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  1. Bill Dance, he catches big fish everytime he's on TV ;D
  2. JJ'S MAGIC haha
  3. haha tell me about it, i'll probably go prime the snow thrower sometime this week making sure that it's ready for this winter. I have a feeling with all this cool weather Winter is gona come early this year.
  4. Haha yea I was going to go out today but it was overcast so you wouldn't really see much, so I decided to stay in until there's a nice clear day first. But I'll try getting this picture.
  5. All great tips here guys, and thanks for your advice. But still from what your description is, we're talking about 2 different kind of vegetation. Next time when I'm out, I'll try getting a picture for better explanation. I pitched a jig to the vegetation, and the jig sank straight down like nothing was there to keep it up. My guess is this vegetation is more of a canopy. Which covers the top, and is open below, but not too sure yet either. I'll try getting some pictures though.
  6. Okay, so I fish in a lake here in Michigan, and since the water is so clear the vegetation grows fast! Well I went out today and saw this vegetation which is known as, Muskgrass or Stonewart grass. Well this make's 5-12 FOW look like its 0-2ft deep only. I'm jw is this grass consider cover? Is it Fish able? If so, how would you fish it? What is it like under this thick canopy of grass? I'm just so confused, my usual spots are being over ran, and I'm clueless on how to deal with this sort of vegetation. You can always go deeper but, so sort of structure to actually fish off of. :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/ :( :'(
  7. Nice fishes! I see your from MI as well, well Hello Michiganer
  8. If it's under 3 digits then it is usually 100% markup, if its under 4 digits it's usually 100-50% markup, 4 digits and over is usually 50-10%.
  9. RrrRrhmmm... Ahhh.... Nothing beats the smell of JJ's Magic @ 5:30 in the morning when you're on the water.. ;D
  10. Steady retrieve, but if u go too fast these storm swimbaits tend to go sideways
  11. d**n I LOVE RAGETAIL! haha Ragetail Toads and Anaconda's FTW! :D
  12. ahah thats true, there's a pond north of me that my buddies mom's bf owns, and that pond probably isn't as big as that and he pulled a 22' bass out of it.
  13. got him on my, Spro BronzeEye Jr. Model frog. It was overcasted most of the morning and rainy. Around noon the sun came out blazing, so I decided to fish, shore structure with shade. I found a isolated lilly pad patch, and behind it was a over hanging tree that provided good shade for the pads. So on my first cast this WHOPPER slurped it. My general thought was that, it was a little guy since he didn't explode on it. But when i got him to the boat, woo who! hahah he was big. :D
  14. IMO, Spro's the way to go, I got one of these and the clearance for the hook and the weight is too close together. You only get a little gap between the weight and the hook. So I personally would rate the Tru Tungsten one, a 3 outta 10.
  15. it was weighed at 5.6lbs ;D ;D :D :D took 1st place too
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