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Dave D

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Everything posted by Dave D

  1. Looks like that is rated for 1/4 to 1-1/4. Maybe use it for big jigs???
  2. What's the lure size on this rod? Just curious as my father in-law is looking for a nice cat rod?
  3. I did that the other day when my wife and I were down in the basement. I don't know if she has ever seen all of my rods in one place before. She must have been a little distracted because she walked right through 17 rods and 15 reels multiple times and never said a word???? Maybe she just has given up on me? Maybe the hormones from being 5 months pregnant have made her not care that I'm a crazy fishing fool? Must be a boy in there!!! ;D
  4. Storm swimbaits would have to be my most recent waste of money, with the exception of the Kickin' Minnow. I love this bait! I bought a bunch last year for muskie fishing including the Giant Kick'n Slab. I threw it one day, people probably thought I was actually casting a 10" crappie around the lake. I'm surprised I didn't get turned in for fish cruelty! HA HA!
  5. So what's a guy to do when he find himself with two, yes count them two, lonely rods? I've currently got two empty rods that I need LP casting reels for. Here's the dilemma! Due to finances I'm limited to $100 to fix this problem. 1- Do I buy $100 reel and pull double duty(even though I hate swapping reels off and on and never do it) using it on both rods. or 2- Do I buy two $50 dollar reels that will get me buy for a couple years. 2a - Are there any $50 reels that are decent enough to last a couple years? I was looking at the Abu Garcia Black Max as it is $49.99 and I'm a big Abu fan. What do you guys think? Thanks in advance! Dave D
  6. I really enjoyed that interview! Thanks again guys for bringing it to us!
  7. An EWG 5/0 Gamakatsu got me hooked, right in the corner of my mouth! LOL! I just had to do it! I started fishing when I was really young and I have always enjoyed in. It was when I started getting good at the craft is when I got hooked. I remember going down to my local pond one day after church. I rode my bike there( I was just old enough to ride alone, maybe 4th or 5th grade) and all I had was a spinning rod and some tiny ice fishing jigs. I caught over 200 gills that day in only a few hours! I had the world by the tail! I had put together a pattern and it worked. That's probably the earliest memory I have of things coming together. The other thing that I live for is the hookset! What is more fun the setting the hook and having something fighting back on the other end! I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it! Yeah and if you here a guy screaming at the lake because he just caught a 5 lb'r, that's probably me. I'm no Ike but I do get excited!
  8. RTBassNY - What year Nitro is that? I'm digging that interior. Nice looking rig! Dave D
  9. I saw that today as well! I can't wait for the open water! BRING IT ON!
  10. Sounds like the perfect blank canvass! Let us know if you need any help with any of the mods! Here's a great site for customizing tin boats. www.tinboats.net Congrats!
  11. Since there has been a lot of Drop Shotting ?'s lately I thought many could benefit from this. I know I did. Skeet does a great job explaining things here.
  12. How do you guys like the twitch'n bar on the megaforce? Is it all that they say it is?
  13. Thanks for all the advice everyone. One more question, how do you go about adjusting the gap if need be? I've never done that before?
  14. I just talked to my dealer and he said that they have pre-gapped ones for my motor. I haven't changed mine do to most of my trips are on no wake lakes/electric only lakes and I rarely get a chance open my boat up if even start the big motor. I'm going to get some new plugs tonight!
  15. Sorry, I guess I should have posted this. Whoops! This is an Express 1650VJ. Here's the raw data: Length: 16 ft Beam: 75" Side depth: 23" Transom: 21" Floor Width: 50" This boat is all welded and tough as nails! It is very stable but with any boat, you can always fall out. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm happy to answer all that I can.
  16. and a couple more.
  17. Here are the mods...
  18. Well this is my baby! I bought this rig new in 2003 and am constantly tweaking it to suit my needs. This package came with the boat, bare bones jon, motor and gas tank. Everything else you see I have done myself. There are days when I think about buying something already rigged but why? Half the fun is fishing out of something you designed. First 3 pics are when I got her. The rest are of some mods, not all but some. Maybe Russ can add this to the small boat build page?
  19. I've got a 2003 25 horse Merc 4 stroke and I have yet to change the plugs on this motor. I've never had any problems with the motor but I am kind of wondering if maybe I should change the plugs as they are over 5 years old. When I winterized my motor this fall I noticed the are starting to get some build up which is why I'm thinking it's time for a change. My big question is should I be able to just go to my local Merc dealer, get new plugs and just swap them out? Do I need to do anything prior to putting in the plugs? Check the gap? Or should this already be correct since they are going to be Merc plugs? Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm getting anxious for the soft water! Thanks, Dave
  20. A v-bow or a mod v front end is going to take the waves a lot better than a box or square front jon. You are going to take a beating in a flat bottom boat in rough water not matter what but the v bow seems to cushion it and break the waves better. Also a v front end seems to track a lot better in the water as when running the bow mount TM. V bow jons tend to be a little more money but I think it's money well spend. Both boats will get the job done but in the end it's all about what you like and what you can afford.
  21. Here's my rig the day I brought her home in 2003. 2003 1650VJ Xpress Jon, 25 horse Merc 4 Stroke. She has been customized a lot since this pic. Then here's another from my second trip out last year with the truck.
  22. My PB was 21" & 7lb. Caught in the spring full of eggs. Caught on 1/2oz Blue/Chrome Rat-L-Trap. Kind of a bad pic, but the memory is still fresh in my mind!
  23. Whatever motor you go after I would get a 4 stroke? The days of cleaner lakes are on their way which means 4 strokes all around!
  24. I handled a couple of the Mojo's this weekend at our local sporting goods store and I really like them for the $. I'm sure they aren't as nice as an Avid but a good St.Croix rod for sure!
  25. Ev is a great guy! And Bill Lewis Lures is awesome! I've had a great first hand experience with them and can not say enough good about them!
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