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  1. Free advertising for my friends/dealership and former employer. Not stickers but poly-flake!
  2. Any decent parts counter person should know what you want if tell them you need a "spark advance lever or timer base actuating arm ."
  3. Hey DANA, I like it! but where is the trolling motor and rod locker? :D
  4. [quote author=2B243E25602B242A253924232A60242121244D0 l Guns = yes a right (although long has surpassed the original intent to need one)
  5. It's been a long time, but I think that may be the low oil level alarm. Is the level in the oil reservoir more than 1/4 - 1/2?
  6. Attwood and Perko are two suppliers to alot of builders. You can look at their online catalogs for something you like and have someone local order them or buy on-line
  7. I take mine to the coin-operated self-serve car wash with the high pressure hose. Blasts almost anything out of the carpet. Knight's Spray-Nine for the really tough stuff
  8. You might just have one of "special individuals" by that I mean all baits are not the same. You can go to a shop and there may be twenty of the identical bait. I mean IDENTICAL same manufacturer, same color, same size, same lot number. Yet if you bought all 20 you would find that 10 fished about the same 5 fished worse than the others and 5 fished better. Then there are those one in hundred, or maybe even one in athousand individual baits that are totally superior. I had one once. it was a heddon dying flutter. It would catch fish when nothing else would. It ALWAYS produced. Many was the day that it rescued me from the skunk. Then one day it got lost in the jaws of a mighty huge pickerel and that was that. I immediately went out and bought another, not nearly as good, so I bought another. Again not so good. I bought a bunch more....none as good. Over the years I still occasionally buy one but I long ago concluded that that particular example just had something special about. Yes, I have bent the props, tweaked it this way and that. NO dice. You either get one or you don't. Avid, I know exactly what you mean. I have a Luhr-Jensen "Wobble-Pop" in bone white that a rep gave me 20 yrs ago. I have thrown that lure so much, and it has has been eaten so often, that it has little paint left on it. I have risked life and limb to save it a couple of times! I've got other ones but none produce like it does.
  9. Hi Jamie, typically trailer wiring is: Brown=Running(Parking) lights Green=Right turn signal Yellow=Left turn signal White=Ground I'm not familiar with your vehicle, does the Vue have separate bulbs for the turn signals and brake lights? If it does you will need a converter if the trailer uses the same circuit for signal/brake with one bulb. you could also wire the trailer for a 5-way with separate brake lights and turn signals. Good Luck & hope this helps
  10. 1989 18' Winner Tournament Legend Johnson GT 150 on a 6" plate Turbo 4-blade Prop Minn Kota Maxxum 80
  11. I believe he was probably talking about Diawa releasing the "Ike" series rods and the hurricane named "Ike" that just devastated Galveston, Houston and wreaked havoc along the Gulf coast
  12. Don't feel bad Okieracer, after a 10yr fishing hiatus I hope to try my first "Senko"-style bait tomorrow evening. The Sluggo was hot when I faded and is still my favorite bait.
  13. "Is it safe to run a 2 cycle Yamaha 6 horse motor at wide open throttle for extended periods of time?" As long as the engine is in good shape, with a good water pump, proper fuel mixture and a propeller that keeps the RPM's in the recommended operating range, you can run it WOT all day long
  14. topwater buzz, Check with BPS, I don't know if they do repairs. Check with your local shops (not chain stores ie: Dicks or GM) I have the same problem with one of my old All Stars. Been away from fishing for awhile and it would appear that all the shops that I used to deal with for rod repairs are gone. Type in "fishing rod repair" at Youtube.com and there is a good ten part step-by-step do-it-yourself guide if you end-up in the same boat as I. P.S (hope you have a broadband connection)
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