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tipptruck1 last won the day on May 29 2011

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About tipptruck1

  • Birthday 07/20/1985

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    mosinee wi
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
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  1. Well shes nearly a foot shorter then me. She sorta needs a pedestal to kiss me. There is no way my worn out shoulder's, and back can lift, or support her. Some things never change I see.
  2. I don't know where the weight will go. Shes all ready like a h cup bra, and about 50in hips, and shes a size 12. Her knees will give out before she gets too fat. I know its a joke, but as long as she loves me. Ill do the same to her. Another face I missed. I missed being a sarcastic ***** with you.
  3. I love a challenge. Honestly she has to be crazy to be dating me period.
  4. Its been a process. I have given up a lot to get right. There still is a lot of work to do. Maybe in a year or two. My life will feel normal. What ever normal is? Well he could have slept with her mom. I think she was a booty call. You are correct. In her case she's a French-American. whos was born in France to a Hispanic mom, and a White American dad. She spent a few years over in France with her mom, and has the sexy French accent. so thats were the 11/10 hotness come from. Not a problem.
  5. I wouldn't say its perfect, but going a lot better. For the first time in my life, I'm in control of it. Not some one else. Il try to to hang around more. I really missed you guys. Heck I missed fishing also. Just don't have the time for it. Maybe in spring i will pick that up again. Moms are required to say that. In the math world yea, but it worked for spinal tap. As for the honeymoon period. I know it will end some time. Im 100% ok with that.
  6. I'm still alive some how. I new old lady. The one I was with last year. We broke it off shortly after I was last here. She didn't want me around, so I was like fine. 4.5 years wasted with her. Its not 100% her fault. I would say it was about 75% mine. She was nice, and had a big heart. I was in a very dark place, and broken. I wasn't a nice person to be around. Depression is one heck of a thing. I've been trying to fix burnt bridges now. As for the business. Im done making money in the metal fab world. Ive been done with that for a year and a half now. ITs just a small business that will be on the side to make a few extra bucks a month. My main job is a cake walk, it pays well, and has great benefits. I can't complain about that. plus the old lady has a great business her self. She dose hair for a living, and i help her out were i can. Like fixing stuff, making sure she has supplies, etc. Pretty munch making sure her business runs as smoothly as possible. I know thats far from the metal fab world, but hey she makes 100k a year. ill never make that ever, and any way I can help her. The better.
  7. To be fair, are you 5'3". with a chest, and backside that makes up almost half of your weight? If not you better get working on that.
  8. Some of you know who I 'am. Most probably don't, and that's ok. I don't come here too much any more. I'm like a certain std that randomly comes back. When you think I'm gone. I was just doing a random well fair check. Life the last few years has been rough, and a lot better then its been since I was kid. While I'm still trying to get my life together. I can sorta see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm working towards starting my own business soon. I just need to get my ducks in a row first, I meet a great girl a few moths ago. Who I think has to be mentally broken, and or blind. Because she's way out of my league. What this little olive skinned, well gifted everywhere, 11/10 hot spicy meatball sees in me. I don't know. I can say life has been better the last few months though. Maybe ill be around here more, but I cant promise.
  9. How is that any different then you are normally?
  10. Slowing down is not always a bad thing. Especially when you get a bit older, and maybe a tad smarter. I was just broken from the same old bs from my job. I wasn't a butt kisser, so I never moved up, although I was offered a pretty sweet gig before I left my old job, and still turned it down. By the time they offered me that job. I had one foot out the door. I also got sick of making other people millions, while I was getting paid peanuts, and not having any free time. All I know is I'm a lot happier, I see my grandma, and friends, and I don't hurt every day any more.
  11. No one is spending my money but my self. Its kinda funny how I'm broke, and actually happy now. It started with a very mentally taxing 4 or so months, and almost losing my grandma in October. I literally broke down mentally. The kick to the twins was my raise. After work was talking about record profits, and wanting to spend millions to make me work more. I was like I'm 35 I'm broken literally physically, and mentally. I was very close to ending it all, but I couldn't because of my grandma, so I kissed the only life I ever knew a good bye, and will never ever go back. There was a reason why my old man told me to never follow in his foot steps. It just took me 20 years to figure it out. Honestly at my current job. I'm on track to be making better then what I was making in a factory by the new year. All while working in ac. There are days where I can all ready equal what I made in a factory in the same time. By the new year. My finances should be more stable. Then save up for a year or two, and hope the housing market gets back to normal, and buy a home.
  12. Same one.
  13. If being broke, over worked, tired, etc is the good life. Then maybe I have some thing good going on. I bought a turbo Subaru. Turbo Subaru owners don't settle for nothing. Outer motors blow every 20k.
  14. I mean I probably look like this fella, but im alive.
  15. Who let Raider out of the zoo? You went MIA after Harambe was shot. I figured the zoo called you to fill in..
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