I was out this past weekend sunday morning at 2am till 9am. i was fishing in lake marburg(codorus state park) i have a 12 semi-v with a 3hp johnson gets us around fine but a little slow i have no trolling motor. just the essentials for getting out on the water. will be getitng a fish finder for my birthday this weekend. i fished every lure i had is every color that i had and not even a bite. now im new to fishing expecially from a boat this is only my 3rd outing in my boat.
when i used to fish from the shore i would see people fishing under the bridge and catching fish after fish after fish. so i get out the early saterday morning and fish all over the lake and just before the sun comes up we move to the bridge and we are still not having any luck within a half hour there is someone else with a boat there but of corse its the guy with the nice bass fishing boat with every bell and whistle it could have and these 2 guys caught i would say 10 fish within the first 15 minutes . i tihnk it was my most depressing moment in my entire life :-) this year in general has been very depressing.
i live in west york and and i fish the Susquehanna, codorus, lake marburg
caught 2 under 12" small mouth in the susquehanna all year
caught nothing in lake marburg
and i fished in the codorus in york city next to the comcast building fending off bums and others. and caught over 40 fish alot of small trout and what i was told are Red-Eye Bass
so what im asking is does anybody else fish lake mrburg and whats the trick this time of year? i thought food was supposed to be scarce because of the baitfish dying off but i saw plenty of baitfish. maybe i will try livebaits nexttime.
any guidance would be appreciated
i tried trick worms in : watermellon seed, white, silver/black stripe, even pink(i got desperate) have them in there from my girlfriend making me buy them
i tried spinnerbaits of every kind including buzz baits of every color
i tried jitterbugs of every size and color even different shapes
i even tried some of the lures that have the lips and dive
i just dont know what to do
also it wasnt just me fishing all these lures it was 2 of us trying everything