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Michael J

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Everything posted by Michael J

  1. So, I would like to experiment with a smithwick devils horse and I was just wondering what are the best ways to retrieve the lure? What is most successful for you?
  2. OK well I have not seen this boat yet cuz i found it on the internet and havent had a chance to go see it yet. But it is a 1995 17ft bass tracker nitro that is fiberglass. It has a 1996 115 horse mariner motor, and trolling motor and depth finder and a trailer. Their asking $3295 for it. Still too high?
  3. Ok I am looking to buy my first bass boat and dont have a whole lot of money right now, and I am only 20. So, I have found a 1993 Lund alluminum hull bass boat. It has a 70 horse carbeureted Johnson motor on it. It has a livewell, foot controlled trolling motor, fish finder, depth finder, and the boat is in good condition. It is 17 foot long with a trailer, and has a custom made boat cover thats only a few years old. The boat has been taken care of I can tell. So, i was just wondering how much this boat is really worth? I talked him down to $4000.00 the other day. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, michael
  4. Does anyone know of a good website to find the blue book value of a used boat? ive been looking and cant find anything!!!
  5. I would agree with most everyone here! Terminator and Booyah!
  6. Any suggestions on what would be the best baits to throw in a fairly small river this time of year?
  7. Dark colors! Try using a zoom finesse worm that is colored junebug red flake on a shaky head jig setup. It works great for me in the same situation.
  8. Ok we are beginning september soon and I thought i would take a little survey I guess just to see what people thought and what the most common answer is. Q: If you were forced for the entire month of september to only use one bait. That means one color, one way of rigging it, same type of worm if (thats the choice), etc., everything exactly the same! for the entire month which bait would you use? List as many details as you can, and maybe even why! This should be interesting, Thanks, Michael
  9. I like a shakey head with a Zoom finesse worm thats junebug, redflake. Different from everyone else, but it works for me!
  10. Well if fishing really deep, clear water, with a rocky bottom. What color would you recommend?
  11. Something else about this pond, there are a ton of brown minnows around it!!!
  12. I was just wondering the best ways to rig and fish finesse worms. Like conditions, water, cover, color, etc. I personally prefer using a junebug red flake on a shaky head jig in muddy water conditions. What do you think?
  13. Any specific color?
  14. I have been fishin this pond not to far from my house a little bit. The water is clear, and it is really deep with a very rocky bottom. Big rocks too because it used to be a rock quarry. The pond is straight down with layered rocks all the way around it. The only decent fish I caught out of there was on a shaky head jig with a junebug red flake finnesse worm. However I ended up losing that jig in the big rocks. I have a friend that has caught several large bass out of there in the spring with an arkansas shad colored fluke, and i have seen some very nice fish swimming 8 lb.+. So I was just wondering if there is any other lure that anyone can think of to fish this time of year based on the information i have given. All help greatly appreciated!!!! Thanx
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