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Everything posted by jbh3

  1. Easiest/best way to "de-shine" it is to use it. It won't stay that way long, and the fish won't care either way. Go fish and have fun!
  2. Check out and strongly consider the "Motor Mate" motor locking device for trailering.
  3. Both screws should have a small gasket. The gaskets are inexpensive and should be replaced each time you change the lube. Contact the appropriate dealer for your engine for the appropriate gasket(s). The additions of the silicone should not be necessary.
  4. Probably a short due to moisture in one of the switches. Most likely the one at the bow, if you have one, or on the engine cowl. Disconnect one at a time and see if you have trim/tilt at the other station(s). If no luck, you'll need to disconnect the battery to keep from burning the trim motor up, and lower the engine manually.
  5. Too many good used boats out there. No need to settle for a ragged out dog.
  6. " Would a different prop give me more speed and not be so close to redline?" Yes to both. Try a 23P.
  7. Try putting a regular charger on the battery for a few hours. Then reconnect the on-board and attempt to finish charging. Most on-board chargers won't/can't detect a battery that is completely dead. If that doesn't work, I see a new battery in your future.
  8. Consider replacing the fuel line and bulb with the newer ethanol resistant components. Best to get these parts from a OEM shop - not Walmart.
  9. Your sinkers are probably full of water. Look very closely in the areas around the hook hangers. I have had several that didn't get sealed in that area allowing water intrusion. You can hang them in a position that the water will drain (will take a while) and fill the hole with super glue, epoxy, etc. I now look at individual baits closely before purchasing. Good luck!
  10. Check your SX manual and read about the centrifugal brake magnets on the spool. Adjustments to the number of magnets engaged on the spool, along with magnetic adjustments on the side plate dial, will help tune the reel to prevent over runs.
  11. if it's an Optimax engine, it won't have a carberator.
  12. Academy has a flatside sqarebill in their H2O line.
  13. If you have an Academy nearby, check out the 7'10" H2O Ethos "Magnum Cranker". Great rod for the $$, imo.
  14. I believe the small hole you're referring to is the pickup for the speedometer. In addition to a working tachometer a water pressure gauge will be a necessary addition before you start raising the engine. Good luck!
  15. Don't think you will like the second console on a 18' boat. Takes up a LOT of usable space. If you could take both to the lake, I believe you would like the bigger CDC a lot better. As an old bosun, you probably know bigger is better in a blow. Good luck!.
  16. The Fortrex 80# would be my choice. Would think the 45" would work fine on your Lowe.
  17. That's a big boat and will need all those ponies to run efficiently. The 3 liter 225 EFI's were good engines. Have it checked out by a good Merc shop and get the service up to date. Your mileage will be very dependent on how hard you run it. Same as with your old 140. Good luck.
  18. I have this rod with a REVO SX. It works fine for the baits you mentioned. It has made a good jerk bait combo as well. The H2O rods just went on sale.
  19. Check http://lurepartsonline.com.
  20. Can be done, but requires addition of one of the newer Merc Smartcraft units and associated NMEA network components. The least expensive option is to add a WP gauge. However, the Smartcraft will allow you to monitor a LOT more engine info. Check with your Merc dealer. Good luck!
  21. I have a 2007 20X w/225 Pro XS. It is a great fishing platform. Plenty of storage and a good, dry ride. Not as bad to walk as the older TR hulls, but will need to be driven on top end. It is NOT an 80 MPH boat. You should see low 70's depending on load. Some of the later 20X's rated for 250 will approach 80. Good luck!
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