also seem pretty easy to tune also. One place I saw that made performance turbo kits. With hp numbers ranging from 400-600 hp. That is super car numbers. On some thing that can all ready out turn them. Then throw in a few extra hp. The cayman should be able to keep up on the straights. If you want the extra mile. With better after market shocks, tires, and aero mods. You should have no problem beating cars that cost 3 times the price. For around 100k. Not bad in my eyes.
  3. You know some thing I don't know? You going to adopt me? If so you have to adopt Raider also. Would you like to be called pop, papi, paw, daddy, or dad? I just have a few other needs and wants first. Like a house and some acres. Not a lot. Just enough to have privacy, and to shoot guns. Then I would like to build a 40x60 man cave/shop. Those two things come first. Then worry about toys. You know like cars and bikes. I still don't have a boat of any type. So I would still like to buy a nice fiber glass bass boat. It don't have to be new. But a 2-3 year old model. I live close enough to the great lakes. To know a 20 plus foot boat. Would go to good use. I also know a Ferrari is just another car. To me though cars are not just cars. They are a forum of therapy. Even my pos turbo neon. Puts a big smile on my face when I drive it. I can go from hulk mad. To starting my car and driving. Within 30 seconds I Am forgetting why I was mad. I think its a combo of the exhaust, turbo spooling up, and its a stick. That mellows me out.
  4. I all these cars are dream cars for me. All though I did tell a buddy I will own a Ferrari one day. I don't know what is so funny about that, but he found it pretty funny. I then told him the 360 is a 10 year old car. Most now are going for around 100,000. In a few years they should be around the cost of a new vette. All he said is let me know when you get "it". I said sure how dose 2am sound.
  5. I don't mind the look of the MP4 to munch. The only problem with their cars. Is their over all styling. The F1 looked like it would have fit in the 80s. The mp4 would have fit in the late 90s, or early 00's. I can not be the only one that thinks that. I will agree also on the 458. That is one sexy machine. From the looks to the sound.The Italians sure can make a nice sounding motor. Its just not Ferrari that makes good sounding engines. Lambo and Zonda make some sexy sounding engines.
  6. Why not the Mclaren mp4-c? Or what ever its called. It is a cheaper car. Plus when ever I have read about it. They liked it better then the 458.
  7. Raider I would not call your life extreme. I would call it very interesting though. You would be headshrinkers dream patient. As they could write volumes of books on you alone. Any way keep being your self. Just for kicks Go broncos, Manchester, and Roll tide.
  8. He did want me to make two before. I soon found out why he wanted two sidecars. He wanted to haul the mother and sister in-laws around. I told him a semi with a livestock trailer would be cheaper.
  9. Don't temp me. I could weld him up one in a few hours.
  10. You mean this biker club. Also would he look like this.
  11. Well you are a Raiders fan. What else you doing on Sunday? So I guess you have time to polish.
  12. To munch chrome. It looks like you will spend more time polishing it. Then enjoying the ride.
  13. I had the same problem with dodge. That was about the time they went broke. I bought a used car with a left over warranty. It would have been good in till 2011, or 50k. What ever came first. In the fall of 07 Well within the first few months I burnt a cat, some how bent a shift linkage, and a few other small things. They replaced every thing no questions asked. So a year later I am working for the same dealer ship. My temp sensor and cam sensor went out. When the temp sensor went out. I talked to the guy that deals with repairs. They turned me down. For what ever reason. So at lunch I replaced it my self. That ticked off a lot of people. After how they treated me. I never dealt with warranty repairs from them again. Once the cam sensor went out. I just took it to my local guy.
  14. You never know what will come form my mouth. Just trying to save the guy a headache.
  15. I just keep them in the bags. Then you know what color, size, etc they are. Plus when you run out. It is easier to find the color again.
  16. Any active dog breed is a bad idea in a apartment. I am just not sure how you would do this. With out a making the old lady mad. You could give her a IOU or some thing like a coupon. It could say I owe you one puppy, or vaild for one free puppy. Make sure it say not valid in till x/xx/2015 If I was in your shoes. Just go out and buy the normal gifts. Once you have the house. Then surprise her with the dog.
  17. I will add to this. Just because she shows zero interest in you today. Doesn't mean she wont approach you at a later date.
  18. AS a fellow cheese head. I will bite the bullet on this one. As long as shes 18.
  19. That is very true.
  20. Not trial and error. Just me being a smart ass.
  21. You never said if she has a boyfriend. You might want to scout that info. If she is seeing some one. Find out if he is bigger then you. If he is not open season. In reality I would find a new woman. A few minutes of fun. Is not worth a butt kicking, or worst. If she is single. You must approach her like shes a deer. Woman spook very easily. Do not run towards her. Screaming and beating you chest. Other wise you might get tased or maced. Also smile when approaching her. Make so you do nor have the creap smile. Once you have made first contact. Speak words she can under stand. No grunting. That means compelete sentences. They can under stand us. We can not under stand them. Also talk to her like a real person. Not like she is one of your buddy's. We talk different to them. Now that your are talking to her. You have to use your manners. The ones your mother taught you. Not the ones dad taught you. So no picking your nose. Then flicking the boogers across the room. Try not to burp or fart. As fun as that is to do. Woman do not find that funny. If she is gifted up top. Keep in eye contact at all times. Also keep your hand visble to her at all time. Other wise she might think your a creap. One more thing. Make sure you are some what groomed and clean. Smell and look like you know what a shower is. In the end be your self. Show some confidence in your self. Not to munch though. In the end she might like you. Even if you do not win her over. It is practice for the next time.
  22. If he was bullet proof. How do tattoo needles work on him?
  23. Five bucks if you get this ugly mug. Inked some were on you.
  24. Its dude perfect. They are not trying to be serious. Just youtube their videos.
  25. Well the yellow sponge was a pretty big custom. I think that was him any way. It was a long night.
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