This is another, even more insanely priced version, of those reels. Based on the original Daiwa Millionaire, which Daiwa, in their infinite wisdom, discontinued.
I have three Millionaire CV-X reels, which I really like. I've been turning mine into my own version of these more expensive reels.
The original reels had three bearings plus the anti-reverse bearing. I removed all the bushings and installed new bearings; outer pinion gear bearing, drive shaft bearing, two bearings on the level-wind, and added a 4 bearing TD-Z handle. 11+1 bearings now. Also installed Carbontex drag washers, and lapped and polished stainless drag washers.
Got the Dremel out and polished all moving and contact points. Tackle Tour did an article on super tuning a SOL. The Millionaire internals are virtually identical, so I just followed their directions.
These three reels are smooth, quiet, long-casting machines.
Did all that last winter while the water was hard. The only thing left to do is this winter's project; install light weight GIGAS spools and new spool bearings.
I'm hoping for a bit better casting performance after the spool and bearing upgrades.
I'm betting mine perform nearly as well as the high dollar JDM versions. They just don't look as cool, and are still quite a bit heavier. They are also considerably cheaper.
I think they originally were 9.5 ounces. The TD-Z handles are magnesium, so I saved some weight there. By replacing bushings with bearings, I added some weight, so it's probably a wash. They may even be just a bit heavier.
Next project; super tune my Fuegos.
This is a fun thing to do in the winter.
Upgrade the retrieve ratio to 6:3.1 and you'll have a really monster!