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Captain Rhino

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Everything posted by Captain Rhino

  1. I like using any sort of craw on a light jighead (I find you can drop these into position a lot easier than weightless). You could also put a bullet weight on the end in exchange for the jighead. I also like to use small black worms and grubs. That's what I have success using in my creeks. Depending on the depth and size of the creek, the bait size could be larger or smaller.
  2. Put it on a big hook and throw it back!
  3. The color patterns are outstanding!
  4. Those baits are outstanding... I am very impressed.
  5. I wouldn't go back to that lake, he might bring more friends next time...
  6. Gotta love crappie fishing! Congrats...
  7. We call those grass carp around KY, but I agree that's what you're seeing.
  8. Haven't had any luck yet, but it seems to be about that time...
  9. If you are looking for BIG cats, carry a heavy rod, use a big hook, and use live or cut bait (like Dawson said). Drop it to the bottom in some deep water and let it sit. If you are trying to catch some general cats, weighing a couple of pounds, I always toss on a piece of hotdog. They seem to LOVE IT. I guess is the salty/oily makeup of the food. In this case, the pole and hook don't need to be huge, but I'd still recommend at least 20 pound test and rod. Cats are almost always good fights! Have fun!
  10. Lots of ice fishermen catch the types that Lauren described, so I agree that those would be good bets for 30 degrees.
  11. I actually caught a 7 pound largemouth on a beetle spin. It bent the hook completely, but barely stayed on. These are definitely effective.
  12. That is a good one... I am very jealous.
  13. I'm 0-6... :-/ I'm fishing ponds, but nothing has been working for me.
  14. That's awesome... I'm lovin it!
  15. It looks to me like that kid could put his head inside the fish's mouth. Those pictures that the GA "record breaker" put up, have the same shape, but the size comparisons aren't even close.
  16. Looks good to me!
  17. Usually, I say "There we go...". But if it's a big one, I say "There we go..."
  18. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures. That is an awesome colored perch. Sounds like a great trip to me!
  19. That's one of the most depressing stories I have ever heard.
  20. That's some pretty fancy craftin!
  21. 8 on-the-dot sounds about right to me. Congrats on the awesome catch. It looks like the neighborhood lake is a decent place to fish.
  22. Those are two good looking fish. I love the color on those bass. Congrats on the nice catches!
  23. Good lookin fish you got there.
  24. Those are some big boys... (yes, I'm talking about the fish.) Sounds like an awesome time!
  25. I know a lot of these guys will swear by the worm glue, but in my experiences, superglue gets the job done too.
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