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Captain Rhino

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Everything posted by Captain Rhino

  1. Well, I went back today with a long stick, hoping I could loop it over the branch at the end of the tree. After a half hour of frustration and this old, homeless looking guy behind me telling me how I should be fishing, I decided that I need a new plan. I think the nut tied to the end of a thin piece of rope is the plan to go with. I'll try that next time. The hooks on that thing will need to be replaced if I ever get it down though.
  2. That's a pretty sweet looking bait.
  3. I could get to the limb, but not out onto it. It is too thin. It is too thick to break the limb with my line and a hook, but not thick enough to support any weight.
  4. Very true... I have just seen this lure hanging there the last couple of times I have fished at this pond. It seems like it is begging to be pulled down and used. :-/
  5. At the pond I fish at, there is a sexy shad crank that is tied up on a branch overhanging the water. It is a good 10 or 15 feet away from shore and the water is pretty deep there. There is no ramp or any type of boat access (I don't have a boat anyway). Does anyone have any good techniques to get this lure down? I was thinking about using a rope with a weight tied on the end of it, to swing around the branch and pull it down.
  6. Ah, my mistake. I misread. :-X
  7. From what I found on the internet, it looks like a Mottled Slulpin. Here is the fish that I found to look similar: http://www.fish.state.pa.us/pafish/mottscum.jpg
  8. From another Kentuckian, welcome morti!
  9. I looked it up and found this:
  10. Yeah, kind of what I was thinking too... It is interesting in concept, but doesn't make much sense. Thought it was intersting to look at tough.
  11. I found this weather site that gives a graphical representation of the best fishing times per day. It is a pretty interesting idea. I'm not sure if it really works, but it's kind of interesting to consider. I figured the best fishing times were early in the morning and later in the day, so no huge suprise there. Check it out: http://www.weather.com/activities/recreation/outdoors/fishing/
  12. The red breasted silver shad does wonders for me. It seems to attract bass when nothing else is working.
  13. That makes me want to start searching for yardsales on Saturdays and Sundays. Those are some awesome deals you got there. I am very jealous.
  14. Where I fish at, I haven't had much luck with anything but my small, shad colored, (deep-diving) crankbait. I have tried other colors, sizes, and types of lures and haven't been able to land any fish on anything else. I had a couple big bites with Smoke w/ Blue Flake 5" senko's, but was never able to hook them. Those have been pretty rare though.
  15. I've been here for about a month now and never really introduced myself. My real name is Ryan, I'm from Northern Kentucky. I do a little catfishing and bluegill fishing, but mostly stick to bass fishing. There aren't many places to go fishing around here locally (especially without a boat), but I know some people with some small ponds that I can fish in around here. I work, go to school, and am the captain of a mens league rugby team, so don't have as much time as I would like to hit the water. I usually rush home and then back out to the pond as quickly as I can, in order to get a couple hours of daylight in. My biggest bass was caught in a private pond. It was a largemouth, about 7-8 pounds. It was an absolute monster for anywhere north of the Carolina's. I am a firm believer of catch and release, and love reading and learning about bass fishing as much as I can from this site. If you have any advice to give me or want to talk about fishing around my area, feel free to send me a message. I'm almost always on here! If you have any questions or anything, I'd be perfectly happy to answer them for you. I love talking about fishing, and this is about the only place where I can talk to anybody about it. Thanks! Rhino
  16. That's an awesome looking little pond there Raul. I'd love to have something I could go to like that. You wouldn't be able to peel me away... There are some strip-mine ponds down in central and southern Kentucky that I know of, that haven't been touched since the mines were abandoned. I wonder if there are any fish in those.
  17. Those are some seriously sweet colors. I think I like the grip the most. Awesome job!
  18. I have some rewards points that I am going to use. I wanted to buy a swimbait to use in a few local ponds around this area (N. KY). I have looked through the reviews and have come up with the Strike Pro Flex Phantom. But there are a ton of colors and I am not sure which one would be best. What do you think? Here is the link: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?id=0053117122424a&navCount=26&podId=0053117&parentId=cat603338&masterpathid=&navAction=jump&cmCat=MainCatcat20166-cat603338&catalogCode=IJ&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat603338&hasJS=true Thanks for your help, Rhino
  19. Welcome! You'll love this place.
  20. Do you know what color scheme that is? I'll take a look. Thanks
  21. I bought these for 97 cents at walmart a few weeks ago. Bass have been hitting them much more, in particular than the other colors and style worms at the lake that I fish at. I went back to Walmart today to buy some more, but they weren't there. :'( So I came home and was looking all over the web for them without any success. Does anyone know where I could get these? The package says that they are "Super Charged With Yum", but not much more. I know that they are 4" style though.
  22. I seem to have a lot of success with my jitterbugs and poppers. The great thing about the jitterbugs are that they are so easy to use. You just reel them enough so that they dance a little bit and fish love em.
  23. Welcome Rob! You have a few nice cats there!
  24. That's an awesome looking bait!
  25. Now that is some serious action! It moves just like a little bass... Awesome job!
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