Wow, this is turning out to be a pretty good post. Many stuff being said is very true. I forgot who said what so forgive me. There are minimal jobs in this field, and with state budget cuts guess who is going first. Whith that being said however, there are positions out there. My recomendations are the private sector. Better pay but not better benefits. The one thing to consider that many state employees, at least here in NY, are baby boomers getting ready to retire. So many spots will be reopening if they don't cut them first.
It was an excellent course of study and I still use some of it with my current job. Because I was unable to find a fisheries job, and was unwilling to relocate (another must to find a fisheries job) I took a job in environmental consulting/engineering. I am now in Environmental Construction and love it. I do miss fisheries work and being around it. But that is why I still fish a lot and fish competitively. I am the new conservation director for our club so I will use some skills there as well.
My advise would be to pursue your dream education and job. But consider post graduate work, and while doing undergraduate studies, take meaningful electives (extra Math, Physics, other Environmental courses) not gym or underwater basketweaving, lol. It will make your workload harder but it will definitely help in the long run. I could go on and on, so if you want to chat please feel free to send me or any one else who has offered a pm.
One other quick thought, if you are going to seek a fisheries education, take a real close look at field and lab time at the particular schools you look at. I went to a techinical school first and got a lot of hands on work, before I went to a bigger university (go Black Bears). At the university, my field time was very minimal, thank god I had the field work before, it put me way ahead of my colleages. Also on your summers do work for PHD candidates, you can learn a ton and have a great time. One summer I did radio tracking of american eels to determine foraging habitat. Was fun and learned a lot, even though I can't stand those little suckers.
Alright well I have rambled on enough. Like I said Pm me if you want to continue this.