I want to start off by saying that NewAngler in his first post stated multiple times that this thread was his OPINION. He never went on to say anything negative about the Rage Tail products, but shared his experience and dissatisfaction with the product.
I really like these types of threads because it brings everything back into reality. Everyone talks about how Rage Tail makes products that seem to always magically put 10 pounders into the boat.
I'd like to add that I've purchased multiple packs in several different colors of the Anaconda, Chunk, Craw, and Shad. I have NEVER caught a fish on either of these baits, and I have NEVER even gotten a bump. I've probably invested a good $100 into these baits and I've tried to give them a fair chance, but I just can never get the darn things to work.
Now, I know a lot of you are going to tell me that there is a certain way to work the bait...of course there is. That's how all baits work. There is no such thing as a lure that dives into the water and throws a 30 pound limit into your boat. And don't tell me to slow down or work it differently...I've tried. I think everyone on this forum knows that you have to slow down or speed up depending on what the fish want. This is all pretty common knowledge to all of us.
But, I'll continue to throw the Rage Tails from time to time hoping to catch something. Perhaps someday I'll catch a nice hog like you guys seem to do even with the baits still in the packaging.