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Dave D

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Everything posted by Dave D

  1. Welcome to the site from another Iowan! I'm not too far from ya in Cedar Rapids. You'll really enjoy the site!
  2. Normally 5/0 EWG, bought some 7/0 EWG Monsters this year, we'll see how they work out.
  3. I've got them on all of my casting reels. I love them and I think they make my day of fishing more enjoyable, plus they just look cool!
  4. Thats a great job, excellent idea, I'll second the Joby Gorrilapod, I use one as well, here it is mounted on my rig just above the fishfinder. Your yak is AWESOME!
  5. Just so you know, you can save some coin by purchasing little rubber bands that girls use to put around their hair braids. Something like 100 of them for $1.
  6. Honestly I'd like to fish with any member. Just be cool to get together and catch some fish. After all, we all are bass junkies aren't we. LOL
  7. After trying the tripod on the back bench last year, I knew I had to do some mods in order to document catches when fishing alone. I had two awesome days fishing alone last year with no means to take pictures, I vowed not to let that happen this year. Materials: 1 Free small tripod One length of ½ pvc 1 Extra seat post Sanded one ended of the pvc, hammered sanded end into the seat post. Removed the head off of the tripod by taking off one screw. Put the tripod head on the PCV using the already provided clamp on the head. Moved camera up and down before cutting PVC to length. Tested and worked like charm. Here are a couple of pictures from this past weekend. No monsters as far as fish go but they were good models for the field test! I will say that the fish look bigger this year when I'm holding them. Amazing what losing 50+lbs does to make that happen! Dave
  8. I fish Daiwa spinning gear exclusively. My last two Daiwa spinners were 2500 Cabela's Prodigy's that I picked up on sale for $60 each. I've got two others that are the same reel but made for a local sporting goods store. Never had a lick of problem with any of them and they get used!
  9. I'm a sale shopper and when I see something that I use a lot I stock up. Bad thing is even if I'm still stocked up and see another good deal...I stock up again. DOH!
  10. My favorite hard bait also. I've caught my biggest fish on Chrome and Blue back. 1- 6lb largie 2- 20lb+ pike
  11. I fish 10" worms a lot and have traditionally always used 5/0 Gammy EWG's but got the bug to order some 7/0 monsters and boy are they giant! I can't wait to test these babies out.
  12. Pretty much anything without a lip and with rattles works this time of year. I however only use Bill Lewis Rat-L-Traps!
  13. That ought to get the job done! Please keep us updated on the progress! [edit]Removed link to other forum[/edit]
  14. I've only used Crystal in very light line techniques and it seems like it likes to split apart or frey? Never had that problem with original. Maybe just a bad batch?
  15. I agree with ya on that. The biggest positive for me is when I fish live bait vs. Gulp Alive. I would go through dozens of leeches at times in just one outing. Now I can literally make a dozen Gulp ALive baits last me an entire trip, they just can take a beating and stay on the hook better. Plus you can re-charge them. Now with that said...give me powerbait any day! ;D
  16. I fish the Gulp leeches a lot and do awesome with them on Walleyes, catfish and yes bass. The key to keeping gulp buckets from leaking are as follows. Take off the lid, cut a small "X" in the middle of the paper, then access the baits through this hole. This works great! If you remove the paper cover you are asking for a mess. Dave
  17. Thanks for the post, never listened to the pixies much but will be in the future!
  18. I think he looks so suave and debonair to trick us into buying into his game. Sneaky little fella.
  19. DM- These will be the last to finally have all my casting reels decked out. I agree, they are great and until you fish them you just don't know how nice they are.
  20. Since I just was bitten by the man himself I thought I would post of a couple pics that show how real he is. Feel free to show them to your better half to prove that he does exist and the he can strike at any time!!! I couldn't believe that I actually got a couple of this little monster. Maybe I can sell them to the tabloids!
  21. So it's been a while since I've made any purchases but last night I broke down. Not a huge one but enough to get free shipping. Here's the damage: Some new frogs... Ish Phat Frog Chronic Ish Phat Frog Iced Out Ish Phat Frog Papa Midnight Some hooks... (3)Gamakatsu EWG Monster Hook 7/0 4pk Some bling for the reels... Reel Grips Pro Series Green & White Reel Grips Pro Series Blue I'll take some pics when the goods arrive! Hopefully that will keep the monkey happy for a while! ;D Anyone else been bitten by the monk lately??? Dave
  22. This way my first biggin'! Also the fish that got me hooked on bass fishing for life. Caught in the spring of the year throwing my favorite bait at that time, 1/2 oz chrome\blue Rat-L-Trap. 21" and 5+ lbs. She was full of eggs, and I'll never forget her.
  23. I use 50-65 PP Braid on my jig and worm rods and I could not be happier. Made the switch about 3 years ago and this stuff is just plain tough. I know a lot of other folks have had issues with it but I really like it.
  24. My GM had Bronzeyes for $2 off the other day. I picked up a few. Might have to swing back over and see if they have marked any others down.
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