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Everything posted by tipptruck1

  1. Yea its its still to munch. A case of 500rounds use to be less then 10 bucks. Now its mid to upper 60s.
  2. If you get to my neck of the woods. I will try to get you a muskie.
  3. The best cooler I ever saw was home made. It was made of wood, and a few inches of Insulation Sheathing. Granted it was as big as a freezer, but it kept things cold longer. Surprised me when I pulled a beer out of it. Two weeks after a wedding, and it was still cold. Not 40 degrees cold, but about 50-60 degrees. That was after sitting out in the July sun. If I ever have the need for a cooler again. I would make one the size I needed.
  4. To many to count. My biggest ones are the tool and car part monkey. They are the reason why I cant afford the girl friend monkey.
  5. Let me guess. That picture was taken in WI.
  6. They all ready make the perfect truck for you. Make sure you watch the whole video.
  7. If you head to Milwaukee. Do not mouth of to any one, or do any thing stupid. You will get shot. The gang bangers here, are not like the big city gang bangers. They will shoot you for any thing. Just a heads up. We have open carry here, and we honor Bama's cc. Make sure you bring a pistol with you if you head there. We also have a castle law now. So you will be safe if any thing hits the fan.
  8. Walk in a machine or a welding shop one day. You would swear welders and machinist are vampires. Try reading a mic in a dark shop. While trying to maintain a .001 accuracy. Just a FYI. The avg piece of paper is .004 thick.
  9. I hear Raider is chasing money. Perfect job for him.
  10. The poultry industry was hit hard with the bird flu this spring. That is the reason why you are seeing the jump.
  11. You better get your put up here fast. It is more foot hill now.
  12. Raider I have been busy with other things. You know like snorting blow and getting drunk with ladies of the night. To worry about keeping you happy. Now I must get back to mt. blow, and the ladies of the night. They are calling me.
  13. You don't even know what pressure is. You are 18. Give it a few more years. Then you will feel pressure. In my daily life I feel all sorts of pressure. But I can bet you its not as munch as my friends. Who are married or single. Trying to raise a family. While still paying bills that cost over 1000 a month. As for free time. I usually have some sort of free time. Its not munch, but I have adult things to take care of. You know like mowing the lawn, doing my laundry, cleaning my house, etc. You will learn that one day. As for the friends part. Why is your generation so concerned about Friends? I have seen three people under 20 turn down a 60k a year job. Becasue they would have had to work weekends. So they could not spend time with there friends. I think that is dumb. I would never turn down a 60k a year job. Just so I could spend time with friends. They will understand one day. Your friends don't pay the bills. You have to pay the bills.
  14. When Raider was selling his sister in-law. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/134109-huge-sale/
  15. He won't have to ask that. Most are all ready a composite of some sort.
  16. Any one see this? I hate this with a passion. I am guessing he can't grow a manly beard,or If he can grow one. I am sure he has to bee clean shaven. Becasue of office rules. I think hes just mad he can't have a beard, and wants other people to suffer. http://www.sportingnews.com/nhl/story/2015-06-09/stanley-cup-final-nbc-chairman-cut-player-beards-nhl
  17. I was at my local gander the other day. They had thousands of rounds for sale. Granted it is limited to 2 per person, but that is the first time I have seen 22 ammo in 3 1/2 years. Also it was still high.
  18. Who would want to kidnap a gorilla? They do have there own version of Bigfoot. So maybe they thought he was it. Chances are he got arrested for some thing. I am guessing he flashed his breast. Since it is not mardi gras. The cops had to arrest him.
  19. I see no need to even go up north for them. The WI river is loaded with big fish. I have caught many small mouths 4lbs plus. I have also caught a few over 5lbs. Same gos for muskies. The river is loaded with 40 plus in class muskies.
  20. According to urban dictionary. Toofuses-The way white trash or hicks or ghetto people say teeth. plural for toof.
  21. Yea, that would not be munch of a vacation for him. He might like it a little to munch though. Then I will be stuck with him here. At least in till winter comes. FYI I still have all my teeth. As far as i know no inbreeding in me. My parents were born 300 miles apart.
  22. I say come up here. Then you can pick up the pipe fitter on your way. I hear he likes ridding B$#%@
  23. Or woman.
  24. Did they also chase you off with a ladle?
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