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Everything posted by FordNFishinLover

  1. Dont think i would enjoy a year, but an old time rocker from back in the day like Jimmy Hendrix or Stevie Ray Vaughn would be great for awhile. Otherwise i agree, someone like jack johnson, DMB, or kings of leon would be great.
  2. Dont think i would enjoy a year, but an old time rocker from back in the day like Jimmy Hendrix or Stevie Ray Vaughn would be great for awhile. Otherwise i agree, someone like jack johnson, DMB, or kings of leon would be great.
  3. Ya'll are crazy! I love watchin these eating contests! You need to check out EPIC MEAL TIME on youtube. MY favorites are the fast food lasagna and protein bar.
  4. 300 horse from an engine that weights 267 lbs?? Thats awesome. Too bad its so freakin massive...
  5. Great day for me! New territory on a river for me. Find out its too shallow too use motor, an trolling motor wasn't strong enough for current. So had to pull boat UPSTREAM for a ways until we could get boat in somewhat deeper water. Next thing i know im backing down trailer to load boat to head to another spot, and my truck is stuck on this ramp because its covered in sand. Great... 10 minutes later and truck overheating i get it out. Then the doozie of the day, which is totally my fault, but i end up tearing up my truck fairly bad. Cruisin the sun set with a buddy and me out and in the country. Oh hey look there ahead, a steep set of rail road tracks. Why dont we try the "dukes of hazzard" style and ramp them. I'd never been in this area and DID NOT realize how massively steep these railroad tracks where until i realized we were about 4 feet off the ground in my 2000 ranger. Totally shattered the racket & pinion, busted radiator, messed up powersteering. Didnt help that i couldn't steer and smashed into a pole on the side of the road after going through a ditch. Did i mention that on landing impact the bottom skid plate/power steering cooler scooped up 3 feet by 1 1/2 feet square by one inch THICK of asphalt from the road!! There was literally a huge sheet taken out that was stuck under the truck... Atleast my buddies found it funny...
  6. Welcome! Where abouts illinois are you? Im in mid illinois. Mattoon/Charleston area.
  7. Is it a M or ML action on your 7'2 crucial your using?
  8. Howdy yall, addin another set-up to my arsenal right now. Im looking for a good drop shotting or any finesse fishing spinning reel setup. I somewhat have an idea of what id like to get already, just thought id ask around on here and see what yall are using, or your thoughts on what i should get. Im not totally biased on certain brands and such, but i've always been mainly a shimano and daiwa user. As for reel, im really leaning more towards a shimano spinning. The three i've been looking are the Shimano Saros, Symetre, or Sahara. I have an older sahara and its a tough ol reel just a bit on the heavy side. The new saharas feel quite a bit lighter and i really liked how they felt in my hands. An i've heard some great reviews on the saros. So im kinda caught up on which one i want. (BTW, do you feel that the 1000 size would be too small? Is it more of a panfishin reel or would it work good for my application?) As for rod, im a bit more free on. Please bring opinions on this as im always into trying a new rod/reel. The only rod i've had my eyes set on is a shimano crucial (Prob a 7'2 ML drop shot model). I have one I use for my t-rig worms/plastics that I love. Please though for any suggestions a GOOD warranty is a must (which is why i like the crucials so much for their lifetime warrantys), because i can be alittle rough on rods at times and accidents do happen. Sorry for the long post, and looking forwards too some suggestions! Thanks fellas.
  9. You can't blame the kids. Its the parents....
  10. 3.49 here. It hurts driving everyday lol.
  11. I'll drag my boat if i gotta!!
  12. Is this the peice i need? http://cgi.ebay.com/ABU-AMBASSDEUR-7000-6500-5000-ANTI-REVERSE-DOG-LEVER-/220743380412?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Fishing_Reels_JN&hash=item336554adbc
  13. Appreciate the help fella's. Where abouts do i order this part? Do i have to go straight through Abu?? Thanks again.
  14. I'm betting that the reels kvd uses out on the water arent stock. I'm betting he has them supertuned to his likings. Also i highly doubt alls he has is quantum on his boat. There is much marketing in bass fishing and im sure he will try and swap his companys rod and reel before they put him on tv. No, i dont know this for sure. But i have a good feeling that it happens.
  15. Thank you. I will go check out their website right now and see if i can find a schematic. Hopefully there will be one since this is an older reel. If anyone happens to know what im missing please let me know. I'd be appreciated!
  16. Hello, about two years ago i broke down an older abu round reel for a cleaning. But upon putting it back together it seems i either lost a peice or put it back together wrong. Anyways, everything on it seems to be working correctly except the handle will reel in both ways. It doesn't stop like it should. Anyways does anyone happen to know what peice of the reel im missing or what not? Also if it is a peice im missing where could i get it? Thanks!! Oh btw the reel is an older Abu Ambassadeur 5000 red round reel. Its the older style made in sweden.
  17. niceeeeee, hahaha
  19. What a game what a game! I was scared that whole 60 minutes. But the better team was able to pull it off! GO PACK GO! SUPERBOWL #45 CHAMPS!
  20. Im making that bacon explosion thing.My buddys and i are having a superbowl party. So everyone brings a dish of their own and we all share. Besides that we will be making beer brats and grilled onions. We are trying to think of a cheese dish since were greenbay fans.
  21. Ayyyyy the CHEESE got this by the mileeee! 55-18! PACKERS WIN!
  22. I find it a bit odd and funny you have pictures of your friend in a man thong. But to each their own! But really chris, congrats man. It takes some real dedication to do what you have done. While lookin like the zack guy isnt my kinda thing, i too want to get fit. I've been workin on it lately. Not as hardcore as you, but i've been taking notice of what i eat and i've been lifting 4 days a week. I also play badmittion twice a week and sometimes raquetball or basketball. I've only had my mind set on it for around two weeks now so i've not gotten to much progress, but im def going to keep working on it. I find it hard to figure out what to eat. An beat cravings. But im slowly learning when my body is actually hungry and not just wanting to eat. I almost need a planned thing to tell me what i have to eat for each meal. Im a fairly strong fella, im 19 btw. I dont max anymore but i do reps up to 285 on bench. An squat in the 300's. So i got muscle. But i think i need to do more toning now, and work on losing my fat.
  23. LMAO! What a badass.
  24. I know your problem, its because its a "CHEVY"! Too me it sounds as if its a computer problem. Running the codes would be the first step id say.
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