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snapper G

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Everything posted by snapper G

  1. I don't as much as used to, because the first casting reel I got was a Quantum, and was not a good reel!! >
  2. This may seem like a bit of a dumb Question. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, Dose BPS make their products independently? :-? :-? :-?
  3. I love bill dances TV show! He focuses more on the lures and how to use them, than the fish he catches! Great show to watch for tips!
  4. Whay are the pros and cons of the BPS casting reels? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
  5. What are some of the pros and cons of this reel? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
  6. Greets all..... Let me clarify some things here. My article is on balancing older rods with full length rear grips and with the poly butt caps on them. I DO NOT use lead to balance any custom builds that I do. I use the reel and seat position, and the use of BURL cork (more density) to help in balancing a rod. My rods don't weigh anymore than 3.5 to 4.5oz finished, you cannot add lead to the rod and achieve this weight. I can also add that the majority of the builds I have done in the last 15+ years have had tip heavy request on them. Ask the tournament anglers that request that balance and it helps with accuracy.. To try and answer the original question "what is the point of rod handle designs like this".. It is less weight in the finished build. If you were to measure the distance from the end of the butt on both rods you would find that the reel seat is located in the same position on both rods. So this takes balance out of the equation, and becomes a weight savings move. You could still balance the rods more to the back of the rod buy adding the balance kit or using a heavier reel. All of this is personal preference in what the anglers feel from the rod/reel combo when held. Hope this helps some.. Tight Lines All!!! Thank you!! Just the answer i have been looing for!
  7. didn't say that.i said it doesn't help balance like some people think.it looks nice but does nothing for balance.if guys like it then that's fine too but don't think it makes your rod more balanced because that's dead wrong.i would buy one and then balance it. If the heavier tip is a bad thing, than don't you think the manufactures would add some kind a weigh to the butt of the rod?
  8. didn't say you shoudn't think about it.reel mech makes rods and has an article on how he balances them .he adds weight to the butt end he doesn't remove it.these are custom made rods by someone who knows a thing or two about rods and reels. Pleaes stop bikering over this!
  9. Talk about killing 2 birds with one stone!
  10. x2 x3!! they also have them on sale right now at Cabelas for $39.99!
  11. Which one would recommend, they both seam to be great reels with a great value same gear rations, same bearings and line cap. Bass Pro Shops Extreme Baitcast Reels: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_90338____SearchResults Cabela's Prodigy Casting Reels: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0053216122487a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all_NYR&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntk=Products&sort=all&Go.y=11&_D%3AhasJS=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&nyr=1&Ne=2510&Ntt=cabelas+Prodigy+Casting+reels&N=3366&_D%3Asort=+&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&Go.x=23 :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? Please do not replie telling me to get a Shamano or any other brand of reel, only the ones mentioned in the post! like Muddy says: "I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' SHE-MONO" THANK YOU,
  12. It looks easy to tie any may be good in braid by the looks of it! :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? I already know how to tie the Palomar, and it's great for braid as we all know. Just wanted to know if it would do!
  13. what is the point of rond handle designs like this: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_97964_100002006_100000000_100002000_100-2-6 as aposed to ones like this: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_58458_100002006_100000000_100002000_100-2-6 which do you prefer? :-? :-? :-?
  14. name: Chester Bread: ? :-? (i know he's got some fox terrier in him)
  15. Daiwa Megaforce Plus Casting Reels, are they any good, or should I the Daiwa Exceler Casting Reels? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
  16. What do you look for when buying a bait caster? I'm rather new to bait casters and i've only bought one (to admit, it was not a much of good one). This is what I'm looking for currently: - A good gear ration 6.2:1 or more - At lest 7 ball bearings plus 1 or more roller bearings - light wight and low profile - a line capacity of at lest 110 yards of 12 lb test And a Titanium line guide would nice. (not a necessity) Is their any other important features I should look for? By the way, I'm just using it for general LM bass fishing, and maybe some snook. I'm looking to for a price range around $80.00 to $120.00
  17. I like to Abu Garcia, but i've neaver used either, however I have been looking around fro a new reel and from what i have read, I like Abu Garcia!
  18. I like a lefty! ;D please answer poll before replying:
  19. Pflueger Trion LP Baitcasting Reel - $99.95 http://www.***.com/descpageRLCPFLUEGER-PTCR.html# Pflueger Purist Casting Reel 8 Bearing - $79.95 http://www.***.com/descpageRLCPFLUEGER-PPBCR.html Abu Garcia Pro Max Casting Reel - $79.99 http://www.***.com/descpageRLCABUGAR-AGPM.html Abu Garcia REVO S Casting Reel - $109.99 http://www.***.com/descpageRLCABUGAR-AGRS.html# Daiwa Strikeforce H Casting Reel - $49.95 http://www.***.com/descpageRLCDAIWA-TSFHC.html# Daiwa Megaforce Casting Reels - $69.95 http://www.***.com/descpageRLCDAIWA-DMF.html# Daiwa Exceler Casting Reels - $79.95 http://www.***.com/descpageRLCDAIWA-DEC.html# THANKS!!
  20. This reel has a great value (80.00) and great features is it a gimmick? This good-looking Purist Casting Reel from Pflueger offers bass anglers a great value in quality baitcasting reels. The Pflueger Purist features an incredible 8 bearing system that supports the entire drive train for smooth casting and retrieving. The Purist Casting Reel uses a graphite frame, sideplates, and line guide to keep costs and weight down. The machined aluminum spool is drilled to reduce weight but remains significantly heavier than spools on more expensive reels. This weight will reduce the reel's ability to cast or pitch extremely light lures and with the absence of a magnetic or centrifugal fine braking system this reel will do well casting heavier lures. Put one of these value-packed Pflueger Purists Casting Reels on your next spinnerbait rod for a great low cost combo. Reel Specs Pflueger Purist LP/LPL Bearings: 7+1 Line Cap: 12/100 Gear ration: 6.3:1 weight 7.8 Price: $79.95 http://www.***.com/descpageRLCPFLUEGER-PPBCR.html#
  21. You sure don't fish them much , do you ? x2!!
  22. I like stike king king spinnerbaits the best, next would be Booyah Spinnerbaits! ;D
  23. I've been doing some looking at tackle warehouse and have been seeing a lot of jerk baits (rip baits) in the fire tiger color, and was wondering how this color works for you?
  24. Which you think is best? :-? (please only answer if you have used both)
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