Isn't it obvious? Maybe not, let me explain. You are a self proclaimed buyer and seller of tackle, presumably of higher end tackle. I've garnered this by reading your previous posts. I may be wrong, but feel I'm on the right track. Perhaps you are even a professional fisherman, earner of high accolades in the field, and with many trophies on your wall. And clearly, as a buyer and seller, and whatever else it is you are, you consider yourself the ultimate authority in the matters you choose to discuss here. All the while ignoring the fact that someone else may have gathered some experience, in a particularly narrow field, along the way.
As for me, I've obviously not risen to your level. I am merely a neophyte scarcely worthy of your time, and unworthy of any sort of civility. Nevertheless, the Achilles' heel of your position is the very fact I've mentioned before. You've ignored the fact that one can gain experience through time, if only in that narow field. Oh, I'd never claim to have the breadth of knowledge you possess, but a little experience, yes. Ignoring this is like forgetting the old hunter's axiom, "Beware the man with one gun. He probably knows how to use it."
Discussions like this aren't new to me. I deal with lawyers most days. Most of whom are brazenly secure in whatever knowledge they possess, while dismissing anyone else that dares to discuss something on their level. Like the lawyer who, when confronted with someone who can speak to their level, proclaims, "I went to law school at Villanova!" Well, sir, all that tells me is that any dummy can get into law school.
Thank you.
I think it's great. Fire tempers steel. I simply believe artistry lies not within the tool but in the hand that wields it.