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About SenkoShawn

  • Birthday 11/06/1987

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  • Location
    Dutchess County NY

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Dink (3/9)



  1. sure it counts and was it 1.5lbs or 15lbs lol.
  2. nice work u know what they say Share fishing with someone.
  3. color? whats that? that actually makes a difference? to each there own. ill throw 85 colors in one day and they all work COLOR MEANS NOTHING in my book.
  4. im not knocking u at all by all means get out there and fish no matter what u have but i think he tiger is super heavy for bass its made as a river pole. do u have issues feeling and reacting with lures using that?
  5. im very curious too who on a bass site doesnt own at least one reel?
  6. The Sexy Swimmer is a double jointed hard plastic swimbait that is 5 inches long and weighs in at 5/8oz. it doesnt have a diving lip, but is instead a slow sinking swimbait designed to be retrieved at various speeds with really good action. After lots of research and seeing it move in a youtube video also the price being around the same price id much rather use sebile magic swimmer which i usually use around 4-6feet so im guessing it it will perform about the same. this is the sebile i use with a size/depth chart
  7. wowwwwwwwwwwww
  8. glad ur happy pretty fish u got. PLEASE dont lay fish on the ground like that.
  9. wow i never heard such a thing thats real neat. thanks for sharing that
  10. what do you guys think of this seether original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KGtuMHinLM seether- george michael cover (never gonna dance again) im kinda 50/50
  11. I forgot the game was on last night. > it was tied all game with a buzzer beater win. realll good game.
  12. and celtics and bulls last night was ONE HELL OF A GAME.
  13. if kobe plays like he did last game they have this. maveriks really been disappointing me they look like there to tired and dont even wanna play out there. as far as cavs go IM NOT A FAN. but id like to see lakers crush them again.
  14. im from NY but i wanna hit jersey bad this yr one of u guys gotta put me on some fish.
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